Hii! I've literally not been on the computer for days. But the last days have been spent reading pathology and going for long walks with my family. Today I bought some shoes, and then I met up with my friends. And it was really lovely, because - well, it's always lovely to spend time with your friends, innit? These gif's are literally perfect. Once I find out which movie it is, I'm going to watch it. But now I'm going to catch up with Youtube (sounds like Youtube is a person, doesn't it?), before I do some more reading. The title from the blogpost is from the song Undercover by Zara Larsson, whom my belieber friend introduced me to. And I'd forgotten about the song until today when I heard it at the mall. It's really really good! Anyway, happy Easter mi amigos.
lørdag 30. mars 2013
we could build a universe right here, all the world could disappear
Hii! I've literally not been on the computer for days. But the last days have been spent reading pathology and going for long walks with my family. Today I bought some shoes, and then I met up with my friends. And it was really lovely, because - well, it's always lovely to spend time with your friends, innit? These gif's are literally perfect. Once I find out which movie it is, I'm going to watch it. But now I'm going to catch up with Youtube (sounds like Youtube is a person, doesn't it?), before I do some more reading. The title from the blogpost is from the song Undercover by Zara Larsson, whom my belieber friend introduced me to. And I'd forgotten about the song until today when I heard it at the mall. It's really really good! Anyway, happy Easter mi amigos.
uncover by zara larsson
onsdag 27. mars 2013
if I could see your face once more, I could die a happy man I'm sure
Hi babes. I'm so knackered, because I ended up going to bed at 05:30 am. And I woke up at 10:00 am. But heyyyy, I'm pretty sure Zayn deleted his tweet? And I am sure he did actually tweet it (99,2% sure). But I can't seem to find it anywhere on Tumblr, so, eh. Anyway, I watched The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey last night, hence my late night. Well, not really, I just didn't want to go to bed, and then I was hungry, so I went downstairs and ate food at 04:45 am. In my knickers, that is. The point was, that I really enjoyed the movie. And because I've read the book, I've imagined the scenes in my head. And wow, it's almost identical to my imagination, so when I watched it yesterday, it felt like a sense of deja-vu. Oh, and I nearly shat myself at the ending, when the dragon awoke. And it's so silly, because I knew it would happen. Also, is it just me or is Gollum scarier in this movie rather than in The Lord of The Rings? Because I watched the movie half-asleep, I might even watch it over again. But right now I need to read about 14 pages in my pathology book (or more). Because tomorrow I'm going on a road trip with mi familia and then my next eldest sister is coming in the evening. Which, we didn't get confirmed until an hour ago - and that proves the great communication within my family. I'm sure one of them will come home to an empty house one day, because they didn't bother telling us they were coming. My dilemma now, is the fact that I need to do school work. But I feel really guilty being isolated in my room whilst studying, and all my siblings are downstairs. Oh well.
all i want by kodaline,
when you said your last goodbye, I died a little bit inside
I’m currently sitting in my dark bedroom. The only source of light is my computer. And I’m listening to the live version of All I Want by Kodaline. I was not joking when I said I love it. Because it’s 4:00 am, and I am swaying back and forwards with a grin on my face to the damn song. I feel like I should probably become friends with a group of people that get high religiously and dance around in a deserted field. And everyone would erupt in laughter for nothing, and say ridiculous things. And it would be damn cold, but too funny to stop. Yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to make life decisions when I’m half asleep. Hey, maybe this means I want to go out and dance? Zayn just tweeted: "Party in london tonight?". Yes!! Just send me an airplane first, and I'll be there. This is when I know I should go to bed. I'm going to tweet Zayn first though. And Justin Bieber.
