tirsdag 2. september 2014

When the evening pulls the sun down, and the day is almost through, the whole world it is sleeping. But my world is you.

Came home from Dublin with these beauty products. Realised I now (almost) have a full Borjours kit. Spent my morning rewatching an interview of Niall and Liam promoting their new perfume. Then I spent some time annoyed at Niall for tweeting about their new album, because he must write when. Someone send me new music please, ha. On my way to "praksis" today I kept up the "be in the moment" thing. "I am breathing fresh air. I am at the hospital". Almost passed out at "praksis" today because of too much blood involved due to minor surgeries. Gah, frustrating stuff. Got home and got rid of a huge weight off my shoulders (metaphor, don't actually walk around with weights on my shoulders). Went to the grocery store and bought nine items for about ten pounds (yes! #studentlife). Did I mention that I've got a big purple bruise on my thigh (one of which I actually know the cause of)? Also, did I mention that I got stung by a wasp? I felt a sudden sting on my heel, but I didn't think much of it. But then I felt this burning sensation that was a bit too familiar. I was sat on the couch watching television, when I started jumping up and down and shouting "why me? What did I ever do to you?". My mum thought I had gone crazy. I was jumping to divert myself from thinking of the pain. Last time I was stung, I was bicycling home, and therefore I didn't really feel that much pain. But this time it singed for a long time. I'm probably going to develop a phobia against wasps. Oh well, life goes on. I am going to do something that I categorise as an "adult" thing, and am therefore not excited. Then I am going to read curriculum. Definitely feel like I have an eventful life today. Nah, life is good. And it's September, which means it's three months until December, which means Christmas is around the corner. Can't wait to start listening to Christmas music! 

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