søndag 17. juli 2016

I don't wanna die, but I ain't keen on living either

I've been listening to music from the 00's and it's such a funny trip down memory lane. Marble and I went on an adventure today. She somehow convinced me to get the Pokemon Go app, so we were standing outside our decided destination and just playing. I don't really understand anything, but I caught one Pokemon, and then I decided I'd had enough. Our decided destination today was a museum. We went inside and looked at contemporary art. And then, when our tummies were rumbling, we went to sit down at the cafe. Marble had chicken salad, and I had chicken sandwich. It was really good, and the staff were really nice. I kind of wanted cake, but I was too full after my sandwich. So we went on, walked across town, walked through what seemed like a market. Then I brought Marble with me to an area of town that seems like a mini-town. I've brought a few friends there before, and she hadn't been, so we figured we'd go. We walked to a park and watched people dance, before we went to a creperie. I didn't get cake, so I figured I'd go for some crepe. I'm currently at home, slightly sleepy. I woke up early because of my plans with Marble, and I didn't have the best sleep. I think my shift at work was too calm, didn't take much of my energy. Maybe that's why I didn't sleep properly. Anyway, this morning I made time for a shower and time to clean my bedroom. Mother informed me that Lynx and my nephews will arrive tomorrow. I did have a missed Facetime-call from her yesterday, but didn't think much of it. They leave on Thursday, which is good timing, because Ale arrives on Wednesday. She leaves on Sunday, then Gemma arrives on the Monday after. "Perfectly timed," Marble commented. I'm spending the rest of my evening doing things that need to be done. Would be better if they were done last week really. I'm hoping to end the night with some sort of relaxing yoga. That would be great. 

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