tirsdag 26. mars 2013
I am fucking crazy, but I am free
Actual bunnies. Double blogging today, because I decided to do a separate fangirling post. I love tours. They are the best thing to bring me videos and gifs of my favorite ships. And let me tell you, I sail all the ships. At the moment Nouis (Niall and Louis) is my favorite ship, because they are ridiculous and do all these synchronized dances. And I really cannot count how many hugs they've shared? And guess what, I've got a private playlist on Youtube with all my favorite One Direction videos in them. And it went from 50 videos to 127 in a month. Niall is currently home in Mullingar, because his broseph is getting married. And the team that's filming their 3D movie tweeted that they were going to Ireland?? Oh god, what if we get to see Niall's speech in the movie. I'm going to die. Guess what? I was just scrolling through Twitter, and I happened to be at Andy Samuels (also Liam's best friend) Twitter account a minute after he was having a twitcam. And I was a bit bored, so I thought why not? And guess who's sitting next to him? Yep, Liam Payne. But they were in an Apple store, so it ended rather quickly. Nevertheless, I was really happy because these are the things that never happen to me. I always miss a twitcam. Andy happens to be best friends with a youtuber called "Maz", and Maz happens to know all my favorite youtubers. Last weekend happened to be Playlist Live, and all of my favorite youtubers were gathered. Everyone, meaning: Jim, Tanya, Fleur, Louise, Zoe, Marcus, Alfie, Caspar, Sam, Louis, Jack, Finn, Troye, Ingrid, Luke, and Joey. And then there were Grace and Tyler too, but I don't really watch them. I just -- all the feels. I watched a video on Sam Pepper's Youtube, and it almost made my cry. Which is ridiculous, but not really. Because it was Sam Pepper, who's been living in L.A. for ages now, and he was reunited with everyone. And it was just a bit of an emotional video. I just feel like everyone knows each other. And they've somehow got a connection to One Direction too? Alright, not really, but also yes. I'm not going in detail, because it would take me far too long time. And I've got other exciting news. The Shaytards are having another tard! Yep, Mommytard, or Colette is having another baby. I've not been watching Shaytards for almost a year now, so maybe I'll start up again. And then the last fandom. Jonas Brothers are releasing a new music video in seven days! I'm so flabbergasted, because everything is so overwhelming and everything is happening at once. I'm just sort of really giddy and happy right now. I'm like screaming inside.
jonas brothers,
one direction,
ride by lana del rey,
our love was made for movie screens
Everyone should go listen to All I Want by Kodaline. It is one of the prettiest songs ever, lyrical wise. And to me, it is melody wise too. But then again, I'm very fond of indie rock. Kodaline happens to be Irish too, 'm just saying. I came across them last week at school whilst I was making a playlist for my friend. And the music video is just really lovely too (the song is incredible live too). The song is actually in a Grey's Anatomy episode. And it just proves that Grey's Anatomy delivers gems. I have actually heard it on the show, but I think I was too preoccupied to watch the episode rather than paying attention to the music, which is why I've not "discovered" it until now. The title of this blogpost is lyrics from the song, as with the drawing. I was drawing today, after cleaning my room, and I just really want a new drawing book. Because the one I have now is rubbish. Like, proper rubbish. Every time I use my rubber, the sheet is sort of ruined. Which is why I didn't even bother painting this, or remove the remains of the rubber. I did actually sort my books alphabetically today, after reading pathology out in the sun. I'll show you tomorrow, I guess. On another note, there's a quote from one of my favorite fan fictions I've been meaning to write about. "..sometimes you meet people and you can just tell they're going to be in your life for a really long time - and maybe you don't know the hows or whys of it all, but you do know they'll be there, and that feels like enough" (1). I read this not very long after celebrating the birthday of my belieber friend. And it sort of went straight to my heart, because it was literally something we spoke about that night. Basically we're four people, who might be the most different people in the world. But somehow, we've managed to become the best of friends. And we were holding a speech each for my belieber friend, and I'm pretty sure I said "I don't know why we're friends". And this quote just put words to my thoughts, which is why it's brilliant in my mind.
