fredag 29. september 2017

too young to know, too old to admit that you couldn't see how it ends

I've spent most of my day in bed watching Teen Wolf today. As the season ending, series finale was shown the other week (I think), my Tumblr has been filled with spoilers. There's been spoilers during the whole last season, but I've tried my best to ignore them. It's just been amplified the past week, and I just went ahead and thought I can't not. I was really happy and excited whilst watching the whole thing, really. I'm sure I looked a fool, where I was sat fistpumping and grinning at my screen. Teen Wolf hasn't been part of my life for that long, really. And to be honest it's probably wasted a lot of my time to do school stuff. But then again, it's been the series I've fallen back to when I needed it. I think when you get invested in series, musicians, artists, whatever-- there's a comfort in them. I've become invested in this show, which is why I know a lot of these actors have become great friends, and share so much love for each other, it's kinda inspiring. It makes me happy. My face is currently housing quite a few zits at the moment, and I have to admit that it's really bloody annoying. It's been many moons since I last had so many at once, and it's very tempting to pick at all of them. It just feels like it's inevitable. The good news is that I slept rather well last night. I don't know whether that's because I didn't have school today, but I slept through the whole night. I'm going to try to be productive with the last bits of this day, get on with reading curriculum. I'm not as strict as I was with my first exam, because I kinda know how things work this time around. That doesn't mean I'm not going to work, though. I am a bit apprehensive about next week, because the thought of my sisters and nephews and niece coming to visit is stressful. I've got mandatory school, and I will still need to read curriculum whilst they are here. Plus, I work next weekend. Maybe it's this stress that's the cause of the invasion of zits. Ugh, right, at least I haven't seen Horatio today. 

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