onsdag 2. november 2016

You won't let go, you won't give in till every part of you is suffering. It's the strangest thing, it's deliberate. Done with intent, without repent.

You don't get a lot of space in a hand luggage, in this case it'll mean less shopping, which is an aspect my wallet is pleased by. Although, even if my luggage looks quite full in the picture above, there is a bit of space. The planning of the meetup is still going strong, and I think I've finally managed to get a proper answer from each and everyone as to which day will suit them best. I do, however, need to find a restaurant. I am and was counting on a suggestion from one of the others, but so far everyone's kept mum, which is great. Thanks you guys. My problem is the amount of people we are, because usually you have to book a table when you pass a certain amount of people. So who knows, I might have to do that tomorrow. You know what? I just realised this is like leading a group project, where pretty much all of the group members are lazy fucks. I finished the lengthy Star Trek fan fiction yesterday, and I was surprised by the feeling of reading something akin a script to a movie. I really did think death was inevitable at the end there. I was going to do last minute errands today, but I failed that, so now I have to do it in the morning. It's fine. Since yesterday, I have been trying to focus on doing one thing at a time. I just have an awful habit of multitasking, so it's not so weird I felt a bit overwhelmed with sensory overload yesterday. I do feel pretty successful, so I'm happy with myself for that. You go glen coco, for working on yer flaws! 

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