tirsdag 10. september 2013

how will you speak to that horse?

Hiyaaaaaaaaa. I'm feeling really giddy at the moment. In about thirty minutes I'm going to watch "I Kveld Med Ylvis", and it's so weird how much I've been looking forward to it. Today I went to school and had a math lesson. I was smart enough to sit down with the smart kids. I find that when it comes to math, it's good to sit with someone who can explain things you don't understand. It worked out really well for me, ha-ha. Afterwards I met up with Kiwi and we walked across the whole school to find a place to sit. It seems like our school is proper full these days. I don't understand whether it's new students, or if we've always been many students. Kiwi and I had a little nervous conversation about the Norwegian election. I mean, I know it's not the end of the world. However, when we've had so little change in politics for the last years, I reckon each little change will be looked upon as big regardless if it's little in reality. I asked Marble to come over to our school and chat a bit about politics, but she was already on her way home. Instead I spoke to her on the phone for almost an hour. The reason why I wanted to talk politics with her, is because I know she knows a lot about politics. And I knew it would calm me to listen to her views about the election. During our conversation, I got a message from Sugar, telling us to come over to her. I told this to Marble, and she jokingly said "oh that bitch". So I ended the hour-long conversation with Marble, packed up and went to meet Sugar, who was eating pizza when we spotted her. I think Kiwi, Sugar and I had really great discussions today-- weird ones too. One of my favorite things about my friends is that I feel so comfortable asking them for advice and whatnot. Albeit decisions comes down to you as a person, it's nice to hear other's views and thoughts. Among all the themes we were chatting about, Kiwi and Sugar were sweet enough to say that they thought I'd be a good parent. When I got home, I asked my sister what she thought about the matter, and she shrugged and answered "I don't know". This is my youngest sister whom I've known for 16 years. Feels really reassuring. Anyway, tomorrow it's back to "praksis". It's not that I'm not looking forward to it, it's just the thought of leaving my bed for that many hours, and I don't look forward to become tired. Also, because my nurse supervisor is on her holiday this week, I have other supervisors for the rest of the week. I'm not at all bothered about this, because these are supervisors I've all had prior to tomorrow. However, it seems that every time I'm with the supervisor I have tomorrow, something happens. It's like there's never an easy day with her. Alright, I'm going to watch television now. YLVIS FTW. 

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