mandag 29. september 2014
you enchant me even when you're not around
søndag 28. september 2014
the only heaven I'll be sent to, is when I'm alone with you
Ah, went to listen to the Breakfast Show, only to realise it's Sunday. Yesterday I asked my teacher if my paper is due today or next Sunday. During my relaxing time, watching X Factor UK, she answered: "yes". Great. Couldn't be bothered to ask for a clarification, so I'm just going to finish it and send it off. I'm still a bit confused about how to write papers, it seems. And I can't say it feels like I'm giving it the best. However, my teacher hasn't commented on my papers thus far, so it's not like she's going to fail me? I don't know. X Factor was good yesterday, though I started coughing. Maybe I had too much chocolate. Oh well. As long as I can keep it somewhat under control today. I've got "praksis" today, which means I won't get to see X Factor today. But it's fine, I can watch it tomorrow. I'm a bit excited to see what "praksis" will be like tonight, seeing as I've heard it can get quite busy at Sundays. But I'm not hoping for a busy day, to be honest. Hope people have been good and that there are few injuries. Ah, there's only three days left until I leave, and I cannot wait. I started packing yesterday, and it always make me realise how my wardrobe mostly consists of the following colours: black, grey and blue. Things have just been so busy lately, which means I've also had a lot on my mind lately. Travelling to me, sort of means that I get to escape reality for just a bit. Means I have other things to think about, and I can think about other things with a good conscience. It's just going to be nice to take a breather. Also, I'm very excited because I think I might buy a new mug. Anyway, tomorrow Steal My Girl by One Direction is released around the world (except for the UK, which I think is bollocks. Goodness, it's where you're from One Direction). Can't wait to listen to the whole song, though I'm a bit worried I won't enjoy it. But that is essentially how I feel about all of their new song releases. I mean, there has been songs I've instantly hated, so, who knows. The Where We Are Tour is almost over. It'll be over when my holiday is over, actually. And I can't wait for them to start promo for their new album (and everything else). Right, it's 10:00 am, and I've yet to have my brekkie. I plan to finish my paper, have a shower and perhaps do some reading if I have enough time. Have a great Sunday. I hope you've made time for yourself to relax a bit and get ready for another week.
lørdag 27. september 2014
if the heavens ever did speak, she's the last true mouthpiece
New slogan in life should be: I'm going to do it. I just don't want to do it now. When I get really sick of reading curriculum, I lay my upper body on my bed, keeping my bottom half on my chair by my desk. Can you make a mental image of it? Well, this way I can pretend that I'm allowing myself to lie down on the bed. But I'm not really doing it since half of my body is still on the chair. It's a very uncomfortable position, so I quickly sit up on my chair again. So it's basically a quick break that's sort of strategical to make me think I'm having a break, but cutting the break short due to discomfort. I don't make any sense, do I? Anyway, another pair of my sleeping pants are getting so worn there's a hole. It is very sad, because I thought that this pair would last me ages, which, I guess it has lasted me three or four years? So it has lasted me quite awhile. But still, I wasn't prepared. I ought to wish for a new one for Christmas then. Speaking of the holiday-- I can't wait to start listening to Christmas music. It's October in four days, which means it's only two months until December. That's crazy. I woke up this morning at 6:45 am. Sounds really early, but then I went to bed quite early as well. Spent a few hours in bed, reading a fan fiction I started on yesterday before I fell asleep. I had my brekkie, then started reading curriculum whilst watching Taylor Swift and One Direction's performances on iHeart Radio Festival the other week? After that I read quite a few fan fictions, washed my make-up brushes and a few other mundane things. I am going to start my packing today, because I can't see how I'm supposed to do it another day. I'm leaving in three days, and I'm going to "praksis" each of these days, and I'm going to be reading curriculum each of these days as well. As for the gift for my nephew, I think I must open it (had the cashier wrap it), and just leave the biggest gift here for another time they come for a visit. The present consists of two things, and one of them I am sure will fit in my suitcase. I've yet to try, though, so who knows. Although I was supposed to have my day off, I have done a few school things, and I still have to do some. BUT, it is X Factor UK tonight. I haven't even had enough time to look forward to it this week. I asked my brother if he knew what was on the telly today, and he said: "I'm guessing it's X Factor". It is indeed brother. I think my brother realised that I was quite mad at him for our discussion about feminism the other day. I don't know, it's so easy to put my sibling on a pedestal and to think that they are amazing. My brother especially, I've always looked up to quite a bit. So it was really disappointing to me when he acted so rudely about feminism. That's probably part of why I was so enraged, I was mad at myself for being so credulous, since it's happened before. I keep forgetting that people are people, and sometimes they make mistakes and act stupid. Anyway, since Tuesday I've basically not communicated with him, looked him in the eyes, or acknowledging him to be honest. Not until yesterday, when he broke the silence, and said: "so I looked up feminism. Do you know how it began?". So he redeemed himself yes. And I've forgiven, but I've not forgotten. I am currently listening Hozier playing his gig at the iTunes Festival. He was the opening act for Ben Howard, which I think would be a dream of a concert. Been humming to Take Me To Church by Hozier for the past few days actually. Ah. I'm still contemplating whether to not attend the Ben Howard concert. But I've still not got the money for it, not really. I think the past week has been too stressful for me, because I've gotten an almost spot on my nose. I was sort of waiting for it to happen, really. I've gone far too long without any proper spots on my face, but hey, I wasn't complaining. Right, I am going to do all the things I need to do tonight. Then I'm going to enjoy The X Factor with some chocolate. Have a great Saturday xx.
