lørdag 23. august 2014

this is pouring rain, this is paralyzed

I woke up to the sound of rain this morning, went to relieve my bladder before I went to sleep again. The alarm went at 8:30 am, but I stayed in bed chilling just because I could. It feels very much like autumn, because it's getting colder and the rain seems never ending. The tree outside my window is still mostly green though. Only a few patches of yellow. I did half of the things I wanted to finish yesterday. But you know, I'm always falling behind these days. I thought that I had finally finished my disposable camera, but I've still got one or two shots? I can't wait to put the images in my new photo album from Muji. Yesterday as I was going to school, there were a lot of people who smiled at me. I find that very unusual, and I was paranoid that I had something on my face. But I think the real reason behind it, is that I've taken an effort to try smile at people, or at least look at people. It is an effort, seeing as I don't really enjoy engaging in eye contact with people. Oh well. I've got work today, which isn't very tempting today, seeing as I'd rather spend my time reading as lame as that sounds. But I think it'll be nice to see my patients again, see how they're all doing. Maybe it'll bring me a bit of peace, as my body and brain seems to run on overdrive these days. Onto another subject-- I had a dream of trying to save a person from getting sucked into quicksand (though it's not really how it works), then getting sucked into it myself. I also dreamed about going out on the town with some very old friends from my childhood, and it was really fun! It's raining heavily again now, so I've decided to open the window and listen to some Bon Iver. How very typical. I am going to finish writing notes for school, and then I have to start getting ready for work soon. Have a nice Saturday! 

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