tirsdag 12. august 2014

all I want is nothing more than to see your face at my door

Hello, how are ya? I'm currently sat at the dining table, trying to write my own Dublin diary because I'm scared to forget anything. My sister's dog is sat on my lap because he's really needy and wants TLC most of the time (he's such a baby, that dog). I got home around 2:00 am yesterday after a really long day. It was topped off with observing a car crash, and I had to call the emergency people. I've no idea how it went, but hopefully it went alright. I had this muffin which I bought at Marks & Spencer's yesterday, and a cuppa for my brekkie. And look at my newest mug! Isn't it wonderfully touristy? I am in love with all of the Irish merchandise I bought during this trip. I don't care if it's tacky, I just want to show my love for Ireland (which is a lot). Agh, I'm just so sad that I'm home and no longer in Dublin. The thought of going home was making me quite emotional the last days of our Dublin adventure. I will probably write more about our adventures soon. Just have to make peace with the fact that I'm home and have to start school in a few days (didn't exactly help getting an e-mail with cheap plane ticket offers, one of which was to Dublin). I've unpacked most of my things, I've washed my make-up brushes, washed my shoes, been wailing in my own sadness, etcetera. Despite sleeping until 11:30 am this morning, I've been feeling tired throughout the day. So I might go to bed early today. I mean, I can understand my tiredness because the Dublin-trip was quite full-on. Right, I'm going to eat now. And then maybe let myself go through Tumblr. Oh dear. 

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