all i want by kodaline,
mandag 25. mars 2013
your love will be safe with me
Hiya! Yesterday I did a little bit of spring cleaning in my bedroom, and now my books are back in my window frame. I was just a bit unsatisfied with keeping them in the little shelf I had standing beside my desk. But now I've removed the shelf, and it looks a bit bare. My sister even stopped by and just stared a bit, before she pointed and asked "didn't something stand here before?" with a frown on her face. Obviously I said "nope, don't know what you're talking about. Your brain have gone all rubbish". But then recognition dawned on her face, and she said "your books!", and then she left. And that's basically the interaction that happens between us. Sometimes I'll stop by her bedroom and ask her what she's doing. Without knocking of course. And she'll shrug and say what she's doing - or sometimes delve into a story I'm too bored to listen to, and then I basically just shut the door. I think I should get an award for being such a good sister. Defnitely. Anyway, my window frame is basically like a book shelf now, and I'm contemplating whether to sort my books alphabetically? I mean, I did do the same thing to my CD collection. You know, one day I dream of owning my own library. Hell to a shoe closet, I'd rather have my own private library. That, or (and) my dream about owning a book store. (sigh) Me and my dreams. The weekend was basically spent reading about tumors, and I've grown weirdly fascinated. Although, perhaps not so weird considering it's actually really fascinating. I've still got to read pathology today, though. It seems like it never stops, and it's a bit depressing spending my holidays reading. Except, not really? I can't regret doing something that's actually enjoyable? And I did enjoy reading about tumors. It's just the fact that this is my curriculum for my exam. And that's usually associated with something boring. But today has been my "day off" - as in me lying in bed and reading a 80k word long fan fiction. It was good, but not enough I guess? I've just realised that I cannot read something where it's about emotions all the time. Unless I'm in the mood for it, I guess. It's just that it's very draining. The funny ones are the best ones. But those are also the hardest to write, hence the lack of good ones (..the good ones go, if you wait too long. I can't help but think of a song to everything I write? It's like there are lyrics burnt into my mind). I'm currently listening to Bloodhound Gang's The Bad Touch. And it's got this brilliant line: "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel". I mean, what a great pick-up line, innit? Anyway, I'm going to do a bit of school work and then watch a movie with my broseph. Did I mention that my brother is home? Well, he is.
re:stacks by bon iver,
søndag 24. mars 2013
we'll have the days we break, and we'll have the scars to prove it. We'll have the bomb that we saved, but we'll have the heart not to lose it
There are these moments where you just think that even if life isn’t perfect, you’re pretty much content with life now. It might happen when you’re out with friends and doing all these crazy stuff. And you’re going home after a successful night, and everyone’s tired. And you look over to your friends and think that there’s no one else you’d rather do this with. Or it might be during a bus ride home and a song comes on and reminds you of a memory that makes you grin. And you try to not grin like a maniac, until you realize you don’t care what people think anyway. Or it might be at 2:00 am at night and you’re just thinking about life in general, and you think that things are pretty much great. I think people need to stop for a moment or two - and just think. Because every second is a moment. And every second should be appreciated. Each unappreciated breath you take, is a breath someone desperately wishes for. And you should know that "happiness will never come to those who don't appreciate what they already have". So, smile a bit, yeah? Even if everything's a bit shitty, you're still alive. Some days will be shittier than others, but that's fine. Because without shitty days, there wouldn't be great days. So tuck the memories of great days in your memory, so you can drag them out and replay them in your mind when things get a bit shitty. Life is what you make it.
marchin' on by one republic,
fredag 22. mars 2013
they say that man ain't meant to fly, but I'm reaching up for the sky
Hiiiii! I'm still listening to Hold Me Down by JLS. I've just fallen in love with the song. Also, in the video where they do the acoustic version (it's the acoustic version I love) one says: "should we do Hold Me Down, yeah?". And he sounds so much like Zayn. Maybe that's just my imagination, but yeah. Anyway, I'm going to tag this post with my "Aunt may" tag, because sometimes I love Niall with his hair disheveled and unruly. Like sometimes I like it when he looks a bit tired? Like, I love a sleepy Niall. Also, I really enjoy these pictures because I love everything he's wearing too. Everything from the white tee, to the Nike's and the eye-jumper. The jumper especially. I really want that myself. Oh my god I'm currently listening to a rap about Niall?? It's called True Love (No Deniall). And he actually sings and plays in a band called Museum Mouth. I- just. Bahahah. Let's change the subject. I've been studying all day, except for food breaks and watching cross country skiing. And basically I'm a bit stressed out, because I've got so much to do and so little time. I'm trying my best to keep up with pathology, but I'm starting to worry about how it's gonna go, considering the amount of students from the second year that failed the last exam. And the fact that we've got a new layout for our exam, and therefore we've got no idea of how it's going to be. No clue. Alright, I'm actually going back to studying now. Gotta keep up with my time frame. Oh god, this sounds so depressing.
