torsdag 29. november 2012

how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough

I should probably not be all like yeaahhh and oooh when looking at the upcoming forecasts. It's getting colder and colder, which is quite surprising. It seems like the weather just turned around with a click. And now it's really lovely and wintery. And I can't wait for December 1st, because then I will finally allow myself to listen to some Christmas music. I've been dying to listen to some, oh, and watch Home Alone. And the Holiday, and Love Actually, and The Grinch, and.. and. Oh my, I'm actually really excited for Christmas now. Ah, I'm going to put up all the Christmas decorations too. Ah, I feel so jolly. Why do they have to play both Handball European championship and cross country skiing on the television now as I have my exams? Are they trying to get me to fail? I think so. Today I did two interviews. My favorite was probably the first one, seeing as the person I interviewed reminded me of my old favorite teacher. But it was also because this person shares a lot of similar beliefs to mine. For example about how you need to slow down and be thankful for things sometimes. We can be like robots sometimes, doing the same ol' things day in and out. And you never once stop to think that - yeah, I've got a real good life. Anyways, I can't be bothered to become all philosophical, because I am so so tired right now. And it would be so great if I could just fall asleep right now. Instead I'm going to transcribe the interviews. Someone throw some cold water in my face, yeah?

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