søndag 17. august 2014

it cut me sharp, hearing you'd gone away

Good evening! I don't think I've ever shared this picture before, but it's from back in June after the One Direction concert in Sweden. We were walking slowly, but surely over a bridge and the sun had been setting. Was just looking through my folder of pictures from this Summer, because it feels like the summer weather just disappeared all of a sudden. Oh well. I woke up a few times this morning, once due to a strange dream. The second time because my sister's dog once again managed to open my bedroom door and jumped up in my bed. The third time was when my alarm went, and the fourth time was when my dad was calling us down for breakfast. I slept approximately two hours more than I was supposed to, so I've slept about ten hours. Sleeping more than I need doesn't make me feel more rested, rather more tired. My dad had made a rather large breakfast, so I went into a little food-coma afterwards. Decided to indulge myself and read fan fiction in bed whilst sporadically petting my sister's dog because he was whining for attention. When the time was around 2:00 pm, I finally finished the fan fiction and decided to do some proper reading (curriculum). But it was cut short because my sister's dog was whining. So I went for a walk/jog with him that lasted between 75-90 minutes. The jogging part was unintentional despite my workout gear. It started raining quite a bit at the end, so I ran the last part home, to avoid getting completely drenched. It didn't work very well, but it was fine because I was planning on showering the dog anyway. I think the walk/jog tired him out, because he's not whined once since we got home. I did my exercise routine, and had a shower  before I started reading again. I'm trying to get into exercise-mode again, because my exercise has been suffering during summer due to a lot of different things. But goodness, it's really tiresome exercising. I'm going to try to work more yoga into my exercising. Anyway, I'm going to eat and have a break from studying now. And then I'll carry on for a bit before bed. Ugh, this weekend passed too quickly. Oh well, nothing you can do really. I'm not looking forward to waking up early tomorrow, and the early train stuffed with people. Bah! But it's good. Another day, another adventure. 

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