lørdag 20. april 2013

did you have to tell your friends about the way I got you screaming

So Oyster asked me about my highlights from the Justin Bieber concert (I think Kiwi asked me the same question too). And I didn't know what to answer, except I sort of did. I'm the sort of person that gets caught up in moments, things that are important to me. There were several highlights from the night, but it was this one in particular I was thinking about when she asked me the question; after the concert we were at a bus full of tired and giddy beliebers. And I guess me and my belieber friend was a bit high on life (or Bieber in her case), and she was singing Boyfriend out loud. I thought she’d stop singing in embarrassment, but she didn’t. And I don’t really mind, because I sing out loud all the time anyway. So I was singing along, only switching back and forth to Titanium. And we were driving through a tunnel, singing and slightly dancing. And I was just hit with the memory of the scene in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, when Charlie, Sam and Patrick are driving through the tunnel. Charlie says: "in that moment, I swear we were infinite". And it felt like my own version of that. I tend to do things like this; after I’ve done something (been with friends, events, going out, etc), I sort of look back on the night or day, and then I collect memories. It’s almost like I handpick things to remember. My belieber friend will probably read this and faintly recall this. But it won’t have the same meaning to her, as it did (does) to me. I’m weird like that. It is probably why I’ve got the weirdest memories too, now that I think of it. Like, why I can recall my sister making me a cuppa before school, why I can recall biking by a yellow house in my childhood, and why I will be able to recall this particular memory in the future.

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