torsdag 21. mars 2013
stuck on the dark side, reaching for daylight
I was just chatting with A, and it was really lovely, seeing as I've not spoken with her in ages. 'S a bit bittersweet, though. Because it made me reminisce about summer of 11'. Once upon a time me and A used to go swimming all the time. Even when it was raining at we'd be in the water for literally five minutes. It's bittersweet because I miss summer, and I miss going swimming all the time. And I miss being carefree, and not having to read every day. I'm currently listening to Hold Me Down my JLS and it's really lovely. JLS have really lovely harmonies. And you know how I'm with harmonies. I just love them. Anyway, I'm incredibly knackered. I've been staying behind at school each day now, trying to read my daily dose of pathology. So when I come home, I'm basically ready for bed. But then I do something stupid as start reading a fan fiction, and then I don't go to bed until late, and then I have to wake up early. Basically I get no sleep. Which is why I plan on sleeping in tomorrow. And then I'm going to read more pathology and possibly watch cross country skiing. I'm going to leave you with a wonderful quote I discovered today:
"You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are". –Max Lucado
hold me down by JLS,
tirsdag 19. mars 2013
the adventurous adventures of one direction 2
It's heeeeeeereeee! And it's hilarious. And it's incredible considering all the work that goes into an animation. And I'm going to watch it over and over again. And I'll force my sister to watch it too. That is when I get home. I'm currently at school reading pathology all alone, because all my friends have left me (to rot as always. jk). And as I stated yesterday, I've got to be a bit productive. Even if my eyes feel all droopy. And all I want is my bed.
mandag 18. mars 2013
I know we only met, but let's pretend it's love
So, we went to watch skiing today. After school, that is. It was a rather spontaneous decision, and to be honest, we weren't really dressed for the weather. Nevertheless, we ended up seeing Petter Northug (!!!!!!!!) in real life. Actual three meters from us. Like, if I were to jump on him - I probably could. And then there were all these other familiar faces and names. And it was just a bit overwhelming, because I usually watch these people on the telly. And now they were in front of me. Touchable. It's definitely made my day. Perhaps week, even. My friends have finally opted to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and they loved it. Well, they were very fond of it. And it makes me happy, because The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a little gem that should be shared with everyone. The movie and the book, that is. Although I saw Northug today, my day have not been productive. I went out of my lecture because I was reading a really sad fan fiction, and I was trying so hard not to cry. So I had to leave. My friends left me there (to rot) anyway, so I figured I'd go meet them. And when they were studying, I was still a bit hung up on this fan fiction, and I was just thinking. About life and whatnot. And then I ended up just sitting there and thinking for ages, before I even opened my pathology book. And I ended up reading four pages. Basically nothing. Oh well, I'm going to blame it on the lack of sleep. Because I obviously thought it would be a good idea to head to bed at 1:00 am yesterday. I'm not going to do the same today. And hopefully I'll be really productive tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers. Last year a youtuber posted a video called "The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction". It's basically an animation of One Direction, or as the youtuber stated "his version of a fan fiction". And well, it was very successful and the boys even saw the thing and met the man behind the video. But now, nine months later, the sequel is coming. It's supposed to be posted today and I'm so excited. I watched the other religiously for weeks. It got to a point where I knew the lines to each character. It was my entertainment for breakfast. But then I stopped, because my sister was going crazy, and I realised that remembering lines from an animation probably won't get handy in the future.
