lørdag 16. juli 2016

so tell me when you're gonna let me in, I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

There's a package waiting for me at the post office, and I'm itching to go get it. However, that would mean to step out of the house earlier than I want to, and bring the parcel with me to work. I think I'd rather wait until Monday. It'll be a nice way to start my week, I suppose. Work yesterday was slow, calm. I'm hoping it'll be the same today. And at last, I've got two days off --when I get off my shift tonight. I did have last weekend off as well, but that was mostly work in terms of planning and executing a hen do. This time I get to relax properly. Although I might have plans with Marble tomorrow, and who knows what that'll involve. Also, I do have quite a few things I need to get done pronto. So maybe it wont be that relaxing. However, I've got most of the next week off, and I'm going to spend most of that time with Ale and Marble probably. For now I'm going to continue reading my current fan fiction, then start getting ready for work. There's a lot of things going on around in the world, tough and heartbreaking things. I am not one to go look for the news, mostly only read news when I'm on the train. And I don't think there's anything wrong in wanting to protect your own mental health. It's not healthy to be met with media showing you the violent pictures all the time, so it's okay to take a break. That doesn't mean to be ignorant, to not be aware. It's been a tough year. 

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