music talk,
take me to church by hozier,
x factor
fredag 26. september 2014
I lay in tears in bed all night, alone without you by my side
Ah, finally it's the weekend. I intend to relax as much as I can tomorrow. For now, though, I've got a bit of curriculum to read. That's what I've been doing for the past week, really. I've been to "praksis", then gotten home, then read curriculum, then slept-- and then I've done it all over again. Today however, I've been at work, and it was really nice seeing my patients again. There's something heart-warming when they recognise me. I've not been there for a month actually, but the first patient I woke up this morning, smiled and said "oh it's you!". That really made my day. After work I stopped at my local mall to find a birthday present for my nephew. Ended up buying something big that's probably not going to fit in my suitcase. Hopefully I can just bring it as my hand luggage? I don't know. Might not even bring it with me. I also stopped by Baker Hansen for a cinnamon bun. Sadly they were out, but since I had already paid, I got another bun. Can't remember what it's called, but I've devoured it already. With a cup of tea, of course. When I say I've been reading curriculum this past week, I mean I've procrastinated as much as I can, before I manage to read a few pages. I've been reading fan fictions, catching up on Youtube videos, and been listening to the audio of One Direction's new book. It's been very interesting to just listen to their voices, and although I don't think the content of the new book is very shocking, it's very honest. I thought I would be mesmerised by Harry's voice, because it's so dark. But, it's mostly Niall's voice I enjoy listening to. But that's just because he's got an Irish accent, and I'm a sucker for that. I've come to realise that I've got a few really busy weeks in front of me. Especially since I'm taking some time off from thinking about school things next week. I've not even started on my second paper for school. I've no idea what to write about, and I feel so lost about it. I feel like I've not been a very good student for my "praksis", because I've only focused on reading for my exam. And then I didn't really put much effort into my last paper either. Somehow though, I've tricked my teacher and nurse supervisor to believe that I'm a really good student. I've been contemplating whether to ask for a job at my "praksis" or not, because I'm not sure if I want to. But surely it would be stupid to throw away such an opportunity? Also, I really enjoy the company of my colleges. I am contemplating this, because I'm quite sure I'll get a job if I ask. It does also mean I have to think about keeping two jobs? Anyway, I am really looking forward to visit my sister and co. But for now I ought to start reading curriculum. (However, as I've done all the past days this week, I'm going to read a fan fiction first. Because I'm worth it). Have a lovely evening x.
all i want by kodaline,
harry styles,
niall horan,
one direction,
tirsdag 23. september 2014
meet me there, bundles of flowers, we wait through the hours of cold
Good evening. I asked my sister "are you a feminist?", and she said yes. I then proceeded to ask my brother the same question. He said no, said he didn't know enough about it to make a decision. And when my sister and I tried to explain it to him, he told us we were wrong. My sister was enraged, and so was I. I said I'd write him a paper about it, and he said he didn't want to spend time reading it. "That is ignorance, d'you know that?". I muttered to my sister that there are loads of people just like my brother, and it's not so strange the world is like it is then. My point with this ramble, is for you to watch this speech by Emma Watson, which sums up quite a bit about the ideology, and the misconceptions. I am a bit stressed to be honest, I hadn't really thought my trip to my sister through. It is only one week away, and I've got so much to do. I've got curriculum to read each day, then I have to write papers for school, then I also have to find time to pack, not to mention-- to find a gift for my nephew. The thing is though; I've only got one day off before I leave. The rest of the days I've got "praksis" which is quite exhausting. I could probably go to "praksis", then go to sleep when I get home. When I woke up this morning, my first thought was that I couldn't wait to get home and get to bed (also, it's bloody cold now. Might as well be winter soon). But that might also have been due to my trip to Oslo yesterday. The kilo-gang was assembled for the first time in ages, and we had dinner at Vapiano. I tasted risotto for the very first time because I've been wanting to taste it for a while. Sadly I was mostly congested, and couldn't smell much. So it was mostly the consistency I could feel. We had a catch-up, and sat at the restaurant for a three hours almost? It was nice seeing them all. I did see Kiwi on Saturday, and I've been meeting Sugar sporadically (on the bus, at the hospital where we both have our "praksis", at the train station with Ale after the Pharrell Williams concert). But it was nice seeing everyone at once. When I got home, I watched X Factor UK, and it was really good. I am totally enamoured with Stevi Ritchie, though I don't think singing is the right thing for him. He just spreads joy, is the thing. And I can't stop smiling/laughing when I watch him. Also, I am in love with the banter between the judges, and how Simon calls Louis Walsh for "Lou-Lou". Speaking of X Factor related themes-- One Direction are releasing their first single from the new album, called Steal My Girl. Personally, I thought the same sounded awful, and I was afraid it would be a very poppy tune. However, I listened to a preview yesterday, and it is poppy. But not in the way I thought it would be. I must admit that I am intrigued. I am very excited for their new album. Oh dear, I've really got to go now. I've yet to read any curriculum and I'm supposed to be in bed by 10:00 pm. It doesn't look bright. Oh well, I'll endure. Have a good night's sleep if you plan on sleeping soon.
promise by ben howard,
the kilo-gang,
x factor
søndag 21. september 2014
you look good with your patient face and wandering eye
(I count money in plane tickets and concert tickets). I woke up to my sister facetiming me this morning. I was sure it was my alarm, but I opened my eyes to look at my phone. It's the third time it's happened probably, or more? I can't remember. But we had a chat, and now I've booked plane tickets for Monchita and I. I'm leaving in nine days, so can't wait for that. It's always a bit hard to book tickets when it's not only for me. Because my sister and I have different schedules, so we'll arrive and leave at different times. And now I'm talking with Volla, trying to see if she can come visit at the same time.You know I love having my family gathered. Been trying to get my brother to come along as well, but he said he doesn't have the time. It's going to be good anyway, and I always enjoy visiting Lynx and co in the autumn. I've had great news the past 24 hours, and it's made me so happy. I was almost high on happiness this morning, and it's a scary place to be, because there's only one way to go- down. Oh well. I've been obsessed with Barcelona as of late (and Ben Howard, you minx), which I find very suitable for autumn. X Factor ended too quickly yesterday, but it was nice watching it with my family. And it appears that my brother knows more about the show than I do. It's sad that the auditions are coming to an end, because that's the funny part. Who knows if I'll actually continue watching once the live shows are starting. Maybe-- I am trying to get more into television. Oh well, there's another episode tonight, but it runs far too late, seeing as I've got "praksis" tomorrow. Ah, I said yes to a shift at my job next week, plus I've already got five shifts at "praksis". Which means I've only got Saturday off. I am probably going to be exhausted. Oh well, it's not (hopefully) going to kill me. I am going to do school work now, and then I'll allow myself to read another fan fiction. Then I have to exercise, have a shower and sleep. I finally cleaned my bedroom this morning, and it's such a relief to hoover all the dust away. Wow, I'm just staring at a picture of Zayn Malik, and I just can never get over how beautiful he looks. Also, just seen another picture of Niall with a group of random people. Am slightly surprised to see him with Ed, but who knows? Maybe the rumours about Don't are untrue. Or maybe they've moved past their "beef". Right, I'm going to go and get on with my Sunday. Have a nice day x.