søndag 17. mars 2013
I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it
.. sometimes I don't blog, because I've got so much to say. Like my brain or mouth is aching for a release, but I'm scared that I'll open my mouth and I will literally not stop writing. But here I am. And I've got no time, because I'm supposed to have a shower, eat, and finish reading a chapter in my pathology book. Okay, so I've limited this blogpost to these two pictures. Friday evening I went to a restaurant called YaYa's to celebrate my belieber friend's birthday. And, well, the place sort of blew my mind. I'm very much fond of interior, and I just sort of fell in love with everything. It even felt a bit like I was back in China, though YaYa's is a Thai restaurant. We had a lovely time, and the food was top notch, and I'm pretty sure it's become my new favorite place. Just because it was different. I tend to love things that are different. I even liked the beer I had, even if I normally dislike beer immensely. Second (sneaky) picture is of me trying to learn how to play Ode to Joy by Beethoven. Last night I went to my best friends house, only to get a little lecture in math and a piano lesson with my best friend's sister. No, not really. But that was what I did. And then today we watched Therese Johaug win the 30km race in cross country skiing, before we played some Nintendo 64 and then the picture comes in - we tried to do a few duets. I think we did pretty good, actually. Also, can I complain about something? There are commercials on Youtube. I-- it's just ridiculous to me. Because it's not like it's TV. And I don't watch TV!! And Youtube isn't supposed to have commercials in my opinion. Because it's ruining my life (not literally, but like in Freaky Friday, if you know what I mean). Anyway, I've got to go and eat. But I've had a really lovely weekend, and everything just feels really nice. And by that I meant "life". Everything just feels at ease. I should probably not have written that, because I might've just jinxed myself. But I don't care. Life is good. Alright, I'm going to go now before I start writing about wrinkles and aging and watching old videos, and the fact that I probably know of every family member of my best friend's, and the fact that I want a VHS player.
torsdag 14. mars 2013
if I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face, baby I would
Look at this lovely picture -- I was walking past the royal palace, on my way to catch the train. And I just had to snap a picture, though I wish I had a proper camera. I'm so knackered right now. Woke up at 6:00 am, and then I went to school and finished my test at 11:00 am (I think). And then I've been reading pathology all day. Like, I packed up my stuff at 7:30 pm and headed home. At least it's quite interesting. And because I've read anatomy, everything is much easier to understand. Nevertheless, I'm still very much knackered. And I think I'm just going to bed now. I'm just listening to I Would by Justin Bieber. It's my current jam, and, well, the Believe acoustic album is my jam this week. It's kind of creeping me out, because I desperately don't want to become a belieber. And it feels like I'm becoming one. 'S not that I really have a problem with Justin Bieber. It's just that I'm terrified of getting dragged into another fandom. Did I tell you that one of the people I follow on Tumblr is posting kpop of all things. And it's supposed to be a One Direction blog. And she does post One Direction related posts, which is why I still follow her. But then she goes and basically spams my dashboard with Asian pop music groups. And the thing is - I don't think I'd ever become a fan. But I'm still terrified to even watch a video or look at a picture. Because the whole One Direction thing started that way -- and I just don't think I can afford to be apart of another fandom too. Anyway, it's about time that I listen to Believe though. I think it was in July that I estimated I'd become obsessed with the album around Christmas time. Instead, I've become obsessed with the acoustic album, and it's March. Oh well, better late than never, yeah? Right, I'm going to bed now. My eyelids are getting heavy.
i would by justin bieber,
justin bieber,
onsdag 13. mars 2013
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
This makes me so emotional. There's nothing better than when they do a group hug. Especially when it's all about Nialler (oh my god Zayn, how many times are you going to kiss him?). There is just something magical about Niall being back in Ireland, not to mention, Dublin (it's fairly close to his hometown). It's not just the fans or Niall. It's the other lads too - it's like they feel proud of Niall too. And they all try to be a bit more Irish themselves. I think it's a reason why my dashboard on Tumblr was filled with new gif's from yesterday, but close to none updates the past days. I reckon it would be an absolute dream to attend a One Direction concert in Dublin. Imagine all the screams and the adrenaline cursing through each and everyone. I dream of going to Ireland and eating at pubs while watching sports on the telly and becoming best friends with the owner of the pub. And I dream of going to Kilkenny and look at the St Canice's Cathedral and the Irish round towers. And architecture in general. Sigh, I've so many dreams. Anyway, on Friday my belieber friend is celebrating her birthday (it's her birthday today - happy birthday!!! - and I tried getting Justin Bieber to tweet her). And we're supposed to go eat at a very creative place. I'm not sure how to describe it just yet. I will take pictures for your amusement. On Saturday I'm hanging "in" with my best friend, whom I haven't seen for ages now. And it's actually been ages this time. It'll be great catching up with her. Also, I've been a really good student the past week. I've been staying after school to study. Mostly because of this test I have tomorrow, even if it's without grades. I think I'll be staying a long time tomorrow, seeing as I need to catch up on reading. We've sort of made this deal where we have to finish three chapters a week. Which, honestly, is quite the impossible. But in the spirit of the Biebster, never say never.
