torsdag 17. oktober 2013

our love was made for movie screens

Oh my goodness, I've just been looking through old pictures of the last year, and it's made me a bit emotional. A year passes by so quickly, so it's always nice to have my pictures to look through. It's a bit like a summary of my life, isn't it? I'm soon off to my last day in "praksis", and I am both excited and sad at the same time. I went to bed at 10:30 pm last night, because I could feel myself dozing off at 9:00 pm! But that was a bit too early for my liking. Though it was an early night, I found myself waking up several times during the night. At 2:30 am I thought for sure that it was already 6:00 am. Oh well. I think I'm going to spend the weekend with friends. If someone will actually want to spend time with me, that is. If you're a friend of mine, could you please tell me if you'd like that? Ta! It was a bit funny yesterday when J.D. went to go home, seeing as he quit earlier than me. And he was like "well, I'm not going to be here tomorrow, because I've got my real job, so I'm going to be here on Friday instead. I guess this will be the last time we'll be together here then..". And I had to stifle my laugh, because: "Erm, J.D. are you trying to say goodbye? You do know we're in the same class and we'll see each other on Tuesday? In fact we'll probably have to see each other for the rest of the school year". He just sounded so dramatic and it was kind of hilarious, but also a bit endearing, because we've both loved being at the "praksis", if not him more than me. Oh dear, I've gotten a bit lost now. It’s like I've forgotten how to write, how to put words together like a puzzle. I read back on older writings and I think was that me? I don’t know how to do things anymore. It’s like they've been erased from my mind. Like my creator decided to give me a lobotomy, and changed everything within my brain. 

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