tirsdag 13. mars 2012

can you lie next to her and give her your heart

I realised that the reason why I slept so badly yesterday, was the heat. Through winter I usually sleep with a sweater and pajama bottoms. But last night I had to strip them all off, because I was about to have a heat-attack. Might have something to do with my duvet though. I am not complaining. Not at all. In Norway it is cold most of the time and usually a very long winter, and a long period with darkness. This makes people glum. It is true. Try putting a person in a room with daylight, and another one in a room with no light. It's science. And when spring comes, the thoughts of summer also comes along, just because it's so similar. And then the smiles appear on peoples faces. Like yesterday whilst walking home from the busstop, I spotted this man walking past me, smiling to me as if he knew me. And trust me, that is quite unusual. At least where I live.

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