onsdag 7. august 2013

all your friends telling you stories that you often misinterpret and taint all your images of your "Mr. Perfect"

Erarehuanmsjgslefgesjsd. Sometimes if I have too much on my brain, I don't know where to start. This is one of those times. I had a rant to my sister yesterday, about Youtubers. I just really want to be their friends (super-sighing). Aaaahhh I'm being attacked by flies! Go on, save yourself. Alright, so they retreated to .. somewhere else. This reminds me: I saw three spiders at work yesterday. And they weren't exactly small either. I was however too busy to take picture of them, because the kindergarten has sort of started again. Meaning that summer is over, and most kids are back from their holidays. Not everyone, but a lot. And it's the most horrible thing I've ever experienced (err, slightly hyperbole). It's just that I've always associated my summer job with peace and quiet, which seems absurd considering I'm washing in a kindergarten. However, there's usually so little kids, and when I do mop the floors or whatever I'm up to, the kids are usually outside. But it was pouring down with rain yesterday, which means all the kids were inside. And I was so close to exploding because aaaahhhh. Have you ever heard the sound of the footsteps of twenty kids running towards you? It's not that pleasant. But to be fair, it's not anyone's fault. It's just that I like calm things, not wailing children. Also, my anger seemed to dissipate when I had a little conversation with two adorable children. They were making their own restaurant, and so one of them asked me if I could be their restaurants washing lady. It was so cute. Also, kids are so curious. I've had a kid staring at me washing the windows. Like, mouth agape, pointing at me to show their parents. It's also happened with vacuuming, washing mirrors, etc. On Tuesday I also happened to have an awkward hug-situation with Stone. I went to the basement in order to get some suppliants, and there was Stone with a bunch of kids. "Hi! How are you?". And then he just put out his arms? And I was like "I'm a bit tired, loads of things to do today, but I'm hanging there". And then he said "yeah, there's loads of kids here today" and something else too, because he never stops talking. But here's the thing, he was still standing with his arms stretched out to the sides, and I was like "err, do you want a hug?". He said yes, and I thought that although it's slightly odd, it can't hurt. I had a rant about my day to Oyster, because I was supposed to stop by and get my dress that's been living at her house for a month or so. "Stop by" turned into 80 minutes where I was mostly eating. Two slices of bread and a cup of water. Apparently I can use over an hour eating just that. Yep. Oyster's little sister (I'm going to call her Mars from now on, because it's my nick name for her. Also, I am going to do a post of all the people I've mentioned on this blog and link them to each name, so it's not so confusing. Especially if I can't remember it myself) was very amused by this, and the time it took me to chew each bite. Now, I don't actually spend that much time eating, but there's a reason why I mostly stay quiet whilst eating. Otherwise it takes me soooo long time. My Youtube is being really wonky. My knee too. Does that mean that Niall and I are soul mates? We'll live happily with wonky knees ever after? Speaking of One Direction, because I'm always speaking of One Direction, get over it-- I accidentally watched a clip from their movie. I didn't even realise until two minutes in. "Oooh, this is a really good video. Great interview. Heeeeeeeyyy, this looks like film? Wait, it is!!". I wasn't saying this out loud. This is my actual thoughts when watching the video. It sucks because the movie isn't out until a month in Norway. And I know the first premiere is in like three weeks or so. And my Tumblr dashboard will be filled with gifs and whatnot. And I don't want to see any of those before I watch the movie. And that means I'll have to stay away from Tumblr for a week. And then try to go through everything after I've seen the movie. That's.. I don't think you understand. I'm pretty sure I'm verging over to having an addiction to Tumblr. So it'll definitely be a test. I think maybe the weathergods are on my side? They seem to be very kind to me-- stops raining when I'm biking home, and the sun peaks out when I wish for it enough. Of course I've jinxed it now, and the weather in Aalesund will be absolutely horrendous, and I'll not be able to take one step at the mountain. Oh, that reminds me that I should think of packing. It's not so easy packing for a place where the weather can be everything from nice to a storm in minutes. My broseph is going to Japan tomorrow, so tonight is the last I'll see of him for ten days I think. If I actually do see him again. You never know with my brother-- he'll be gone for months, and then one day you'll see his shoes and his jacket in your house. Voilaaaaa. Anyway, I'm going to eat whilst watching an episode of Grand Designs. Because I love Kevin McCloud. And just Grand Designs in general. 

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