torsdag 21. januar 2016

hey there on the softest sea, you've only borrowed me

Sleep is vital. For the past two weeks, my sleeping pattern has been something akin a rollercoaster. One day I'll sleep for ten hours++ and then the next day I'll have a few hours on my eye. The past two nights I've either stayed awake, or awoken by my cough. It's like "great body, you're working and doing your job", but also "shut the fuck up and please go to sleep". I woke up at 2 am, and then I was just in and out of "light" sleep. It's really awful to have close to no sleep, then waking up in what feels like the middle of the night and getting dressed to brace the cold. I went to a lecture and then a simulation practice, part of a tool the hospital is trying to implement. It was rather nice, I thought. It's strange how much it made me miss lectures. Also, though the simulation practice always gives me nerves (because your actions are basically being observed), I always end up feeling like I've learned something. One of the things I learned about myself today, is that I'm pretty brazen sometimes. I think I somehow unintentionally offended the doctor. Also, thinking out loud can be pretty good sometimes! Towards the end of the day I could definitely feel the lack of sleep, but I was determined to go to the mall today. I can't remember the last time I was in a shop, so my shopping list was long. I needed new skin products, and I decided to try something new. I always go for my trusty Origins. But this time I went with The Body Shop. I'm hoping I'll convert into the latter, because of ethical reasons. I am pretty sure that apart from food and travel expenses, I spend most money on skin products. I am of the mind that thinks my skin is very important. It protects my internal organs, muscles and whatnot. It's a barrier. Though a human body is amazing at recovering, there's a lot of things you can do in order to help it along. So I spend money on my skin care, and I take care of myself. One of my stops today was the library. I decided to take back two of the books I've borrowed from the library, and probably wouldn't read. And then I left with one I ordered awhile back. So now I've got two unread books by my bed, and neither of them are fiction. I'm pretty excited to read both of them, I've just got to start. What's worse than not finishing? Not starting. Another thing I was supposed to start today? Planning for the trip to South-east Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia. I forgot to check out some books whilst at the library. Also forgot to get a new notebook for the occasion. I got a really cool one from Sugar for Christmas. It's made out of recycled materials (and maybe even stone??), and it's really sturdy. So I thought it'd be better to bring along on the travels. My cough is really making an appearance at the moment. Gah, hopefully I get to sleep this night.  

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