fredag 9. august 2013

it's just words and they cut deep but it's our world, it's just us two

For the past week I've been stopping at my mail box to see if my packages have arrived. And I had given up yesterday, figured I'd maybe just read Lord of The Rings on my phone, which I was supposed to read this summer. But when I got home from work today, they were here! Both of my lovely books by Tony Parsons. I've already started on Man and Wife. But I fell asleep on the trampoline shortly after, not because it was boring. Mostly because I was tired, and the sun tends to make me tired. Tired + tired = super tired. I was awoken by a call from my oldest sister. She was wondering about when our plane lands and likewise. Yesterday I went to the mall in order to do a few errands, and to cross off some of the things on my "to do" list. One of which was to buy butter-- and the main reason why I even bothered walking to the mall. Of course I forgot that. Instead I came home with three glasses. It appears that I have a thing for cups and glasses? This (the picture) is the only one I've used, and probably will use. The other two are packed away, for the future some time. I'm currently drinking pear lemonade from the glass, and it's actually quite humongous in the width. When I showed it to my younger sister, she said it looked a bit like a whiskey/scotch glass. And yeah, it sort of does. It's not so big in the height, but it still reminds me of Jules from Cougar Town and her ridiculous wine "glasses". Anyway, I'm in love with it. When I got home from the mall I sort of didn't do any of the things I had on my "to do" list, including the packing. Which, I've not done today either. I have however, done all the things except for the packing on my "to do" list today. It's just that I was watching Grand Designs last night, and instead of packing after watching the episode, I started watching a TV-series called Fødeavdelingen, which translates to maternity ward. It's another of my favorite television shows, but my family isn't that keen on watching women pressing babies out of their vagina. So I don't watch it to often-- only when no one is eating. Haha. The last day of work was actually really nice. There was this little kid who scolded his dad for not taking off his shoes. It's possibly some of the cutest things I've ever seen. I feel like a chapter of my life is done. And it sort of is-- it's not like I'm getting those five weeks back. But it's fine, I've truthfully had a good time. And I'm actually going to miss a lot of the people there. There's this woman who works there, and I swear, she's got the greatest aura ever. It's like she's radiating happiness. I've actually never once seen a frown on her face. Anyway, I've not watched the episode of Grand Designs today-- I actually record all of the episodes. But I might do it later when everyone else has decided to go to bed. Might do that, or do my packing. Or sleep forever, although forever probably means I'll wake up bright and early because I'm so used to it by now. Look What You've Done by Drake is amazing. Greatest lyrics ever, probably. Give it a listen whilst you're reading the lyrics! Alright, I actually think I have to go to bed, because I'm bloody knackered. I'm exactly twenty years and one month. I'm old. And I'm in need for some sleep. 

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