fredag 12. september 2014

hello love, for you I have so many words

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I woke up just in time to be locked in for The Breakfast Show with Grimmy. I've not listened to the very start of his show live for ages. I forget sometimes how much I enjoy waking up to listen to the show, because the banter between the crew is just so bloody good. Yesterday evening I took down the One Direction poster off from the back of my door, and it felt a bit like a symbol of something. Mostly it's just because it's two years old. But it also feels like my obsession with them is slowly fading, which it probably is. That won't stop me from buying their albums and attending their concerts, though. Ah, who knows, maybe I'll love them forever. I've basically spent the morning reading curriculum and doing school work. It's also what I'm currently doing now. Though it feels like I've been a good student the past few weeks, I haven't been that good. Mostly I've just focused on reading for my exam, and therefore not been good at reading for "praksis". I've never felt so unorganised either, haven't had a clue about all the papers I'm supposed to write. But that's mostly because of my teacher from school. She had to cancel the last weeks meeting, and then she doesn't have access to our school information platform, so we've not been able to get much information from her. I am supposed to write a paper of sorts now, and I'm just completely blank. Can't remember how to write something that's not a blogpost. Ah, forgot how hard it can be sometimes. Oh well, I'm sure I'll come up with something, because I've not got time to postpone it. Today is the day of Ale's arrival. And so I told my dad she was coming today, because despite telling my mum a week ago, I've not trusted her to remember to tell anyone. I think my dad mistook me for saying a guy's name, and he said: "and you're sleeping in your bedroom, then?" with a sceptical face. Once I understood his scepticism, I corrected him, and had a laugh. It's a bit like when Oyster straight out asked me if I had a boyfriend. I spluttered, because what on earth would make her think that? One of the first questions Ale asks me each time we speak, is how it's going with my love life. Honestly think maybe I should just get a t-shirt printed with "I've not got a love life" or "I've not got anyone special in my life, unless you mean chocolate biscuits". Anyway, I'm really looking forward for tomorrow, because Marble, Ale and I will be gallivanting through the city, doing random things, being cultural. A few of the things we will be doing, are things I've been wanting to do for a while to be honest. It's going to be an ace day, which it always is with the two lovely girls. Also, can't wait to watch the X Factor UK. I've honestly rewatched the two first episodes twice, that's how much I like it. Anyway, it's nearly 6:00 pm, which means I should have written my paper two hours ago. Have a nice evening. Hopefully you'll have an ace day. 

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