onsdag 17. april 2013

everything starts from something, but something would be nothing

Oh wow. My limbs are aching. Although, I guess it can also be blamed on my exercising-regime. It's mostly blamed on Justin Bieber though. We went to stand in a line from 3:00 pm. And the doors didn't open until 6:30 pm. It was surprisingly alright, we stood there the whole time, and it's was a bit of rain - like manageable. Also, we made friends with a mum. Not just a regular mum, but a belieber mum. She updated us on his whereabouts (live from Twitter), danced along us, and did a bit of screaming once in awhile. It was hilarious. Before this though, people went a bit crazy (as expected), and jumped over the fences. That is until the guards threatened everyone to be put behind in the lines. From then on everyone was surprisingly calm. Oh, and then the lines started walking. And everyone was getting excited, and then we were inside Telenor Arena, and everyone had to sit down? This was in the Golden circle, and I guess it was to keep us from pushing each other, and have people fainting before it even started. The await inside felt much longer, and people were impatient after waiting for hours and hours. My limbs were already aching at that part. I was just waiting for the concert to start and the adrenaline to kick in. The performing act before Justin Bieber asked if we were ready for Bieber. And obviously the whole arena decided to scream. And that was when I realised it would probably be good to wear ear plugs. I did end up taking them out anyway. Like, yolo ears. You'll manage. And then the countdown started, and it went so fast. Thing is, my belieber friend asked me if I could see a split in the screen, because Justin usually flies down with wings. And I was adamant, and told her no. "I don't see anything, I think it's wishful thinking on your part". So who proceeds flying down with wings when the countdown has been ended? Justin. So, 1-0 to my belieber friend. I had decided on beforehand that I'd only try watching Justin on one of the screens filming him, because the people in front of me was blocking a lot of the view. And I know we were in the Golden circle, but I didn't realise he would be that close. When I actually saw him in flesh and blood, not on the screen, but him - I was sort of stunned to silence. Honestly, people were all jumping and screaming. But I was mute. Imagine me holding the camera to my heart and then the other hand over my other hand, and then my mouth agape and eyes widened. Well, that was me throughout most parts of the concert. I sort of forgot to actually listen to him sing, because I was so damn focused on staring at him. It was just a bit surreal? Like, wow, he actually exist. I'm not going to say that I've become a belieber, but I am a bit more amazed by him now. Like my friend Kiwi sometimes says, "he's an alien". Like, he's so damn talented that I sort of can't believe it. My belieber friend and my friend - Sugar, are attending his concert tonight, and except for the wind, the weather outside is lovely! And they are also going in the Diamond circle, which is the closest you can get to Justin. Unless you get picked as the One Less Lonely Girl. I know they'll have lots and lots of fun. Meanwhile, me and Kiwi are attending a lecture in pathology. Which is just as fun (not). Also, do you remember when my younger sister attended a noodle party? Or did I not write about that? Well, she did. This week however, she's attending a pizza/oreo cookie party. It's like they all have a temptation, and then someone decides to host a part because of it?

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