søndag 9. september 2012

do you think about me still

The frequency in my blog posts has gone down the past days. And therefore I felt obliged to at least do one post. I thought I might as well do it now, seeing as tomorrow most likely will be spent studying. I got the book Dare To Dream from my best friends younger sister. And instead of reading for school, this has been what I've been reading. Great. Since I've not been a fan since the beginning, nor really been a fan in that way where you know everything about everyone, I've learned quite a few things by reading this book. It's quite amusing actually. On Thursday I stayed up until 4:30 am. just in order to watch the broadcast of the VMA's. And I'm so incredibly happy for One Direction, but mostly for Niall. "He met Demi, kissed Katy Perry, won three Moonmen, and cooked with his Idol. Possibly the best night of Niall Horan’s life". I mean, he got a smooch from Katy Perry, whom I suspect have a really really soft spot for Niall himself. I've got to admit that I officially love Katy Perry now. She captured my heart when she was singing along to the words of One Thing into Rihanna's ear. That is one sight I'd never believe to see. And then Niall met Demi Lovato, who he's clearly been crushing on. It's quite obvious whenever his cheeks turns red whenever Louis says that "he wants to do naughty things to her". Oh, the boys really do know how to tease him. But I just saw a video of Demi being interogated by Simon on the X-Factor USA about Niall. And it was so incredibly cute in so many ways. And then he hung out with Justin Bieber. Sure he has hung out with him before, but it seems that they are just bonding more and more. And it gives such pride to see him living his dream. Right now I'm listening to Thinking Bout You by Frank Ocean. Ever since I saw his performance on VMA's, it's been stuck on my mind again. And it's such a nice song. I really really love the lyrics. Oh, and the bridge. That's my absolute favorite part, and therefore I will leave you with the lyrics from the bridge.
Yes, of course I remember, how could I forget how you feel? And though you were my first time, a new feel. It won't ever get old, not in my soul, not in my spirit, keep it alive. We'll go down this road 'til it turns from color to black and white.

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