onsdag 23. oktober 2013

lay a whisper on my pillow, leave the winter on the ground

Did you know that unfamiliar sounds will wake us? That you'll sleep through the sounds you're used to-- the sound of cars driving past your house and the sound of your family waking up. But once it's something your brain perceive as something unfamiliar, you wake up. That's the reason why I'll usually wake up early whenever I sleep over at Marble, because there's the sound of dogs barking and birds chirping. Something I'm not used to. I'm reading about our conscience, because it's really interesting. To me it is, I guess. After having read the fan fiction inspired by Pretty Woman, I decided to watch the film as it is one of my all-time favorites. I wish I could remember when I saw it the first time, but all I can remember is that I loved so much. It's a proper Hollywood movie, but it's good nevertheless. Now I'm probably going to go on a 90s and 80s music roll. Listen to your heart when he's calling for you! (ten points to the one who guesses the song). I'm still a bit hung up on the past. Like, we have loads of VCRs and I'd love to find a VCR player. I don't care if the quality is significantly worse-- it's more about the memories, isn't it? I also have an itch to watch old Disney movies, so I might just do that today. The weather outside seems really dull, but it's warmer than it's been for days, so I might head to the mall later (meaning the grocery store to inspect food). I've been watching this tree outside my window progress throughout the seasons, and now it's almost emptied for yellow leaves. It's so sad, because this is the part about autumn I really don't like-- when the trees are all bare and naked, waiting for the winter to cover them. Oh well, nothing I can do about autumn, I can only change my own perception of autumn. Alright, have a really nice Wednesday, learn something new, and appreciate life. You know, the usual thing. 

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