lørdag 20. september 2014
you've done nothing at all to make me love you less
Good evening. I am currently sat in my bedroom eating chocolate and listening to Ben Howard whilst writing this. I don't think I mentioned it yesterday, but I made plans with Marble and Kiwi today.We were supposed to meet up at my local mall. But due to life, our plans were a bit changed. Instead of the local mall, we ended up in Oslo. Firstly it was Marble and I, who went through Zara, looking for scarves. Marble wanted to find one, and I had to laugh a bit, because I'd just been looking for scarves online yesterday. We decided to go to the Zara at Majorstuen, after browsing through the one at Karl Johan's Gate. So we walked past the people who were watching the Oslo marathon, and went to the underground. Once we arrived at our stop, we waited for Kiwi, who shortly after greeted us. We went to Zara, where Marble searched through the store for scarves. And I tried on a coat which looked really lovely on the hanger. I had surpassed it when Marble and I was at the Zara at Karl Johan's Gate, just because it was so bloody busy there. Kiwi pointed it out to me, and I thought why not? And it was lovely, structured, not too big and bulky. But it's long, and nice and lovely. So I ended up buying this coat from Zara. I am very happy with my purchase, because it's been a staple piece I've been wanting for years now. I did buy myself a coat last year, but that's a little bit more untraditional. Now I can't wait for the proper autumn to come. Marble didn't end up with a scarf from Zara, but she did end up with one from Monki, which we almost walked past. It is gorgeous, and I fell in love with it. It's exactly like the scarves I've been looking at for the past few days. Marble told me I was allowed to buy it myself if I wanted. And I do appreciate that, because she knows I'm the kind of person who wouldn't buy the same thing as her in case it would spite her. I might, if I don't get over my love for tartan. I wore a very flow-y skirt today, which made me very paranoid I would flash people. And who knows, maybe I did. Oh well. After walking through Brandy Melville, which seems to be a store for 15-year old girls, we found our way to Creperie de Mari. We took the tram halfway, because a bus had crashed or summat and caused a stop to all traffic. I had to whip out some of my English, because I had a few people ask us what the chauffeur was announcing. I also had to whip it out once we got to our chosen destination for our late lunch. There were babies all around us, and I once again felt a bit like I should have a baby soon. Kiwi had an amazing fresh pressed orange juice, whilst Marble and I ordered the exact same order. After we had finished our crepes, we found our way to the train station. Kiwi and I bid farewells with Marble, before we took the bus to my local mall. We tried finding work-shoes for Kiwi, which was a failed attempt. I told Kiwi there should be a proper shop for nurses, which would sell gear and shoes and whatnot. I mean, surely someone would profit on that, seeing as there's so many nurses? I bought myself some tea, and walked Kiwi to the bus stop. I spotted my brother, who came home just after me. Funnily enough he asked me about the "hippie party", and I exclaimed "yes, you saw it too?". And I told him about Kiwi and I's attempt at crashing the party (nah, not really, we just wanted to see what it was about). It's been a good day, better, I think. I've just seen a picture of Niall Horan, Chris Brown, Usher and Skrillex together? What a bloody weird combo, innit? It's a perfect example of why Niall is such a mystery to me. I will probably never understand his persona. But you know, people are complicated species (or at least that's what they say). I am going to go downstairs now, watch X Factor UK and ignore the school work I was supposed to do. Might just have to do it tomorrow then, but it's fine because I had the day off today.
fredag 19. september 2014
I loved you with the good and the careless of me
Whilst enjoying our drinks at Cafe Sør, the other day, I felt a sudden sadness. Nostalgia, perhaps. Think I muttered that I missed Ireland, and both Marble and Ale "awww"-ed at me. "Don't worry, we'll go back sometime," Ale assured me. Earlier that day, Marble had seen my whiskey bottle on my desk. Told her to sniff it, see if she didn't think of Dublin when she did. I wonder if I'll always feel this way about Ireland, or if I've just romanticised it so much I can't get the idea of Ireland out of my head. I had a suspicion about this before going to Dublin actually. But it was wrong, it seems I genuinely do have very strong feelings about Ireland. I had a little panic a few hours ago, whilst sat in the sofa, watching television. I thought to myself "is this what I want to be doing next year? Have a job and then coming home to watch television and going to bed? What will my goals be? Will I want to settle down and have children? WHERE AM I GOING WITH MY LIFE". My panic quickly faded after I pushed the thoughts away for another time. It is never clever to think about your life one year ahead. Ireland has left me thinking of autumn and tartan. And now, autumn is finally here in Norway. It's cold in the mornings, and in two weeks it'll already be October. Ale saw my schedule that I've got on my wall above my desk, and I'd used my "dislike" stamp to cross out the days that has passed. She commented that it wasn't very nice, was it? And I told her "but I dislike that I've no longer got those days, that I've lost yet another day of my life". Mostly it was just something I said to justify using the "dislike" stamp, but it wasn't untrue. I don't like that I sometimes wake up and it's suddenly in the middle of the month when I feel like the month just started. But I also don't like how people are being killed by people, and I also don't like having to feel afraid walking alone in the night, and I don't like the thought of anyone close to me dying. And I don't like being sad without knowing why. I am having one of those days today, I think. Being sad without no apparent reason, A day where I find faults and flaws more than I can find solutions. Tomorrow will be better (hopefully).
conrad by ben howard,
onsdag 17. september 2014
I like to think that we had it all
Hello, hiya. I didn't really spend much time reading yesterday, did I? Not unless you count fan fictions. It's been the same today, but I've also been at "praksis" despite my day off. We had a group meeting today, and then I went to the mall where I bought myself some new running shoes. I've been wanting a new pair for ages, for work. I probably shouldn't have spent money on more shoes, but they're genuinely needed. (Also, I think it's easier to say "yes, I'll take them" to the pretty boy who helps you find a pair of shoes amongst the hundred pairs available. The pretty boy who is probably four years younger than you, ugh). When something will pay off for your health in the long run (ha, running shoes, "in the long run" lols), it's definitely worth spending money on it. It's not my usual kind of shoes, but they're Nike, so I guess they're my kind of shoes. I think they look tiny, but they're my size, so maybe I've just got small feet. Ever since I wrote about Foxes yesterday, I've been listening to her songs on repeat. Tunes! I just finished watching an episode of CSI, which I only started watching whilst eating. Then I couldn't not watch the ending, because I wanted to see how it would end. And ugh, it was a sad ending, which was really annoying. Hate to waste time on things that'll make me feel sad and aggravated. Oh dear, just sneezed so hard I'm sure some of my brain is oozing out. At the group meeting today, I just suddenly started coughing, and I'm scared that I'll develop a cough. Oh dear, if it isn't fan fictions, CSI, or food, I'm procrastinating by watching videos of One Direction (Harry looks strangely attractive with his hair in a bun. Also, he's been wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. Just like last year? And it makes him look delectable). And now I found some videos with focus on Niall during their concert yesterday. He's sooo lovely (still obsessed with his Beautiful Girls/Stand By Me cover), and I just want to hug him is all (and marry him and have his babies and move to Ireland with him and be happy forever after (this is actually a joke, I've always thought it's better to never meet any of your idols because what if you get disappointed, and they're not at all what you thought they were, and all the images of them in your head will be shattered?)). Will I ever start reading curriculum this week? Who knows? Bah, I haven't procrastinated this much since forever (at least it seems like it). I seem to be setting myself up for disaster. Oh well, I am looking forward to the weekend, which for me, will be after my shift at "praksis" tomorrow. I'm well excited for X Factor UK, and I've got a chocolate bar waiting for me. Have a good nights sleep x.
