torsdag 8. august 2013

maybe I'm too afraid to say I think about you every second of the day

Oh my god, it's here. My belieber friend told me she didn't think it would arrive, which is why I said "oh my god" out loud when I went to get the mail. My younger sister looked at me weirdly and asked me "why are all of your friends sending you postcards?". I keep thinking of the old days. Of old authors, and what we remember of them. You know, like how we've discovered old letters to friends and their beloved ones? It's odd and slightly sad, because that will probably never happen to the authors today. They'll die and be forgotten. I don't know, I just like going through old diaries and letters and whatnot. They make me smile. The postcard is sort of in 3D? Hence why it looks a bit odd in the picture. Until this week, I've actually been looking forward to work-- like, not that I really want to go to work rather than sleeping in. But I've had no problem with waking up and going to work, and just be happy? More often than not, I go around forcing myself to think of happy thoughts when I get negative. And it actually works very well! This week however, started off a bit rough. And then came Tuesday, which was a particularly bad day for me. And I thought yesterday would be the same, but it wasn't. Yesterday was actually really nice. And maybe it was the weather too. According to my Snapchat yesterday, it seems like the good weather was apparent most places. We had a gorgeous sunset, and I snapped a few pictures. Actually, I was lying on the trampoline after work yesterday, and I was trying to understand why there were so many birds flying together, but not together as in when they make this V-shape. It was really nice, because they were above me, and birds are really pretty from a distance. I am however not such a big fan of them when they come flying into your living room and poops every where. Today at work was good too. Wished Stone a good Eid, cycled home in the rain which I've been wanting to for awhile. I must say though, it's not so great cycling in the rain without glasses. The percentage of death rate probably increased a lot. Which probably is the thing I think about the most whilst cycling to work. I keep having daydreams about getting smashed to bones by some car that hits me in the side. Or somehow shot at in the woods, because of course there's going to be a killer lurking in the woods. Either way, I'm always dying. I've got a lot of things I have to do today, so I think I might go jump in the shower soon. I also think I have to do my packing today, because tomorrow and Saturday will be rather busy. I probably will have some time on Saturday though-- but I always start packing a few days before, because I tend to remember things along the way. Holy shit, just got an e-mail about the This Is Us movie! The tickets are on sale today. And apparently there's a screening before? On August 21st? But it's all sold out. I have a feeling I'm going to watch this movie multiple times at the cinema. Oh poor wallet of mine. Imagine me moping-- I don't think my books will arrive before I go to Aalesund, and I could just cry. Tomorrow is Friday and my last day of work. Thank god for that, although I'm ever so grateful for my summer job. But it's been five weeks, and it's enough to tire me out entirely. I'm still grateful though, when I start thinking of other people and their frustrations. My summer job always keep me sane from my thoughts about what I'm going to do in life. It's stopping me from having my midlife crisis at twenty (or quarter-life-crisis?). Hopefully it'll be a bit of sun tomorrow, because I could really need some. Anyway, I'm going now. 

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