torsdag 30. mars 2017

I can't fall in love without you, so please don't fall in love without me

It's feels like it's been ages already, but I am still forlorn about Please Like Me. It's also troublesome for me that the fanbase is sort of small, and I haven't seen any fan fiction. However will I be able to live on without fan fiction if I can't have the real deal either? I think that I just have to re-watch the whole thing again. Maybe that's the only way for me to quit being so bloody forlorn. I actually ended up finishing reading my book yesterday. I did postpone it a bit, so I wasn't done until midnight, which wasn't the best decision. I had to get up early today, and I can't really ever guarantee that I sleep through the night. I didn't, so I ended up with 4 1/2 hours of sleep. The book is called Unwind by Neal Shusterman, which is a part of a dystology. I am not really one for dystopia, especially not when it's too exaggerated. I do think that Unwind was a good read-- it's an interesting plot, which is what sold me in the first place. I was just walking through the book store and picked up the book to read what it was about. I practically read the whole book in one go really, and you can't help but become fond of the characters. There was a part in which gave chills in a bad way, and I thought of that strange chill when I walked into the morgue for the first time today. I've never been, and hands down, I've never felt quite like that despite how many morgues I've seen on television. Gah, anyway, I'll probably go borrow the next book in the series tomorrow. I picked up a parcel at the post office today, and it was my new gym gear. I got myself a new sportsbra, tights and a thin headband. The latter I borrowed when I was at Monchita's, and we hiked up the mountain. And I just realised it was a mistake on my part to not own a thin headband. I'm not very good at wearing a hats and whatnot. I just think they're fussy, and I feel like I'm always tugging at them. So when it's cold, I usually go without. But with the headband, it felt almost effortless, and I got to keep some of my head warm. I don't think I've ever been this happy with an online shopping session before, because I really loved all of the things I got. The last time I can remember buying clothing for exercise, is when I bought my yoga shorts, or was it my other pair of tights? All I know is that it's been more than a year. Despite the horrid weather (it actually snowed today), I'm motivated to get my exercise on. I didn't end up doing anything yesterday because I was so focused on finishing the book. But maybe today's the day. On my way home a few hours ago, I saw this kid. He was just casually skateboarding in the rain, eating crisps. I just thought to myself "what a way to just be", and it made me smile. Without knowing it, this 18-year old just inspired me. 

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