harry styles,
maps by maroon 5,
niall horan,
one direction,
x factor
tirsdag 16. september 2014
clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Gah, I am absolutely shattered. My legs are barely in function. I'm usually fine after having a day-shift after an evening-shift, but I think adding that to the Pharrell Williams concert I attended on Sunday-- it's not strange my legs are nearly dead. Ale and I woke up a bit later than the previous day, and we watched X Factor UK in the morning because she's a good friend and indulges my wishes sometimes. We didn't leave the house until 3:00 pm, maybe. We took the tram to Grünerløkka, where we chilled for a few hours. We had a slice of cake each. Ale had carrot cake, whilst I had chocolate cake. We were sat outside in the nice weather, so we spent some time "people watching". It's always interesting, imagining how random people are. I introduced Ale to Mathallen, and she convinced me to eat sushi. Had avocado on mine, so, like, it appears that as long as something has got avocado in it, it's alright. Well, that's not entirely true. Anyway, the sushi was good, and I hadn't really expected else because we were at Mathallen, and I would expect the food to be good. We spoke English to a man who apparently spoke Norwegian. But hey, he started it, I think? I bought some organic tea that I've tasted at Lynx's place. Didn't really think about the fact that I was going to a concert later, did I? Oh well, my little bag didn't stop me from dancing along to Pharrell's songs. We were at the concert arena around 6:40 pm, and it looked a bit sparse with people. Our first action, once we had found our way in the darkness (it was really dark inside for some reason, and very steep steps by the entrance. It's a wonder no one fell), was to buy some beer. It went down rather quickly, though I can't say I'm good at drinking slowly. Because we were early, we got quite good spots, and it wasn't too long until Foxes came on stage. I've heard about Foxes through listening to the Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw. I'm not sure if her music is very popular in Europe, but I realised I had heard about four or five of the songs she performed. Ale had only heard one, I think. I was very surprised by that, but it's not strange if she's not very popular outside of the UK. Clarity, I think most people have heard. But then there's also Holding Onto Heaven, Let Go For Tonight, Glorious. You should definitely give her a shot. I personally think she's really good live, though I don't think we were her kind of crowd. I am really glad I got to see her live though. She sort of reminds me of Zooey Deschanel's character in Yes Man when she's dancing. I told Ale that I think Foxes is a bit of a strange soul. After she had done her set there was quite a bit of time of waiting. Ale and I had initially managed to get quite good spots with space. But then we had someone tapping on our shoulders, saying that we should move forward a bit, because there were people behind them trying to get our spots. I really did appreciate that, and I knew what she meant, because there was a girl on my side, slowly trying to get me to move by dancing and bumping into me. Can't say I appreciate obnoxious people like that, but we held onto our spots. Once Pharrell was on stage, everyone started cheering. I was pleasantly surprised with the whole experience of this concert, because I didn't think I'd enjoy it quite as much as I did. I hadn't listened to his album in preparation of the concert, and I had only heard two songs from his new album. So I was a bit anxious about how I'd get on, but goodness gracious-- he had such great dancers. I was absolutely mesmerized by them, thought they were fierce. And they were all different ethnicity, so that was really nice. One of the things I enjoyed the most about the concert, was how Pharrell constantly praised his dancers, his singers, his band, and just everyone- because he knows that there wouldn't be a show without them. And he also speaks so much about the power of women, positivity, and important things. It feels a bit like listening to him preach sometimes, and I don't mind listening. I was also surprised to realise that I recognised more than two songs, and it was ace when they started singing Hot In Here, Drop It Like It's Hot, Hollaback Girl, Milkshake, and others. My favourite was probably when he started singing Get Lucky, because the whole crowd started shouting the lyrics. What's also very important for me to enjoy a concert, is that the artists are enjoying performing. I don't know if everyone thinks about that, but it makes me smile when I see them smile. The concert ended with Happy, and screams and shouts and praise for Pharrell and all of his crew. When Ale and I were walking out of the venue a guy asked us if we were happy, and we answered yes. I asked him back, and he said something like "yes, now that you're here". Cheesy, but I've heard cheesier. He told us that we were "beautiful", and I told him the same back. From the subject of Pharrell to the subject sexism-- have you ever been aware of the fact that we learn to internalise that girls/women are beautiful, and boys/men are handsome? We've grown up learning to associate specific adjectives with men/women. I very rarely use the word "handsome" for a guy. I actually use "pretty", which in our society is also associated with women. But yeah, the point is, you should be more aware of sexism in the everyday life. Right, I must go to bed. Didn't really do any reading today, which means I've not opened a book since Friday. Which means I have to read loads tomorrow to catch up. Bah. Oh well, I've sort of got the day off tomorrow, and then I have the whole weekend off as well, so it's going to be fine.
