søndag 21. april 2013

I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty

Hiiiiii. If anyone want to crown me for "the best procrastinator", then you're all welcome. At 3:00 am yesterday, I was watching videos of Justin Bieber performing Love Me Like You Do. Luckily I know it's not some infatuation with Justin Bieber. It's more of an infatuation with his dance moves? And I'm really loving the choreography to this song, and the song in general. So excuse me while I go watch Justin Bieber when I'm supposed to sleep (I write a lot about Justin Bieber these days, don't I?). Due to my late night, I didn't get out of bed until 1:00 pm. I did wake up before, but (cough) Ireadafanfiction. I made myself a avocado/prawn/pasta thing. And it was delicious, because I love avocado and pasta. I also like prawns, except that I'm a tiny bit allergic. I tolerate it, just makes me a bit itchy. Since it was sunny outside, I decided to sit outside whilst editing the paper I was supposed to be done with ages ago (according to myself. It isn't actually due until Tuesday). Now I'm having a little break, and I think I might go eat something. 'Cause you know; fulfilling my needs for nutrition and all. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow to try catch up on some reading, because I've not read pathology since Thursday. Mostly because I was at Oyster's Friday, and pretended to be a kid (learned to play Twenty Eight by The Weeknd on the piano, did a puzzle, watched Toy Story, had a go on the swings and the slide, played some footie in the sun, painted Oyster's "russebukse", sulked because I'm not a russ this year, and refreshed my memory of animals with Oyster's younger brother). Can I just remind you that it's 16 days until the One Direction concert? That's about two weeks. Which is nothing. 

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