fredag 15. august 2014

there were holes in you, the kind that I could not mend

We left for Dublin one week and one day ago, and I think I've finally recovered from the trip. I've been so tired the past few days, and it doesn't really surprise me, when our days were full-packed and without much sleep. I'm still very sad about not being in Dublin anymore (and god how I miss listening to the different Irish accents), but today was the first day I was glad for school to start. We had the funniest (not intentionally funny, I think) lecturers today. So, despite sitting inside for six hours, I had such a laugh. Sometimes it felt like watching two comedians instead of two lecturers, so that really made my day. With school starting again, it's like someone awoke me from a dream. It's back to reality, and I've got a list of all the things I should do, and then I'll see what I actually do. I've managed to cross off one thing on my list. That's not very satisfying when your list is long. My sister's dog has been very needy as always, and I got a snapchat from my sister this morning-- he was sleeping in my bed. It wouldn't really have been a problem if he didn't stink as much as he does. Due to my long list of things to do, I am actually going to spend my day at school tomorrow. It sounds a bit strange, especially since I spent my last Saturday out on the town in Dublin. But it's sort of the one thing I've been looking forward to-- spending time at school and getting things done. It's just boosting for your feel of accomplishment (only when you actually get things done, though). Anyway, the books that I didn't finish reading this summer must go back to the library, because there's no way I'm going to start any new books in the midst of my studies. Today was spent at school, walking the dog, eating, catching up on Youtube and folding clothes. Once I unpacked from Dublin, I just threw all of my clothes to be washed. So today I had a bunch of clothes waiting to be folded and put back in my wardrobe. Which means I finally have clothes again, ha. Right, I ought to go to bed now. See ya x. 

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