happy by pharrell williams,
music talk,
mandag 15. september 2014
I'm feeling something deep inside, hotter than a jet stream burning up
Hello lovely people! I've had the greatest weekend I've had in a long time. For once I didn't do any school work, and I did everything I wanted to. These pictures are from Saturday, when Ale, Marble and I spent the day in our capital, Oslo. We had already decided to go to Astrup Fearnley museum, but there were also a food market and book festival going on in the city. We had a little wander through the food market, but quickly decided to leave due to the amount of people. Then we went to the museum, which, at the first sight looked tiny. But it wasn't, and we saw a lot of different things. I think it's very interesting to look at contemporary art, because as the years have gone by, we've gotten a different perspective of what art is "supposed" to be. I always do feel a bit conflicted when I look at art, because I automatically think: "is this supposed to be beautiful?" and then I have to think, that it's not supposed to be anything to me. I'm supposed to make up my own mind about the art. Anyway, once we were done gazing at the art, we went to the shops and bought ourselves some snacks to enjoy outside in the sun. We sat on a patch of grass for sometime and talked a bit, and just relaxed. We hadn't exactly made proper plans for the Saturday, so we just decided to go with it for the most of the time. So we made an impromptu decision to go to the cinema. When we got there, there was only one movie showing at 4:30 pm (understandably). We did hesitate a bit, because none of us knew what the movie was about, nor were there any posters of the movie. But after going to the loo, we decided that "hey, it would be fun to just watch the movie without knowing what it's about". And that's what we did. We watched a movie called Belle, and we were pleasantly surprised by the movie. Initially, I thought maybe it would be a French indie movie. However, it was anything but. Once it was done, we went to find the correct tram. Marble was our guide on Saturday, and she had on her phone, which is still the best travel app I've ever downloaded. Because she was so busy with trying to find directions on her phone, we stopped just outside Nationaltheateret. And we were lucky to enjoy a lovely performance of Landslide by a street singer. Definitely clapped once she was done. After her performance, we went to take the tram, and found our way to The Nighthawk Diner. This time I was in charge of the directions, because Marble was tired of being in charge. We all had burgers, and some beer. We sat there, eating, drinking, chatting-- until 8:30 pm, I think. Then we went for the loo, and headed off to our next adventure. It was the ending of the book festival on Saturday, and we wanted to go to the party for the ending of it because they were going to do slam poetry. It's been something I've sort of jokingly said I want to watch to Marble quite a few times. And she's done the same to me, but in all honesty, it's definitely something I want to see. Sadly we were late, despite the schedule saying something different. Oh well, next time. I'm going to keep my eyes out for anything saying "slam poetry". We ended up going to a bar where we quickly realised the age limit was 25 years. Oh dear, it's not the first time it's happened, and it's not going to be the last. Anyway, we went to Cafe Sør, where we enjoyed some drinks. I've walked past it quite a few times, and I've always wanted to check it out. Usually there will be some live music, at least when I've previously walked by. But on Saturday it was a DJ. I had a gin russian as usual, which I've found that almost no one has on their menu. But if you ask nicely, most of the time they'll make one for you. We were home at 11:30 pm, I think and it was strange because it felt really late, but it wasn't. We had just done so many different things. I forget sometimes how much I love Oslo, but my love has been rekindled this weekend. I have the late shift at "praksis" tonight, which in all honesty, I am not looking forward to. It's probably going to be all right, I just don't really want to leave the house, is all. I feel like I've just had a week off, and now I have to go back to work. Ale left not long ago, and it's strange how quickly she moulds herself into my life. She's been my personal alarm clock the past few days, knocking on my door to wake me. This particular morning, I woke up earlier than anticipated, and I caught up on my Tumblr dashboard. Niall's birthday was on Saturday, and my dashboard has been bombarded with gifs and videos of him. One of the things I was most disappointed with on this tour, is that they're not doing any proper covers. But usually, when they're thanking their band, they sing along to the song that the band is playing. On Saturday, Niall sang a short mashup of Beautiful Girls/Stand By Me, which I thought was delightful. I forget sometimes how much I enjoy listening to his voice alone. Anyway, I've really got to go get ready now. Have a nice Monday x.
fredag 12. september 2014
hello love, for you I have so many words
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I woke up just in time to be locked in for The Breakfast Show with Grimmy. I've not listened to the very start of his show live for ages. I forget sometimes how much I enjoy waking up to listen to the show, because the banter between the crew is just so bloody good. Yesterday evening I took down the One Direction poster off from the back of my door, and it felt a bit like a symbol of something. Mostly it's just because it's two years old. But it also feels like my obsession with them is slowly fading, which it probably is. That won't stop me from buying their albums and attending their concerts, though. Ah, who knows, maybe I'll love them forever. I've basically spent the morning reading curriculum and doing school work. It's also what I'm currently doing now. Though it feels like I've been a good student the past few weeks, I haven't been that good. Mostly I've just focused on reading for my exam, and therefore not been good at reading for "praksis". I've never felt so unorganised either, haven't had a clue about all the papers I'm supposed to write. But that's mostly because of my teacher from school. She had to cancel the last weeks meeting, and then she doesn't have access to our school information platform, so we've not been able to get much information from her. I am supposed to write a paper of sorts now, and I'm just completely blank. Can't remember how to write something that's not a blogpost. Ah, forgot how hard it can be sometimes. Oh well, I'm sure I'll come up with something, because I've not got time to postpone it. Today is the day of Ale's arrival. And so I told my dad she was coming today, because despite telling my mum a week ago, I've not trusted her to remember to tell anyone. I think my dad mistook me for saying a guy's name, and he said: "and you're sleeping in your bedroom, then?" with a sceptical face. Once I understood his scepticism, I corrected him, and had a laugh. It's a bit like when Oyster straight out asked me if I had a boyfriend. I spluttered, because what on earth would make her think that? One of the first questions Ale asks me each time we speak, is how it's going with my love life. Honestly think maybe I should just get a t-shirt printed with "I've not got a love life" or "I've not got anyone special in my life, unless you mean chocolate biscuits". Anyway, I'm really looking forward for tomorrow, because Marble, Ale and I will be gallivanting through the city, doing random things, being cultural. A few of the things we will be doing, are things I've been wanting to do for a while to be honest. It's going to be an ace day, which it always is with the two lovely girls. Also, can't wait to watch the X Factor UK. I've honestly rewatched the two first episodes twice, that's how much I like it. Anyway, it's nearly 6:00 pm, which means I should have written my paper two hours ago. Have a nice evening. Hopefully you'll have an ace day.
torsdag 11. september 2014
you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt
Goodness, I tried explaining hashtags to mum yesterday. It was impossible. I've been thinking about babies too much lately, and it didn't help today when Manja and I was sat in the cafe and we were suddenly surrounded by five babies. Newborns! Manja and I shared a look. It's like I melt a bit each time I see a little baby. Today I also had a little toddler as a patient, and he was so bloody adorable. I'm going crazy. "Do you have a boyfriend, then?" Manja asked me, as we were surrounded by all these babies. "No," I said. "You should probably wait with a baby until you have one," she laughed. Today I spent almost no time with patients, whatsoever. My nurse supervisor told Manja and I to practise different procedures with each other, and try to focus a bit on medicines. So we've basically just been glued together today, which was really nice. Because despite being at the same praksis, we've always got very different shifts, and we're never really together. But we were today, and it was really nice. Oh dear, it's 6:30 pm already, and I've indulged in chocolate biscuits and two fan fictions already. If I can sum this week up, it's been a week of not wanting to read any curriculum or be a good student. Which is why I've got so much I'm supposed to do today. However there's been so many new fan fictions published this past week, and I'm not strong enough to not read them. Though I am aware that I should be reading right now, I am going to read a new chapter of one of my all time favourite fan fictions. Then I'll hopefully be a bloody good student. Tomorrow will also be spent trying to get school work finished. But the weekend, ah (I've finally got a Saturday off), I'm going to spend doing no school work. Just going to enjoy myself. D'you know what? I really want a hat (but I also really want a new pair of Nike Free Runs, a new coat, a new scarf, new boots, new cardigan, new jumpers, new jeans, new everything). Oh and I'm really looking forward to watch X Factor UK. I honestly watched the first episode twice, just because I loved it that much. It only airs on Saturday and Sunday on television here, which is nice for me, because that's when I usually have days off. Anyway, have a nice Thursday (feels like Friday to me, basically because, the weekend has started for me).
