søndag 22. september 2013

You'll be balance when I waver. I'll be warmth when you are shivering cold. You'll be patience when I've had enough of this waiting game

Okay, so not "probably Monday". But hi, it's Sunday and it's been a few great days, and now I'm back home. Friday was a very stressful day, as I had "praksis" from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. But because there were so much to do, I stayed back an additional time. When I got home I ate with my family. Then I finished my drawing to Kiwi, before I went ahead to start packing. I was supposed to be at Kiwi's at 7:00 pm, but I didn't end up at her place before 8:30 pm. On the way to the train, I actually met Stone again. It was slightly odd seeing him outside the kindergarten, but it was nice to speak with him again. Also in future reference to myself, when someone says "I've missed you", it's probably nice to say it back rather than "oh, that's sweet". Along with Kiwi, Sugar, Marble and my belieber friend, we danced and sang along to various songs. And with a bit alcohol in the picture, everyone gets a bit buzzed. We did a bit of humming and miming, and whatnot. The videos after nights like these are always amusing to watch. I don't think I ever drink that much, but nevertheless, it's good these weekends only happen once in awhile, because I don't like the thought of poisoning my body. We went to this very hipster-ish place, and it was really cozy and nice. But of course the music was a bit different from my liking. I'm not so very keen on rave whenever I'm out. It's just-- can't really get a rhythm going? And it's much nicer when you can sing along to a song? But maybe that's just me. I had a Gin and Tonic, and a Vodka Cranberry. And I've decided that the profession "bartender" sounds appealing. Except for the late hours, the deafening music of night clubs, and having to go home late at night. So, maybe not that appealing, but still. Anyway, we ended up in bed at 5:00 am, after chasing down any 7/11's that sold Vienna sausages. I woke up at 9:00 am, because four people sleeping in a little space makes the space really warm. But it wasn't until 10:00 am, that everyone awoke properly. But at that time, Kiwi and I had been chatting a bit. Obviously, we were all really tired when we got on with the day. Everyone went home to themselves a bit, before we met up at Sugar's house. I almost fell asleep on the train a few times. We had a girls night in, and ate taco along with loads of snacks. I might have eaten a bit too much of everything, but that's how it goes when I see something I want. I just don't limit myself. When my belieber friend left, Kiwi and I joined her in the car to have a bit of a song-in-car-with-loud-bass-rave, and it was really nice as per usual. Also, I'm trying to erase my belieber friend's disliking of crossing personal space. Which is why I was sat cuddled over her at multiple times during the night. And it was entirely justified because she kept hitting me. I think we ended up in bed at 2:30 am? At least I think I was in bed at that time, after having a chat with Sugar about horses. In which Sugar was half asleep on the sofa and uninterested in my tales about horses. Unlike Friday night, we slept a great deal longer, and we would have slept longer if it wasn't for Sugar waking us. We had a lovely breakfast and chatted about whatever. Well, the others did, whilst I zoned out multiple times. After that, we got dressed in a hurry, before we went to take the train to Oslo to meet Ale. Well, Sugar and I went to meet Ale. We sat down in a restaurant/cafe and grabbed some grub, before we went to explore Yogurt Heaven, as it was something Ale really wanted to try. After that Sugar left us, and Ale and I wandered down towards Aker Brygge, where the sun was so bright and piercing. I parted my ways with Ale shortly after that, and now I'm at home. End of my adventurous and tiresome weekend. I now need to do school work, and other boring stuff that. Also, I realised I had recorded Grand Designs Australia. Not, with Kevin McCloud in other words, and I'm so disappointed. Anyway, I've just updated to iOS 7, and it's so pretty. I'm usually not that big fan of change, but iOS 7 is very similar to android phones, and that's a great thing. So I'm very positive about this change, except for a few minor things. Alright, I'm going to go now, because I really need to go. 

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