fredag 8. mai 2015

I'm a kid like everyone else, so let me go. I don't wanna be your hero

To be honest this whole week has been a week I could've lived without. No doubt about it. It's just been crap upon crap, and I'm surprised I survived without having a cry once. Especially since my hormones have been everywhere. I told my belieber friend about my close-to-panic-attack-incident the other day, and I told her that after panicking about life, I realised I have such a great social network. I have so many people around me who would help me, who cares. Even my newly acquired T-friend sent me words and advice when I said I'd had a crap day. So, you know, I've had a shit week, but I've also had an eye opener. I'm so grateful for the people around me, and I always hope they realise. But I know it's not easy to read people's minds, so it's important to vocalise your thoughts. One of the things that added to the bunch of bad news this week, and might seem so minor, is that I won't get to see Sam Smith live this summer. My belieber friend already alerted me that it might be a possibility that he'd cancel, so when I got the news I wasn't shocked. I think I already knew, but I was still hoping. Always have hope. He was the main reason for why I wanted to attend the festival, I just wanted to listen to him sing Stay With Me. But I was reminded of Kodaline, and that time they had to cancel, and all I wanted had been to listen to them sing All I Want live. And I got to do that eventually, so my past experiences tells me that I might get to see Sam Smith some other time. And I also realised that although I'm devastated, I'm also still excited to attend the festival with my friends. Chances are that it'll be great anyway, and I think what I was most looking forward to was to make memories with my friends. You know, when stupid things happen, you have to think of what matters. Today might be a really fucking great day, so I might end up crying anyway. I actually think I need to. By the end of this day I might have a new nephew. My only complaint is that I won't be able to visit in what feels like ages, that's the only thing that annoys me beyond relief. But for now, nothing has happened, so I'm just hoping that things will be alright. I am probably going to be jittery throughout the day, probably won't do a thing. Great. 

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