stay with me by sam smith,
x factor
onsdag 10. september 2014
nobody loves you, baby, the way I do
Hi! I really don't want to do any reading except for all the fan fictions I've got lined up on my phone, ready too be read. I really can't afford to not read anything today, seeing as I skipped it yesterday. Also, I've not got extra time to catch up on reading this weekend, as Ale is coming to stay. I am really looking forward to see her, and we're going to meet up with Marble as well, so the #dublinteam will be assembled again. Yay! This morning was awful. I really wanted to cry when the alarm went off, because I had gone to bed a bit later than I should have. And that's not a good idea when I'd already had little sleep the day in prior. It's just that one of the fan fictions I've been reading was updated with two new chapters, and I just couldn't not read it. (My willpower was weakened yesterday). Oh well, it was a rather short day at the "praksis" today, because we had a meeting with out teacher from school, then we went to some lectures after our meeting. I saw Sally for the first time in weeks, which was really nice. I do miss hanging with her and Allie at our old "praksis". I am going to go to bed early today, just so I can function properly at "praksis" tomorrow. And now I'm actually going to read, because I can't procrastinate longer than I've allowed myself now. (Will be drinking lots of tea though, and probably eat another pack of crackers because I'm worth it) (Also will be thinking about this picture of Niall with Theo, his nephew and thinking about Niall being a dad) (Will probably think about Niall in general) (Also will be thinking about the day I have a baby myself and can have a baby falling asleep in my arms) (Why do I think so much about babies all the time these days?) (Bah, must read now, stop procrastinating).
tirsdag 9. september 2014
it's been so long, maybe we're fireproof

Hi One Direction! I love these pictures. I wonder who took them? The dream cover, I think, would be if they took the pictures themselves. God, imagine them using a selfie as the cover of their album. The one thing that seems to be predictable about One Direction, is that their albums are released in November. I had this feeling that there would be new music around the corner, but I was shocked to read Niall's tweet on Monday afternoon: "We wanted to give "fireproof" to you as a gift, we feel it will give you a good idea of where we are going with ' FOUR' will sound like!". I saw this tweet just as I was going to "praksis", so I didn't have time to check it out before I got home yesterday. At 11:30 pm I was sat listening to Fireproof by One Direction off of their new album FOUR (I'm not quite sure whether it's in capital letters or not). And I was so overwhelmed, because in a way I'm not surprised at all by their "new" sound. But in another way I am very surprised that they've been brave enough to go in another direction, further from the more "poppy" sound. Sorry, obviously I can't explain music with proper words. Anyway, Fireproof wasn't the only reason for why I was overwhelmed. Nick Jonas released a new single called Jealous. And I listened to it yesterday, after listening to Fireproof. And my goodness, it's a proper tune, innit? There's like a row of CD's I want this autumn/winter. Gah, I am so knackered. It's always hard working a late shift, then an early shift the day after. I didn't get enough sleep, and even when it's silent at "praksis", you still have to be on alert for anything to happen. Suddenly there's a man with chest pains, or there's a new ambulance coming, etcetera. I told my co-workers that I felt stiff like a board. And one of them said: "in your back, you mean?". I said: "no, like, my whole body". And I had some co-workers agree with me. So I think the feeling of being stiff like a board comes along with being on the alert all the time, and always being a bit tense. I saw a bit of a skull today, so that was interesting. It's definitely not uninteresting being at my "praksis", because you get to see helluva lot. But I had another fun day. I had a patient that was a little baby boy, and he was so precious. God, I went out of that room feeling like I need a baby ASAP (meaning I need a baby to cuddle with until it starts crying). I am not at all tempted to read curriculum nor exercising today. And because I feel like being nice to myself, I might let myself off the hook. Though I'll probably do some stretching to get rid of that stiffness in my body. I'm currently playing an anatomical game, which is quite amusing. Oh dear, this is what I'm doing in my down time-- playing anatomical games. Lols. Oh, I realised that one of the probable reasons for why X Factor UK uses One Direction songs so frequently (apart from saying "hey, if you're in the X Factor you might reach this kind of success) is because Ben Winston is the director. He's also known as one of the directors behind This Is Us by One Direction, their new Concert DVD and the first One Direction documentary. He's basically been with One Direction since close to the start. Alright, so I'm going to just relax for the rest of the day, as it's important to take care of yourself. Have a nice one x.
søndag 7. september 2014
and as per usual, you were skipping and laughing eyes at the bedroom door
Hiya! So yesterday did get a bit bloody. There were quite a few wounds, and not coincidentally- I was a part of most of them. The only trick to getting over the wooziness I've been experiencing, is to face the wounds. But it went very well yesterday, didn't feel very woozy and I didn't have to lie down! And that's an accomplishment in itself. It was quite busy yesterday, and I didn't sit down much. But I really enjoyed working with the co-workers yesterday. They have such a great banter in between them, and it makes the atmosphere so much lighter. Anyway, I got to go a bit earlier as per usual, so I jogged to the wardrobes in order to catch the bus. It's the third night in row that I've gotten home really late. I did listen to Re:Stacks on the way home, albeit this time not coincidentally. The sky was a bit cloudy, so there weren't any stars to be seen, which was a bit disappointing. But once I got home, I ate, sat down to watch the ending of what seemed like a horror movie. "I don't understand the plot?" I said, and my brother agreed, though he'd probably seen the whole thing. I went to bed around half one? And I woke up at 9:00 am with sunshine on my face. Had avocado on toasted bread and a cup of tea for breakfast (plus three cookies, naughty me) whilst reading a fan fiction. It was average, eh, but it did make me weep a bit. After that I finally cleaned my bedroom, and it's now (mostly) free of dust. Ugh, I hate seeing dust collecting, it's one of my pet peeves probably. I've also got fresh duvet covers, which is always lovely. After that I watched a bit of Grand Designs, until I decided that watching Kevin McCloud ala 1990 wasn't in my interests. Instead I watched Norwegian Idol and then X Factor UK. They were both funny, because both are at the auditions stage. However, the latter was hilarious. I've never given the X Factor UK a go, because I'm not usually a TV-person. But my goodness, the production is ace, because I think it's both a bit mocking "yes, this is a talent show and there's a lot of crazy people on it" but it's also serious in the fact that it becomes a serious competition-- that this is a competition that can help someone fulfil their dreams. I must admit that I'm surprised that they so oftenly use One Direction songs as background songs. "Do you know who sings this song?" I asked my brother. He said no, and I exclaimed: "it's One Direction!". I can't even tell you how many times this happened, but it was several times. If I can find time for it, I'm going to start watching it regularly, I think. It did make me miss Lynx and Grepper a bit, though. Because I mostly only watch these kind of reality shows when I'm at theirs because my sister is obsessed. After my TV session, I went upstairs and organised the pictures in my photoalbum. So now they're organised after dates. Years from now, when I'm 40 I'll look at a picture and wonder when I took that. I'll pull out the picture, and thank the 21-year-old-me for writing the dates behind the pictures. I did realise that I've not got any pictures from last year, so I think I'm going to get some printed. It was very nostalgic to look through the pictures, and it made me smile. We mostly only take pictures of the good moments in life, at least I do, so obviously it'll make me happy to see the pictures I've taken throughout the past six years. Oh dear, I must go exercise now. My Sunday funday is nearly over, and I've come to really love these days of not having to do anything other than what I want. Tomorrow I've got another night shift, which will be my third in a row. But I don't mind it because I quite enjoy it. And as I told Oyster the other day: I seem to enjoy walking around when it's dark and no one's around more than I enjoy walking around in the daylight and with people around. Anyway, have a nice Sunday evening x.