tirsdag 12. mars 2013
You kept all the things I threw away. A leaf I picked, a birthday card I made. Holding on to memories of you and me
Sometimes when sitting at the train, I look at these buildings and wish that maybe I can have an office job some day. It is one of those weird wishes of mine. And I'm sure I'd grow tired within a month of having an office job. But it's still something I might want to try out one day. I guess it's partly because of watching The Office and reading "Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married". So I'm back at school, though I wouldn't really call it "school". We've been making posters about working at the nursing home, and it is to be presented tomorrow. I've spent the hours after school with my friends - catching up and being silly. With the excuse of "studying" of course. Can't say it's been that much of "studying". But hey - I can't regret spending time laughing with my friends. And yay, my school is new! They've been building a new school for ages now, and it's finally done, and we've now got access to it. And as my friend said today, it reminds me of my old school. Gives me a good feeling, I guess. I'm currently wearing my star-pajamas, but it's got this gigantic hole in the bum, and I probably should throw it away. But I can't. I just really love it. The title of this blogpost is from Panic Cord by Gabrielle Aplin. And it's such a beautiful, yet such a morose song. It's about a he, who loves her more than she loves him. Speaking of Gabrielle Aplin - she is on tour with Ed Sheeran (at least she was?). And they're such a great match. I've always thought of Gabrielle as a female version of Ed. Not as talented just yet, but they're very similar. And I love them both, and it just makes me happy to see that the musicians I subscribe to at Youtube are making it. If you're bored, you should definitely click here to see Ed doing a short cover of Same Love by Macklemore. I think it's absolutely wondrous, but I might just be blinded by my love for Ed Sheeran. Also, I am loving the growing bromances between One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer. I reckon they'll become best friends at the end of this tour. And hey, I'm not going to complain at new bromances. I'm really tired now, so I might just go to bed soon. Oh god, I'm getting old. Oh well, I've got to save some energy for the weekend anyway.
søndag 10. mars 2013
I bite my tounge, but I want to scream out "you could be with me now"
I've actually got school tomorrow. Can you believe it? I can't. I've been painting today, which I seem to do each Sunday nowadays. I was listening to Justin Bieber's acoustic album. And I reckon if I would be getting any CD's by Justin Bieber, it would be that album. I have always said that I prefer his voice and a guitar only. I personally think it's a bit of a waste to add all these effects and sounds and whatnot when he's already got such a lovely voice. And I saw a gif of Justin Bieber trying to jump that paparazzi that shouted mean things (I'm not quite sure what happened) at him. And maybe my first thought should have been something else, but I couldn't help thinking that his beanie is really cool? Like, can I have one in black and have "1993" written on it? No? Oh well. Also, what are you doing Lou? You can't go around hugging Niall all the time. It's unfair. It lasted for 15 damn seconds -- yes I counted. Also, another thing on my mind - why is One Direction recording and writing new music already? I feel like I live in dog years, while they move on like lightning. It's not 10:00 pm yet, and I feel like sleeping already. But I did wake up at 07:30 am today. My body just seems to want to wake up. Like, I've woken up early every day this weekend, and I feel wide awake. So I might just head to bed after catching up on a few Youtube videos, that is.
lørdag 9. mars 2013
am I asleep, am I awake, or am I somewhere in between?
