søndag 10. mai 2015

I'm gonna take your heart, love you in the dark. No one has to see

Hello, what a frabjous day! Is it strange that I hope it rains? I could do with one of those rainy days and a cuppa. It feels right. For the nine years I've had a period, I've never used pain killers. That seems a bit strange, but I've always had a period that's been kind to me. I'm used to the kind of dull pain in my back region, a pain that stays pretty persistent. Bothersome, but still pretty close to no pains. But as of late I've started getting more pains, and Friday was the brunt of it (hopefully). Around noon the dull pains intensified, and I tried so hard to focus on anything else than the pain. Watched Youtube, tried reading a fan fiction, curled up in my bed in fetal position. Had to move each five seconds because that's the only way the feeling of pain dissipated, though only for a few seconds. I was pretty close to crying, actually, and for the first time I wanted to find some pain killers in hope that I'd get rid of the pain. Funnily enough I didn't know what to take, and I wanted some instant pain relief. So I put on some workout gear and started working out in intervals. I did this for two hours before the pain dissipated some, back to the dull ache I'm so used to. I could almost cry with relief. Exercising, it turns out, is the magical answer to a lot of things. I'm thinking about doing a dance-exercise today, do something random. It's always so much fun, isn't it? I spent yesterday at the library. Initially I was meeting Oyster there, but I was there before her, and I went to find a suitable study room. All the study rooms in the library have glass walls, so you basically see everything, and everyone sees you. A bit after 11 am, I saw a childhood friend walking towards my room, so she sat down with her friend. A bit later, Oyster arrived. I found that once all had arrived I would have rather wanted to just chat and catch up than work on my thesis. However, I ended up both chatting and getting things done, so I was happy with myself. Our childhood friend, Oyster and I went to the mall after the library closed, and I got to do the few things I needed and wanted to do. Our childhood friend left after a bit, then we continued strolling around the mall until we found that we didn't want to be there anymore. We decided to go to Oyster's dad's pizza shop. At the busstop we spotted our childhood friend again, and once on the bus we spotted Monchita. At the pizza shop Oyster spotted her friend, and I thought what a strange day. But then again, the area we live in isn't the biggest place. I still thought it was funny, though. We also got to witness a woman actually use the pick-up-line: "do you have a plaster? Because I hurt myself falling for you". It was not easy to keep my face straight, but I managed. We ended up power-walking to Oyster's house, where we mostly chilled out. I had one bar of chocolate, and that was all I could stuff in me, after having devoured a cheese burger at the pizzeria. I asked Mars to paint my nails, and I later on showed them to her mum who said it looked like something a first grader would do. It is admittedly not the "prettiest" manicure I've ever received, but I really appreciate it because it's intriguing, and it reminds me of Mars each time I look at my nails. I almost fell asleep on Oysters thigh, in Mars' bed. I was logy, after a long day, and if it hadn't been for my sudden request to remember the verse of Boyfriend by Justin Bieber, I might have fallen asleep. But it did mean that for the rest of the evening I was over-tired, edging towards drunken behaviour, as I danced around, showing off my dancing prowess. Of course Mars joined me, and we found great entertainment in freaking Oyster out with our great moves. I ended up walking home around 11 pm, like I seem to always do. I saw that the bus would soon arrive, but I figured I'd just walk, as it's always a nice way of cooling off and reflecting. A man at one of the busstops approached me, said something to me, but I was listening to music, so I stopped it and said "huh?". He asked for the time, worried the bus had already gone. He said thanks, after I offered him a view of my watch, then I carried on walking home. Gave a nod to a man, who, like me walked across the road when the lights showed red rather than green. The bus drove past me, but waited so long at a busstop that I nearly caught up with it. Logy, I was nearly stumbling the last part home, because I wanted to just fall into my bed and sleep. Naturally I didn't do just that, I washed up before I listened to Memo by Years & Years once, then promptly fell into a deep sleep. Hello Sunday, I have cleaned, caught up on Internet things. Am about to have something to eat because I am hungry, then I have to work on my thesis. I'm just really not looking forward to see my teacher tomorrow, but, for once it's at the start of the week. Not the end, so I won't be left feeling so, eh. I guess. 

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