torsdag 21. august 2014

I don't ever ask you where you've been. And I don't feel the need to know who you're with

Kiwi and I went to the Operahouse in Oslo today, and once we got to the top (second picture), I said "I feel a bit like we've reached heaven". We went there because we had some time to kill before the bus to IKEA would arrive. So we chilled out at the top for a bit until a wasp that was seemingly stalking us reappeared. There's only so much someone can take of a constant buzzing wasp. Anyway, the weather was quite gorgeous, and it was so warm. We had one really good lecture today, and one more average. I skipped the last hour of the last lecture because I wouldn't have gained anything, trying to sit through another hour and not being able to concentrate on whatever she was telling us. It is a shame, but it's hard sitting through hours upon hours with lectures. And especially since the whole week has been like this. Oh well. Kiwi, Marble and I went to IKEA and we had dinner first to get some kind of energy back in our bodies. Then we got ourselves a trolley and dumped all our things in it. I ended up buying two things, which were both actually needed. When I got home, I went to the post office to get two new school books, and I wasn't home until 6:30 pm probably. Now I've finished exercising (whilst listening to Justin Bieber), eaten spring rolls, done some school work, cleaned my bedroom for scattered clothing. Today is my brother's birthday, but since Lynx and co were leaving this morning, we had a little celebration yesterday. It was genuinely one of my very favourite days in a long time. It was very nice spending time with my family, and Grepper and I had great banter. During the night, we were talking about a certain judge in Norwegian Idol. I asked Grepper "what is his background in music, really?". Grepper responded with a very fulfilling answer, in which I asked him: "wow, how do you even know that much about him?". Grepper said he kept updated, then spluttered a bit really. "I read the news, you know". His reaction to my question was really funny, because I think he became aware of the fact that yes, he really does know a lot about this certain judge. I got a lot of hugs from my nephew, and now he gives these proper hugs as well. He's well chatty, and isn't afraid to insult anyone. Lols. Unintentionally, that is. It was a good night, yesterday. Admittedly it was pretty sad to come home to a house empty for Lynx and co. Including their dog who usually will come running to sniff you and say "hello". During the lecture today, I suddenly realised that I didn't say goodbye to the dog this morning, which made me a bit sad. For a minute, I was tempted to pet my belieber friend's hair. Oh well, I'll see them later this autumn. I am currently obsessed with A Little Bit of Your Heart by Ariana Grande. Admittedly I read that Harry Styles wrote the song for her, and I read the lyrics before I heard the song. I really fell for the lyrics, because it's a bit angst-y and sad. I'm not usually that fond of Ariana Grande because her voice can become a bit too much for me. Especially since I have a habit of listening to a song on repeat for days. I reckon I'll probably get tired of it soon, but you know I'm a sucker for some good lyrics. I've got another day of school tomorrow. And I've got so much to read up on. It's stressing me out, the feeling of not having any time when I'm supposed to do so much. But the thing is, realistically, I'm probably not going to be able to do all I want within the end of this weekend. We set ourselves up for disappointment a lot of the time. The truth is, that most likely I'll be fine by the end of my new "praksis". So I'm not really that worried. Right- I am going to bed shortly, because I'm really knackered. 

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