søndag 25. august 2013

Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere. Nothing scares me anymore

The last days have been loads of fun. Went out clubbing yesterday, and it was very fun-- met quite a few questionable people (including touching a man's enormous biceps, getting someone to demonstrate how to stand on a penny board, speaking with a 40-year old man, befriending a lone girl on a bench, etc). Funnily, we also met a Norwegian blogger, whom Sugar and I have meet before. This is the second time we've met her out on the town. And almost a year apart. My favorite thing about clubbing has probably always been losing myself in a dancing crowd. But that's only possible if I actually like the music. If they would have played Cedric Gervais' remix of Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey, I'd be ecstatic. I reckon I could get properly lost in that song. But I did get to dance last night, and as long as Marble comes along out on the town, I know I've got someone who'll happily dance with me. I spent quite a bit time worrying about revealing my arse, due to me wearing a dress. I'm much more of a shorts-person. And Converse-- always Converse. I think we might have fallen asleep between 04:30-05:00 am. I woke up five hours later, mainly because of the light and warmth. But also because I always wake up early when I sleep in new places. I don't think we properly had breakfast until 11:00 am. Kiwi felt poorly, bless her. Story short-- Sugar and I were the last to leave Kiwi's humble abode with a sleeping Kiwi, after having written in her "647 things to write about"-book. And after leaving post-it notes with random writings everywhere. Sugar and I went to a little restaurant and had a raspberry sorbet each. I suppose we had a bit of quality time, or as I said "a date". After that we went to catch the train home. When I got home I cleaned my bedroom, then grabbed something to eat, and then I left to meet Oyster at the cinema. We caught up, whilst gobbling some ice cream. And then we went to watch Kick Ass 2. Oyster did warn me that it was very violent. But I thought she was exaggerating, but she really wasn't. Drive with Ryan Gosling will probably always (or for a very long time) be the most violent movie I've ever seen, but Kick Ass 2 takes the second place. Thing is, though-- I really did like it, because the humor was just up my street. Quirky and very clever. Christ, I found the Union J part H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S. I wish I'd seen the first Kick Ass again before I went to see this, but it was great nevertheless. The only thing is that it felt like five films in one? There were just so many things happening at once. One second I was shedding a few tears, and then literally six seconds later, I'm back to laughing. Ohh, we also spotted the This Is Us posters at the cinema. Oyster and I tried to discreetly take selfies of ourselves. Oh dear, One Direction's official Instagram just posted a picture of all the lads with flower crowns. I'll never get over One Direction featuring flower crowns-- I find it one of the prettiest combos ever. Also, Hazza, Nialler and Leeyyyum (Christ, I'm never going to use these nicknames again) were at a John Mayer concert! That's like-- I don't have words. Anyway, I'm so knackered and I'm getting up bright and early tomorrow because it's my first day of "praksis". Alright, bon nuit mi amigos. 

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