tirsdag 12. juli 2016

once in a while, I ask myself what am I doing?

I just watched a short trailer for a movie called Lights Out. I think the line is "everyone's scared of the dark". Made my heart beat faster, that's for sure. Strangely, though, I think I'd quite like to watch it. I woke up at 8 am, slept for half an hour more, then I finished reading a chapter of a Harry Potter fan fiction. Sadly it's not finished, so I need to wait for updates. I've been following the author on Tumblr for years, and she's really good at writing heartwarming and really funny fics without any trace of trying. I would gladly read any book of hers. My Tumblr dashboard was filled with new pictures of Niall and what seems to be his new girlfriend (her name is Celine). It made me really happy, because in the six years of him being in One Direction, he never once went public with any of his relationships, so we don't even really know what was relationships or friendships. We've only ever seen him smooching on his girlfriend from before One Direction. So it's safe to say he's a private person. So imagine all of the Niall fans being shocked when they saw pictures of Niall actually kissing someone in public?? All of the people I follow on Tumblr are like "yayyyyy, we've been waiting for this for all eternity". I remember that occasionally there'll be a post being like "ah, imagine how cute boyfriend-Niall would be". And yeah, he's pretty cute-- they're pretty cute. They look happy, and I hope they are. I've gone into "mother of One Direction"-mode. Ah, my cherub babies. Right.. missing One Direction? Whatever do you mean? I was correct in thinking that yesterday's shift at work would be hectic. I sent home three patients, welcomed three new ones. It's the college I was working with. "Each time we're working together, I get new patients," I jokingly complained to her. We managed pretty great, I think, considering all the work. Due to illness I might have to work an evening shift on Wednesday instead of a day shift, which means I'll have to work five evening shifts this week. It's not horrible, but if I could I'd rather avoid it. Today awaits another evening shift, and I'm hoping it'll be less hectic, but you never know. My zit and I are going to chill in the bed until I need to get ready, I think. Feeling a bit sleepy, so I might even go for a nap. I want to say that I'm sad that this is my life at the mo, spending my days preparing for work, taking naps in the middle of the day. But I am reminded then, life cannot be a constant high. Oh my god, was just reading a fan fic on the ol' computer. I'm listening to music in the background, but I was so soaked up in the fic, that I didn't notice that the music stopped. It wasn't until it started again that I got confused, because I was thinking "where does this strange sound come from?". And then I realised it was my music. (rolling my eyes at myself). 

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