fredag 27. juni 2014

my shirt looks so good, when it's just hanging off your back

Hi! Blogposts might be a bit sparse sometimes, due to work and whatnot. And next week there will probably be a bigger lack of updates (both because of work and Ale visiting). But I've always told myself that this blog will only be updated when I want to update. So on days there's no updates, it might be just because I didn't feel like it. Yesterday I biked home from work in the rain. It's something I probably shouldn't recommend, because it can be quite dangerous if you can't see things properly. But getting soaked in the rain is one of the most liberating things ever. When I took a shower after getting home, I felt one with the water. Either I haven't been watching telly on the right times, or there's not much football on telly anymore? Oh well, I've moved on to beach volleyball now. I've got three books (actually four, or a hundred) that's waiting for me to read them. However, after my first read-kick-week, I've moved back to fan fiction, and oh my god. Some people are so good at writing angst and sad stories, and they happen to write about things I can relate to, which makes it so much worse. I spent Thursday (I think?) reading this fan fiction with an ever growing lump in my stomach. But I took breaks from reading it, which prevented me from crying. You should never trust a trending topic on Twitter, but when I saw something trending about Niall Horan getting better (or summat, agh, I never do remember anything), I was intrigued. And it lead me to watch a video of Niall from the last concert in Amsterdam, where he was limping because someone threw something against his wonky knee. And it was actually quite heartbreaking to see the usual smile-y Niall on stage, bent over in pain. For the fans, I'm glad it happened at the ending of their concert, or else it would be a really subdued concert without Niall's antics. I hope the boys (hey Harry!) took care of him. Another thing that slightly pulled my heart strings, were his tweets afterwards: "[...] But only having my operation 5 months ago, I still get a bit of pain and I'm very scared about it". There's very few people who would admit to being scared about something like that, which could possibly end their career. It's because of these kind of things why I am so fond of Niall-- I've never seen him ashamed of himself in any way, and I find that such a great trait (to an extent, of course). His tweets after the concert is also a prime example of why he is the best member of One Direction to own a Twitter. First of all, he thanks all the fans for coming to the concert. Then he says "please stop throwing things at us", and then he says "I'm not complaining, but". He pleases the fans by being thankful, but he's also forwarding a message without being rude. Personally I think it's quite absurd that he even has to say that he isn't complaining, because of course you should be allowed to complain about people throwing things at you whilst performing. I strongly dislike fans who goes "oh you're just ungrateful" to things like this. Because my goodness, who are thankful for being a dart board ever? It's a miracle Harry hasn't been injured yet by the amount of things he gets thrown at himself. Anyway, it's already 8:00 pm now, and I'm just going to relax for a few hours before I go to bed. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities, but it's going to be quite busy at work. Don't think my feet will appreciate it. Especially because I said yes to work at Monday as well. Oh dear-- I'm just going to spend next week (after Tuesday) trying to relax my bones for a bit. Right, I'm going-- bye! 

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