lørdag 6. september 2014
I'm reaching out to you, can you hear my call?
I hate brewing tea, only to forget it and go brush my teeth. There's a certain disappointment about doing that because I love my tea. Also, yesterday I had a cookie before 9:00 am, which I felt a bit bad about. And that's horrible! I can't even remember the day I started feeling bad about eating unhealthy foods, and I distinctly remember that I once said I couldn't understand why people felt bad about eating unhealthy. Gah, nine-year-old me would be so disappointed. I was really lazy on Thursday, and figured it'd be fine to not read curriculum, when I'm supposed to read approximately 33 pages each week. However, it was a bit silent at my "praksis" the first few hours, so I got some reading done then. I've been marking so many lines that my green marker pen has gone out of colour? I guess pink will have to do now. Can we talk about some serious things? When you get a whistle, walking past men, or when you have men staring intently at you-- how does it make you feel? Do you feel pretty? Do you feel good? Do you take it as a compliment? Or do you feel creped out? The thing is that, society is a twisted thing, because it's human made. And humans are twisted people, believe it or not. From young age girls are taught that attention from males are a positive thing. So obviously we are expected to feel flattered about catcalls when we walk past a group a men. "Some of you might think, no, that's not true. I think it's creepy". But will you think the same when the men are young and gorgeous, rather than old and disgusting? Because they're both doing the same thing. We've got so many values and distorted images internalised in our society, people don't see them-- it's just another day in life, innit? It's been on my mind since I was standing at the bus stop at 6:55 am, and there were five cars driving past after each other, and every driver was a male and all stared at me. Right, I could go on about this for ages, but I'm not going to. I talked about it with Oyster yesterday, so I let out a bit steam then. "Praksis" on Thursday was a bit silent at the start. I said "it's good that there's not many injuries, but it's really quiet". Might have jinxed us, because at the end of the night there were too many patients to be done at the time my "praksis" usually closes. But it was really good, I thought. I got to go a bit earlier, and it was almost like I didn't want to leave. I wouldn't have minded to stay there to midnight (unless if I would have a day shift the day after). I spent the morning yesterday exercising, reading curriculum and drinking tea. (11:11. God, it's here again). Then I went to pick up my pictures, which I was seriously excited about. I've put them in my album, and now I just want to go buy another disposable camera. I wandered around the mall for a bit because I wanted to find a pair of clothing I've been looking for since forever. Maybe I'm just too picky, because I didn't find anything yesterday. After realising the time, I went to the bus stop. I got to Oyster's a bit after 4:00 pm, where I was served food and dessert. As I mentioned, I've not seen her for months, so we talked for the most of the evening. Oyster guessed I'll find a businessman someday, and she was just describing how business-y he'd be, and I said: "do you mean Niall Horan?". Sadly she said no, so apparently I'm not marrying Niall Horan. But that's fine, he's too young, innit? Look at what she got me, though: donut pj's! I got them for my birthday present along with some other things. At 11:00 pm I said it was time for me to go, so I did. Usually I'd probably just spend the night, but I've got "praksis" today. So I walked to the bus stop, wondering if the bus would be filled with tipsy people. There were only two who seemed quite tipsy: a couple, whom I initially thought were about 60 by the way the girl was wearing a pastel coloured beret. They were sat quite close to me and snogging the breath out of each other. I found myself smiling, thinking "ah, life". Once I got to the bus station, I caught eyes with a man, as you sometimes do. He was one of those pretty ones with tanned skin, dark eyes and even had a hat on his head. And as I so often find myself doing, I cursed all the pretty boys. I'm probably never going to see him again, and I'll forget about this like I've forgotten everyone else. Each time I've gotten home late, my phone has coincidentally started playing Re:Stacks, and it's the best thing ever, like my phone genuinely knows me. Anyway, it's soon noon, which means it's not long until I'm going to "praksis". Can't say I'm looking forward to it much, and as I told Oyster, I hope there's not too much blood today. Am looking forward to listen to Re:Stacks this evening when I get home, though. And I am looking forward for a day off tomorrow to do nothing school related (unless I decide to do some, that is). Also looking forward to clean my bedroom because it's a mess right now, but cannot be bothered to clean it up right now.
lay me down by sam smith,
niall horan,
onsdag 3. september 2014
darling when your feet are cold, wait up I'm coming home
Hello. Feel like I've been eating all day long, and it's sort of true. Due to my dizziness that comes along with bloody things (I'm not quite sure what causes the dizziness, because I don't actually think it's the blood), I've been pestered to eat and drink quite regularly. So, Manja (so many names that starts with an M? But this is the student I am at "praksis" with) told me at 10:00 am: "I think you should go have a snack now". And I did. Then I was supposed to come along to inspect a wound, but first I was told to go drink a glass of juice. We had lunch at 11:30 am, then I was told to grab a bite at 2:00 pm as well. Then I had some cake at 3:00 pm? So basically I have been eating all day. But yeah, although I'm really annoyed with my reaction to these blood involved happenings, I think it's really sweet how all the coworkers around me seem to care. Tomorrow I have a late shift at "praksis", and then at Friday I'm finally seeing Oyster again, whom I've not seen for several months. Also, next week Ale is coming to stay at my house because we're seeing Pharrell Williams in concert. Admittedly, I've not listened much to his music, and usually I'll do it to prepare myself for a concert. But I don't like the idea of forcing music upon myself? I'll listen to it if/when I want to listen to it, not because I "have to". I am quite chuffed that Foxes is one of the opening acts. Which reminds me of iTunes Festival-- the line up for this years iTunes Festival looks pretty great with the likes of 5SOS, Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran, Hozier, Ben Howard, Kylie Minogue, Rudimental, Jess Glynne, Rae Morris, Luke Sital-Singh, Pharrell Williams, Foxes, Sam Smith and many more. I am quite tired now, so I might just head to bed and have an early morning tomorrow.
tirsdag 2. september 2014
When the evening pulls the sun down, and the day is almost through, the whole world it is sleeping. But my world is you.
