tirsdag 2. april 2013

you'll say you love me, and I'll end up lying - and I say I love you, too

The problem with taking a break from reading one day, is that the one day usually stretches out to something like three. And that's a bit stupid when you don't really even have one day. Bah, I've just had absolutely no motivation the last days, and especially today when I slept very poorly. I didn't fall asleep until 1:00 am, because of noise and sleep habits during the holiday. And then I woke up at 3:30 am, because I was overheated. I did the only imaginable - stripped off my clothes and drifted off again. Just to wake up at 4:30 am. I did a bit of Twitter and Instagram, and then I tried forcing myself to drift off again. But at 5:00 am, I'd had enough. So I read a fan fiction until I had to wake up at 6:00 am. And now I'm knackered, and I sort of don't want to go to school tomorrow. The pictures are from the past days. I jokingly said to my sister that we should go for a walk everyday. But she nodded rather seriously, and, now we've been on a walk every day basically. It was very nice, and the weather nowadays is lovely. I keep waiting for it to be like hah, you thought spring was coming? Nope, welcome the snow back! My siblings went home today, so it's a bit empty in the house. I probably won't be seeing them until summer, and, well. Although it seems like a long time, it really isn't. Not when I am preoccupied with studying for my exam and other school work. And, oh, did I mention that I'm attending a Justin Bieber concert this month? Well - I am. And then I'm going to a One Direction concert in May. The same month I'll finish my exam. And then it's June, which basically means it's summer. So, yeah, not long at all actually. The title from this post is from Doing It Wrong by Drake. And lyrically, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite Drake song (I have listened to it 104 times, whereas I've only listened to Shot For Me 26 times).

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