Can I have a hug too, Nialler? That's just all I want. Like, if I could just rest my head on your shoulder and have your arms around me. Maybe your hand could rest reassuringly on my spine too. Just a hug really.
fredag 8. mars 2013
I spy with my little eye, to fall is connected to try
Hiya. I've been a bloody bad blogger (alliteration, anyone?) the past week. Truth is I've been really lazy, just lying in my bed. But you are all in for a treat now, because this will probably be long. But wee, I'm done at the nursing home, which means no longer having to wake up at 05:30 am (oh god, I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?). I was trying to tell one of the employees (at the nursing home) that I felt bittersweet about leaving the nursing home. And well, I didn't know if I could use that expression in Norwegian. So I kind of stopped mid-sentence and looked over at J.D. "Uhm, can I also say bittersweet in Norwegian?". And he's like what the fuck? And instead of talking about our last day, it turned into a discussion about grammar and expressions and whatnot. Anyway, it was - is bittersweet. I drew this card for the patient I took care of. Well, I can hardly take any of the credit of this drawing, seeing as I asked my sister to do the shadowing. I just drew the black lines, really. And she filled the black lines with what was missing (I feel like this could be a start of a poem. Or actually, it's a metaphor for soul mates). When I gave it to my patient she nearly started crying. Well actually, she might have shed a tear or two. Thing is, I know she's very fond of dogs. I remember things like that. I think she really appreciates it. I guess I would too, if I was an older lady and having someone that listened to what I said. I quite like older people. I do enjoy listening to what they have to say, because some might have these wonderful stories waiting to be told. I could honestly have become best friends with one of the patients at the nursing home, whom I often have - had banter with. We'd have these sarcastic conversations, and I'd ask him where he was going every time I saw him. And he'd answer something like "I'm running away from these old hags". A few days ago I just laughed and told him to "wait for me, and I'll come with you". And he smiled and said "okay", before he went inside the elevator. When I was going home that day, he was sitting just by the door where I was headed. And I stopped and asked "are you coming then?". He was looking all confused. And I said "you know - weren't we supposed to run away together?". Recognition dawned on his face and he laugh and say "I'm coming," still seated in the chair. I- just, I'm a little sad, but also very happy.
The get together we (the students) had yesterday, was incredibly nice. We came straight from the nursing home, and just had a bit of a snack and a cuppa before we headed to the store. And wow, I think I maybe stayed inside the kitchen cooking for two hours without leaving it. In total, I probably spent three hours cooking along with some students. That's included loo breaks. Thing is - I actually suck at cooking. But there I was cutting up a whole chicken for the first time in my life, and making way to advanced things for my competence. And I tried saying this to the other students. But they brushed me off and insisted that I was a good cook. And the food was amazing. Like, I had to have few breaks from eating, because I was so stuffed. But I wanted more. We spent the evening talking about completely random things, playing cards and watching things on Youtube. And you know, digging in on food and dessert afterwards (ice cream, yay). We were so loud, I felt sorry for the neighbors. In the end my mum called me at 00:38 am, and asked me if I wasn't going to come home. Thing is, when I told her the day before - I just said: "mum, I'm not coming home until late tomorrow". And she just nodded, which is a bit weird, because she usually asks me where I'm going. Anyway, she called, and I said I'd be home at 1:00 am, or something around that time. So I told the others that I had to leave pretty soon. And then everyone said "yeah, I've got to get going too". I was planning on taking the bus, because I always do. They refused me and claimed that I'd get kidnapped and raped. So obviously they had to drive me home. I did insist that I could take the bloody damn bus, and that I could take care of myself. But seeing as I've been placed as the baby in our group, there was no way I'd be taking the bus. Well - maybe if I'd just run out of there, but I think it would leave a bad vibe at the ending of a terrific evening. Thing is, one of the students forgot or lost her wallet. So she headed upstairs again, whilst four of us stood outside the apartment building. And I was just looking up, yeah? And I saw this thing in one of the windows that looked a bit like a plant. But then it moved, and I realised it was a human being that probably had been staring right back at me. That was just really creepy, and as my co-students are soooo nice, they managed to spook me. And I did yes, grab a hold of this other student. And of course they all started laughing at me, and trying to spook me furthermore. It's all so weird, because I'm not used to be the baby. And I'm not that easily spooked, but that person in the window just really gave me the shivers. When the student finally found her wallet, we finally got to the parking garage and said our goodbyes. And whilst driving me home, J.D. turned up the radio when I Spy by Mikhael Paskalev came on. And we nodded along to the song, and he even sang with. And I just had to laugh, because it had been such a great night with the students, and then it ended with this lovely song. So, now I'm listening to it (I've listened to it 25 times whilst writing this blogpost), and it will probably forever be etched into my mind as a reminder of last night and the students.
