søndag 7. januar 2018

the rain is fallin' on my window pane, but we are hidin' in a safer place

Before Christmas I stumbled upon a jacket whilst doing my Christmas shopping. It was love at first sight, but as I had decided to not buy more jackets for the year, I didn't even try it on. Pretty sure I told my belieber friend about it, calling it a fleece jacket rather than a teddy jacket. If anything, I am a sucker for comfort. For the past few years I've been trying to buy clothing in which looks appropriate for donning outside in the world, but are hella comfy. It's not easy-- for the moment I am looking for a skirt that'll tick my boxes of looking great, but at the same time doesn't compromise in comfort. Have to say that I broke my own promise of not buying another jacket before the new year, but I'm not mad about it. It feels well-made, it's really warm and isolating, and it's my favourite colour. Sleep hasn't been very easy this past week, and trying to fall asleep earlier has somehow made me wake up in the middle of the night, bright awake until I tire enough to fall asleep again. I had an alarm this morning, but by then I had barely fallen asleep again after being awake, so I just turned it off and woke up at noon. At least last nights shift was mostly calm. That being said, I still went overtime, which was quite annoying. It was my one goal to leave work on time. I've been cleaning today, and I'm supposed to prepare a few things before the new week starts, and school is on again. However, I think I'm going to prioritise exercise, as I could do with waking up a bit more. Also, I think I've started falling in love with exercise again. And I know that I need to take advantage of that. 

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