mandag 6. mars 2017

how did I know what you're thinking, maybe I thought it before

And then there were new shoes. I've been thinking of purchasing new casual shoes for awhile. My black Converse are old and battered. They'll still be used, I'm sure. However, I wanted to give Vans a go this time around. I've never tried the brand before, and I really enjoy the look of the old school ones. I went to try them on in store, seeing as I hadn't tried shoes by them before. Sizing does vary between brands, I find. And it's such a disappointment to order shoes home, only to find that the sizing is incorrect. As it's still snow outside, these shoes will have to wait for awhile. Regardless, I'm stoked. I also bought myself new bedsheet-- the things I treat myself with, huh. I've spent a bit of money today, considering I also bought plane tickets to visit Ale and Monchita in a week and something. I finished watching PR s7 today, and I've genuinely forgotten about the winner, so it was nerve wrecking to watch. It's kinda fun to have fallen back into PR, because I was really attentive to details to clothing when I was in the mall today. I had to stop by the grocery store today, didn't have any choice. It's been really windy today, like really cold wind. And then my nose has been running like a waterfall, sometimes I'd just bend my head a bit, and my nose would run like I opened a faucet. In addition to a runny nose, I just feel a bit off. It almost feels like my period is starting, but that would be too early. And it's never early. However, I do know my PMS is about to start, so maybe it's just that. Regardless, all of these factors together made me want to just lie in bed today, and not get out of the house. But since it was unavoidable, I pushed myself out the door. And I ended up with shoes amongst all of the things. I've got work tomorrow morning, which I'm dreading. Both because I'm sure it'll be busy, but also because it's going to be hella cold tomorrow. I feel like I've worked a lot more lately, so I've consciously decided to work less this week. I've just updated myself with a bit of One Direction. In just a bit, Liam will be the second dad in the group, which is kinda crazy. Hopefully he'll take to it well, and hopefully they'll be just as good at keeping the baby out of the media, as they've done with the pregnancy. I'm saying that because Louis has been a lot in the limelight, a lot of it because the mother of the baby has chosen to. Apparently Louis and Eleanor has gotten back together, which makes me genuinely happy. I've always though of them as a better version of Rachel and Ross. Recently they were involved in some drama at the airport, and Louis was supposedly put in jail due to attacking a pap? I've watched the video where the pap falls over (can't really see him getting hit by Louis, but he does kinda get tripped over by him), and where Eleanor is attacked by some girl. It's all pretty gob smacking, and I'm not rushing to defend Louis for doing what he does. However, I would without doubt be plenty aggravated if a pap would get really close to my partner, taking pictures of them, when you're asking for them to not do it. Especially considering Eleanor isn't even a public person. And then she gets attacked by a girl. What the everloving fuck is going on with the world. Louis then goes to remove the girl off of Eleanor, and then the security is separating all three of them. Both Louis and the girl ends up on the floor-ish, and now the girl is supposedly pressing charges. I don't know. I just know that I would probably have reacted similarly to Louis. I hope they're all okay. Harry I've no idea where is, or what he's up to. I've heard that he's working on his solo music, but I've not seen any evidence of it, so I'm not sure if it's just rumours. Niall, I see on Snapchat quite frequently, and it weirds me out seeing his Snapchat stories. He's always been "Niall Horan" to me, but seeing him snapping his outfits now and then, when he's out with his pals, his food. It's all so normal, it feels like watching a friend's Snapchat story. It makes him more of a real person to me. I am looking forward to them actually publishing their music. I'm hoping for Niall to do a somewhat intimate tour. It's been ages since I've been to a concert, so I'm kinda itching to see someone live soon. 

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