tirsdag 29. oktober 2013

running after you is like chasing the clouds

Hello, hi! Yes, where should I start? When I got back home on Sunday, it felt like I'd been gone for a week. Not just for the weekend. I guess it's because of all the stress and the packed schedule we had everyday. It makes me anxious about my Lynx' wedding, which I think will be so stressful. I'll probably get loads of tasks, and course I'll help, but it'll still be very stressful. On Friday, after arriving and eating food, I sat down in the sofa in order to listen to the new 1D single, Story Of My Life. Volla mouthed "what are you doing?" because I was basically gaping and staring at air. I was pleasantly surprised by the song, as I really do love it. It's actually my type of music, which is a really big turn around from Best Song Ever, which is nothing like my music style. Even Monchita liked the song, which really does mean it's good. My favorite part is when Zayn sings "running after you is like chasing the clouds", because his voice is just heavenly. Like, when he sings "the clouds" it gives me shivers. The birthday celebration for David was set on Saturday, and it was a lot that had to be done. And basically, I spent two hours surrounded by children between 2 weeks old to 4 years old. I do like babies, but I'm just not so fond of loads at one time. And then, without a pause we had a celebration for the family as well, so the whole lot of Grepper's family came. And I realised that I spend more time with his family than my own relatives. I'm just really glad I genuinely like all of them. Later that evening, we decided to watch The Lone Ranger, and I must admit that I really liked it, despite almost dozing off a few times. I rarely fall asleep during a movie, but I was just so bloody tired of not having slept enough and the birthday celebration. My mum went to bed before we started the movie, and Grepper went to bed in the midst of the movie. The rest of us watched the whole thing. On Sunday, a few of the friends of my sisters came over to eat leftovers and chat with their children. I didn't realise they were coming that early, so we were basically just finished eating our breakfast before we heard the bell ring. Also, Monchita, Volla and I decided to make Lynx and Grepper a romantic breakfast in the loft. Whilst they were eating and getting ready for the day, the rest of us held the guests with company. I got to hold my sisters best friend's baby for a long while, and it was so nice holding a baby that doesn't know how to sit properly. She's nine months, and it made me really sad about how David is growing like a wildfire. Which is also why I'm mostly bitter about losing all my pictures and videos on my iPhone. I've got so many videos of David growing up, and now they're gone forever. Anyway, we also changed the diaper to the 2 week old baby, who was perhaps the most silent baby I've ever met. And I hung out with a three year old, which was nice-- someone who'll actually speak back to you in not-baby-gibberish. Anyway, after the visitors left, Lynx, Monchita and I went to the hair salon to get our hair cut. I've cut about five centimeters, because my roots were really dry. And when it comes to hair, I don't think it's wise to keep hair that's damaged. I prefer quality to quantity when it comes to hair. Besides, I'd been aching for a bit shorter hair for a while. Shortly after having a haircut, we went to the airport. And it was nice being there early for once, because when you get in a bit late, you'll never find any seating. The airplane was right on time, and the plane was actually stuffed. Only one vacant seat. When I got home, I was greeted with a package with my name on it, and I realised what it was within a few seconds. Kiwi's made me a new playlist that I've named "No Name", since she told me to name it myself. The name is actually from a song called No Name by Ryan O'Shaugnessy, which is pretty sweet. I didn't listen to it on Sunday because I was too busy screwing up my iPhone and iTunes. Fell asleep at 2:00 am, and skipped most of my lectures. But hey, for about one minute, or two, the kilo-gang was actually all gathered for the first time in a long while. Filli and I started on the paper that we've got together. We've decided to be really effective, and well, the plan was to finish our own parts for ourselves, and then meet up today and do last finishes. I was actually not procrastinating after school yesterday, but I was fixing my iTunes, and it took a lot more time than expected, which means I sat with the paper until 1:30 am. Didn't fall asleep until 2:00 am. I considered skipping the lectures today as well, but I figured I should attend it because I skipped yesterdays. So yes, I had four hours sleep, and it's barely enough. After my lectures I also had to meet up with my study group and teacher. And seriously, it was so boring. And that's not a good mix with tiredness. After that meeting, and after fixing the paper with Filli, I went to a cafe with Sugar, Kiwi and Kiwi's friend. Although I felt like dozing off 50% of the time, I had a really great time just chatting. We were there about two hours (more or less) before we decided to carry on. Kiwi insisted on a photo shoot in the park, and it's not like I'm ever going to say no to that. We went down Karl Johans Gate to look for a scarf for Sugar. Our search was sadly not successful, but I got my make-up done in a MAC cosmetics stand. It was really nice. I always enjoy people doing either my hair or my make-up. It's really relaxing and therapeutic. I didn't leave empty handed, and if I actually can get my arse to do it, I'll take pictures of what I bought soon. So yes, that's what I've been doing the past few days. I've had so little time to actually blog about it, I've not even had time to write a birthday card to Volla who turns 28 today! She'll just have to receive her card a few days late. I'm not sure if I can write it today either. That's how tired I am. I'm supposed to edit the paper as well, but I think I actually have to get an early night today. I'm just really really knackered, and I'm surprised I've survived today this well. 

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