søndag 3. mars 2013

favorite performances from the take me home tour

Alright, so I promised you a list of my favorite performances from the Take Me Home tour thus far. These are my own opinions, and I've not even been on a concert yet. All I have to judge from are videos. Also, before I start this long rant, I'd like to congratulate Johan Olsson (Swedish cross country skier) for an amazing race today. I know there's supposed to be rivalry between Norway and Sweden, but I often find myself cheering on the Swedish skiers too. Also, the Swedes are actually very lovely. And as Petter Northug said, Olsson deserved to win! And there's nothing better than  Alright, back to One Direction. There will be links to both videos and gif's in this post. So, I guess, if you are to click any of the links, I'd maybe mute the sound. Or, if you enjoy fangirls screaming their mouth off, it's your decision really. Also, I enjoy all the performances really. These are just a few that stands out in the crowd to me. 

Little Things. I reckon it'll be beautiful looking at the arena when this song is performed. My favorite part about this performance is Niall's solo, because I am a Niall-girl. And it's like the suspense is building up throughout the whole song, and then the screams are all over the place the moment he starts singing "you'll never love yourself ..". But then it's the bromances too. I love the duets between Liam and Zayn, and between Niall and Harry. Especially when Harry decides to blow Niall a kiss. Also, most people know the lyrics to this song, so everyone sings along. Although, I'll admit that it would be amazing if everyone shut up. Like, if One Direction decided to do an "Ed Sheeran". Like, shush everyone in the audience, and not play unless everyone shuts up. That would be amazing.

Last First Kiss.
The reason I love this performance is basically the last bit. Not that I don't like the song or anything. It's just the last part when they do this harmony, and then Zayn does the last bit in falsetto. It's just very nice. I'm very fond of harmonies - it's just lovely to listen to, isn't it? They don't do this harmony in the original song, so I was a bit taken aback when I first heard them performing it. This is a time I'd really appreciate it if everyone would shut their mouths and just listen to the lovely harmonies.

There are quite similar reasons for why I love this performance too. It is the harmonies. But it's also how they get the audience to sing along. And in this particular video I've linked to, I think Harry sings the song really lovely at 4:16-4:22. I just keep replaying it. Also, this is maybe my favorite Zayn-song? (this or More Than This). I love his solo in this song, because he sounds amazing. Amazayn. Oh yeah, I did it. Also, this song brings back many memories from the last tour. I think this song is in my top 4 favorite performances actually. I just really like harmonies (is it not obvious already?).

Rock Me.
Alright, so major disappointment first. It's not Niall that sings "I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care" when they perform. Which is a bit weird, because when I listen to the song, I'm pretty sure it is him. Course there are harmonies too, but yeah. It is Niall singing that part. I think they just changed it up a bit, so the rest of the band had something to sing too. But I love how pumped Harry gets. Also, it's hard not to like the performance when Niall is standing in his light washed jeans and a tank top that barely covers anything and his guitar. I may or may not have a wish for Niall to become a really great guitar player so he can do guitar solos with his eyes closed. Preferably in tank tops. I just really like the song, and the feeling it gives.

Over Again. This is actually a bit of a surprise for me, because I'm not too fond of the song. It's just that I find it too "Ed Sheeran", and not particularly "One Direction". It's also one of the most surprising songs on the album too - because their british (in Niall's case: irish) accents comes through. Also, Harry sings quite fast, which is weird because he talks quite slowly. Louis sings even faster. So I was surprised that they even chose this song to perform, because it's not an easy one. But they do it so incredibly close to the original, and I just like it.

Loved You First. I love this performance mostly because I love the beat. It's just a very nice song that makes me want to dance a bit. Also, in the link to this song, you'll see Liam and Niall dancing. I also love this performance because of Niall's bridge, and how he stands behind Liam just before he's about to sing. (e's such a performer). Sometimes they joke around and do like Liam: pull Niall's top off. Minor flashback here: I'm pretty sure it was Liam (and Zayn) that pulled Harry's shirt off during his WMYB solo last tour. I- what, Liam, have you become a professional "undresser"? Next time you should undress yourself.

Teenage Dirtbag. Last but not least. Defnitely not least, because this might be my favorite performance of all above. I just love how all the lads seem to let go. Even Zayn. And that's a thing I've noticed thus far in this tour. I don't think Zayn is entirely letting go of himself just yet? It's still early stages of the tour, where they usually try to do everything like planned. But the lads have already started changing lyrics, having playfights, etc. I don't know, maybe I've not observed him entirely (which makes sense, because I'm a Niall girl and mostly only have eyes for him). Also, I love Liam's falsetto. In this particular video I've linked to, he sings "come with me Nialler, don't say maybe. I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby, like you". Yeah, me too Liam. Me too. And then it's just Niall with his guitar and that damn tank top. And I just feel like he should definitely be in a rock band with Harry (I'm saying Harry, because Harry really seems to be letting go of himself during this song). Also there's bonus points for this performance because I really love the song. Makes me happy and smiley. 

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