onsdag 24. april 2013

she sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home

Morning xx. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Calm down. I keep looking at the calendar, and I keep thinking it's May in a couple of days. And it is May soon. It makes me so excited, because (oh my god) One Direction. But I can't make myself wish for the days to fly by, because I still have loads of reading left, which makes me slightly hyperventilate too. It's like first I think: "oh my god, oh my god. I'm going to see One Direction in real life. They are going to be in Norway. Oh my god, oh my god". And cue; shallow breaths. And when I've just calmed down I think "Oh my god, shit, I've got two hundred pages left to read in pathology, I've also got the tasks to each chapter, and I've no idea how the exam will be like because it's fucking new, and..". And cue: shallow breaths. It would be so easy to not care about school. But I really do care, because eventually it'll decide whether I can continue on a higher level education (which I really want), so I've got to deal with it. Aguantare. Today is going to be a really long day, but hey. I get to spend it with Sugar, Kiwi and my belieber friend (ohh sentimental), so it's all good. You ought to look at the positives in life. So whilst Niall, Louis and Liam went to Munich, Germany yesterday and Harry's gone off to L.A., Zayn has gone incognito. I find this so incredibly intriguing, because he always goes incognito. I can understand the wish to spend time with his girlfriend, family and friends. But he could go so many places (bloody hell, he's a millionaire, innit?) and bring them along. Instead he probably stays home and sleeps during the day, and do nothing with his friends. And it always makes me think that maybe Zayn wasn't made for fame. And it shouldn't be a surprise, because it's been there since the start. Since X-Factor when he didn't want to do the dance routine. I read this theory on Tumblr the other day, where the person said she didn't think Zayn would pursue a solo career if (when) One Direction splits up. That he'd feel weird to do something like that without the lads. And I feel like there's so much truth in that theory. Although I do feel like all of the lads would feel weird to go solo - to be alone, after literally living on each other for years. But I think it would mostly be hardest on Zayn. The reason for this sombre topic, is because JLS supposedly are splitting up after tour. And it just made me think of the inevitable. Also, I'm sort of aching for a really good fan fiction, and I think this would be a lovely plot. And because I love Zayn (alright, so I love them all, but still).

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