Came home from Dublin with these beauty products. Realised I now (almost) have a full Borjours kit. Spent my morning rewatching an interview of Niall and Liam promoting their new perfume. Then I spent some time annoyed at Niall for tweeting about their new album, because he must write when. Someone send me new music please, ha. On my way to "praksis" today I kept up the "be in the moment" thing. "I am breathing fresh air. I am at the hospital". Almost passed out at "praksis" today because of too much blood involved due to minor surgeries. Gah, frustrating stuff. Got home and got rid of a huge weight off my shoulders (metaphor, don't actually walk around with weights on my shoulders). Went to the grocery store and bought nine items for about ten pounds (yes! #studentlife). Did I mention that I've got a big purple bruise on my thigh (one of which I actually know the cause of)? Also, did I mention that I got stung by a wasp? I felt a sudden sting on my heel, but I didn't think much of it. But then I felt this burning sensation that was a bit too familiar. I was sat on the couch watching television, when I started jumping up and down and shouting "why me? What did I ever do to you?". My mum thought I had gone crazy. I was jumping to divert myself from thinking of the pain. Last time I was stung, I was bicycling home, and therefore I didn't really feel that much pain. But this time it singed for a long time. I'm probably going to develop a phobia against wasps. Oh well, life goes on. I am going to do something that I categorise as an "adult" thing, and am therefore not excited. Then I am going to read curriculum. Definitely feel like I have an eventful life today. Nah, life is good. And it's September, which means it's three months until December, which means Christmas is around the corner. Can't wait to start listening to Christmas music!
mandag 1. september 2014
I've been thinking about you, babe
Hello, this is my current hair, although it's normally straight. And yes, yes, I am naked in this picture (that is not actually true, but I suspect you can't really sense the sarcasm through written words. That makes me think of famous writers and how we've interpreted their works. What if they wrote something sarcastic, and everyone thinks they were serious? How annoying). I really enjoy having shorter hair, and like Sugar told me, it's sort of the "normal" me. However I must admit that I am highly annoyed I cannot put my hair in a high ponytail without having to use bobby pins. Yesterday was a much needed day off, and I almost felt like I had to do something productive. I let myself read one line about something I was curious about from my curriculum. The problem about always reading so much curriculum, is that sometimes a word just pops into my mind, and I'm like "what did that mean?". Because I can't be bothered to check it up, it'll stay in my mind for ages. But once I bother to check the word, it's like my mind says "alright, off you go word. I'll be silent now, won't pester you human. You go on do whatever you want to do". I spent the morning yesterday reading all the fan fictions I wanted to read, then I caught up with Youtube videos whilst watching Grand Designs. God it's been a long time since I've watched Kevin McCloud appreciate architecture. Since it was Sunday, there's usually Grand Designs' marathon. Sadly I realised I had watched all the other episodes, so I retreated to my bedroom where I watched videos from recent One Direction concerts. I was contemplating whether to exercise or not, because it was supposed to be my day of "do whatever you want". But in the end I found that I wanted to exercise, so I put on some old Ed Sheeran, which was really nice. Sang along to all of the songs, and remembered how much I love his old album. Speaking of new music, I am so ready for One Direction to release some new music. They've been dropping hints forever, it seems. And usually they'd have a new single out by now? Or something. Anyway, after exercising and having supper, I rearranged my closet because of the more autumnal weather. I hate having clothes that I don't use hanging in my closet. It just makes it harder to find an outfit that I want to wear. I then went through Asos to see if I could find a nice coat, because I want a new coat. I want all the coats to be honest. When I was in Dublin, I saw a coat in New Look, which was gorgeous. And I regret not buying it so much. What's annoying with this, is that I'm probably going to look at coats and compare them to the one I saw and fell in love with. And none will ever be better than that damned coat. Oh well. Once I was done with looking through Asos, it was suddenly 11:00 pm, and silly me decided that the last thing I wanted to do yesterday was to cry. So I started re-reading a fan fiction that I was supposed to wait to read until it was finished. It's just such a good fan fiction that makes my heart clench. I was basically just sobbing throughout the whole thing, but once I was done, there was a smile on my face (I hadn't read the most recent chapter, and it seems like things are turning better for the protagonist). I met Monchita in the bathroom. Confused, I asked her if she had just woken up for a trip to the loo, because it was 1:40 am. She said no, told me she was just going to bed then. My eyes felt really puffy and my nose snotty. But I felt a lot better because I don't think I've cried in a really long time? I did feel a bit like my eyes were swollen this morning when I woke up at 9:00 am. I've been at my old "praksis" for a little trip, and it was very strange to be back. I was just dropping something off, before I went back home. On the bus I was scrolling through my Instagram, when I thought "mindfulness, be in the moment". So I put my phone back in the pocket and tried to be in the moment, "I'm on the bus. We're driving at this very moment, and I can feel my body breathing". Admittedly I don't think I'm very good at mindfulness and being in the moment, and I felt a bit strange when I kept thinking "I'm on a bus". But I think it's important to be in the moment, and be aware of your surroundings. Especially since we're such a multitasking society. Everyone's on autopilot, it seems. I was listening to a playlist with all of the songs I've been listening to this summer (and pre-summer, really), which made me really happy. I wanted to listen to Grimmy this morning, as it's his first day back from having a well-deserved holiday for two weeks(?). But since I had to go to my old "praksis" I missed that. However, I am going to listen to him later on when I'm exercising. I am really hungry now, so I'm going to grab myself some lunch. I am spending my day reading curriculum and doing school work. Mostly, at least. I need to go to the shops, but I can't be bothered to get out of the house again, so I might just stop by on my way home from "praksis" tomorrow.
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