lørdag 23. januar 2016

if I'm louder, would you see me?

I nearly started crying when I realised there wasn't any Lion chocolate bars left when I got home. Only the thought that I do have some chocolate stash left saved me from having a tantrum. I'm just so tired. I've not been 100% in days, and today I tried being 100% whilst really being 80%. So at the end of the day, I was feeling really lousy. Head pounding, sleepy. But I had errands to do, so I ended up at the mall on a Saturday, and it was overwhelming. So many people in my way, and I was dressed in so much wool I thought I was going to pass out. I look fine, apart from some newly acquired hormone spots. However, it feels like I have under-eye circles that could compete with my Halloween costume make-up. Had you seen my make-up, you'd know that I basically looked like someone had given me black bruises. Last time I felt akin to this was that time I had a breakdown at my belieber friend's place. But, BUT, there's always good things: I worked with a good doctor today, and I had pretty great patients. I got my passport with a visa back. I finally got around to buying new envelopes, and I even bought pretty notebooks for planning. There's handball on television tonight. I get to eat chocolate today. Oh my god, it's been a long while since chocolate tasted this good. I am a perfect stereotype for a girl on her period, jeez. I read that Louis (Tomlinson) had his baby yesterday, and reading that almost made me cry again. I'm going to spend these next days crying, it feels like. I'm really looking forward to some days off to recuperate, and get back to good ol' me. I had strange dreams last night. One half was travelling to China, then basically staying at the hotel for the whole week. And I had to climb through another persons window in order to get to my own room. Other half started like a creepy three-way porno. Yes, you heard me. Then it ended up being more like a romantic sci-fi, because the protagonist went out in the ocean, and then there was a kind of spaceship with a man who brought the protagonist with him to another world. They were destined to be together, which he knew, but she didn't. It was strange, all of it. 

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