fredag 15. juli 2016

We were young, we were side by side. Don't know when we started losing touch

Yesterday I spent some time with Oyster, we caught up, then I watched her play Pokemon go. She showed me a video of Casey Neistat's, where he explores the Pokemon go craziness in New York. It seems like literally everyone's playing it. It hasn't yet been released in Europe, but Oyster worked her magic, and she was playing it yesterday. It was hilarious, because she wasn't the only one. We went to the mall, and I got all of the things I wanted to get. Including a dress I spotted when I was tagging along with my belieber friend trying to find a white dress. I tried it on yesterday, and I really liked it, but I couldn't justify buying it, because there's no reason for me to get it apart from simply wanting it. So I was about to leave the store without it, but Oyster bought it for me, because she's my new sugarmama. I left Oyster for her friend then, so they could carry on play Pokemon go. I wanted to go home and sort out my pictures. I bought three photoalbums (Oyster and I overheard a man trying to compliment a lady.. it wasn't great to say it mildly). It wasn't until ten pm yesterday before I was done putting on the dates on all the 600 pictures and putting them in the photoalbums. Then I realised I didn't have any space for all the photoalbums. It seems like I've accumulated a lot of crap for the past whatever- which meant I had to do an impromptu clean-out. I only cleaned out some old books, curriculum that I didn't want to keep my hands on anymore. I need to do a clean-out in my wardrobe as well, but it'll have to wait for another day off. I've got work today and tomorrow, then I've got two days off. Yay. It feels like it's been ages since I've had any time off (apart from yesterday), but I guess I just became so used to have all the time to myself when I wasn't working. It's becoming clear to me that I haven't got much time left until my belieber friend and Darren is getting wed, and I've not really thought of my own appearance apart from the dress and shoes. So I need to get that sorted. Also need to get my life sorted, take my last vaccine, figure out if I want to go on a holiday, etc. You know, life. Oh well, I ought to go get ready for work. It's pretty great weather outside, which is very nice when I'll be spending the rest of the day inside. 

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