tirsdag 22. oktober 2013

all he wants to do is party with his pretty baby

Hello! I had a really big struggle to fall asleep last night, and I ended up sleeping for just a bit under six hours. That's usually fine if it's only a day or two. But in a long-term, that's not desirable. I was just so ready to go to bed, but once I got myself in bed and had been trying to fall asleep, I thought "well, now what?". I basically ended up looking at pictures of Liam Payne surfing in Australia. It was 11:45 pm, and I thought that Liam Payne surfing will be the death of me. He get's all squinty eyed caused by the direct sunlight, and his facial hair looks really good wet and I keep forgetting that Liam has these really nice muscles and whatnot. Oh well, I managed to fall asleep in the end. Waking up at 5:45 am might hurt, but I could have awoken much later. It's just that I like having a bit of time for myself. I'd rather have a relaxing morning than a stressful one. It's the little things isn't it? When I woke up I felt a bit dead, but thought to myself that this would be a good day. And I even got a seat on the train into school today. That almost made my day completely. That and the fact that the bus driver seemed really lovely. Anyway, after school today I decided to go to an exhibition. It's called "Behind The Green Door", which is an exhibition, which "explores ‘sustainability’ in architecture and city planning almost 30 years after the Brundtland Commission first launched the term. Instead of taking a position on what is and isn’t sustainable, Rotor wish to look at how projects and products refer to the term to present themselves". I was surprised to realise that I already knew a lot about "sustainability" in architecture. It's kind of become a trend within architecture-- to produce something environment friendly, and since I've been watching Grand Designs with Kevin McCloud, I've been watching a lot of new environment friendly technology within construction. Also, I learned a lot about it in "high school". But yes, this was a thing I've been wanting to do for a bit since I'm both a fan of the environment and architecture. And seeing as I was close by, why not? I think it's very important to do thing you want to do. This sound like the obvious solution, but things like going to an exhibition you want to see, or a movie you've been yearning to watch, or go to a restaurant by yourself in order to eat your favorite meal-- it's the kind of thing that requires company. Society says so, says it's lonely without. But remember that society isn't always right, and the norms of the society is only based on what the majority wants and needs. In other words, fuck what society says. It's so easy to choose the safe thing, to make excuses to why you shouldn't do whatever you want. So yes, do things you want to. Oh my god, my horoscope knows me so well, haha: "your friends and associates may see you as cool and calm today, but unbeknownst to them your fantasies are running wild. In fact, your inner world could feel so intense now that you withdraw a bit from your interactions with others. Ironically, this is exactly why everyone thinks you are more serene than you really feel". This describes me so well, not just today, but every day. Whenever I've had a presentation or anything school-related that means I'll have to stand in front of people and talk, I get really nervous. And inside it feels like I'm shaking and staggering. And once it's over, I still feel jittery. It's like I've built up all this nervousness to last me an hour. So naturally, each time I have a presentation, I always think it's going to be shit. But in my life I've only had people tell me "you're so calm and collected! How do you do it?". Which makes me go "what the hell are you talking about?". The mysteries of life. I'm going do to a bit of reading, and then watch a film. I've not got school until Friday, so who knows what I might get up to. 

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