(Are you getting tired now, because wow this is long. What is this like my diary?? Oh wait, yes it is). I didn't fall asleep until 2:00 am yesterday. And stupid body, which has gotten used to waking up early, was awoken at 6:40 am. And I was like "whaaat? I'm free as a bird now, and I'm supposed to be asleep and never leaving my bed". But I was wide awake (and now it's clear to me that everything you see ain't always what it seems. Sorry, had to. I actually quite love Katy Perry). And the sun was - is streaming inside my window. Oh well, a good thing is coming from this, I've got more time to finish the last bits of school work that will truly make me a "free bird". And then tonight I'm going to my belieber friend (do you like your nickname? haha) along with other pals, and we're going to have a "belieber evening". Yeah, we are going to watch Never Say Never (I think it's called that?? I don't entirely remember). I have seen it before. 'S just a long time since I did. I'm very much looking forward to his - not just because of Justin Bieber (imagine me saying this in somewhat French; Cshuustìn Biebeèrr), but because friends. Yes, I'm definitely a somewhat sentimental person. I had all the students sit together and pose for a picture yesterday, because I said I wanted to capture a memory. They all awwww-ed, before one joked about something and the whole thing was laughed off. None of us are really good at being sentimental really. It'll be good starting back at school (did I just write that?) and do something else than caring for older people. As much as it was fun, it was also very tiresome. And when you do the same thing over and over again, you are bound to get tired of it. I really dislike routines for that reason. But I'm not looking forward to my exam in May. Nope. I'd much rather be off. Ooh, Warm Bodies is premiering at Monday (J.D. reminded me yesterday and did an impressive impression of Hoult). And I really want to go see it, but I've got no money. So if you need a date to watch Warm Bodies, I'm free. Just give me a shout, yeah? Alright, I've listened I Spy 30 times now. So I think it's time to quit writing. Have a wondrous Friday. And life, I guess.
i spy by mikhael paskalev,
onsdag 6. mars 2013
you can't go to bed without a cup of tea
Do you think Ireland is patriotic? Yeah, me too. Or maybe they just really love Niall (which, I guess is probably true). Anyway, I love this video, because the audience is singing along. I think it started back when they were in Cardiff, and everyone would start sing along. And in this video, the screaming is almost non-existing. Except for when Niall sings his solo, of course. (From what I've seen from the videos of the Dublin gig yesterday, the screaming is full on whenever it's Niall's solo). I've found that I quite enjoy Niall's friends. Especially this Eoghan McDermott. Someone on Twitter asked him if it was true that he knew Niall. And he answered: "Yes. He spits at babies for fun". I grew fond of him just because of that. But then he goes ahead and attend the Dublin gig yesterday, and he shows up with this poster. And well, thanks Eoghan, I might love you if you keep this up (currently trying to pronounce Eoghan correctly). Tomorrow is my last day at the nursing home. It's a bit bittersweet, I guess. The patient I take care of, told me she'd be sad to see me leave today. And I tried joking, saying "oh, so you're not bored with me yet?". She did laugh, and then she said "no, I've grown fond of you". And I was like .. oh. And then we hugged. Cause truth is, she probably knows as much about me, as I know about her. Honestly, she knows about everything about everyone. Today I got to know that J.D.'s grandfather had diabetes and after he'd eat something sweet, he'd run the stairs in order to get his blood sugar on a moderate value. I didn't hear this from J.D., but from her. Do you see my point? She knows a lot. After our last day tomorrow, all of the students are having a gathering. And we'll make food, joke around and whatnot. I'll miss them all dearly. I mean, it's been two months of eleven students sitting gathered around one table at lunch. It would've been so much easier if we just pushed two tables together. But we've never done that. We're just a very tight-knitted group, where everyone has their own role. Oh well, life goes on, right?
søndag 3. mars 2013
favorite performances from the take me home tour
Alright, so I promised you a list of my favorite performances from the Take Me Home tour thus far. These are my own opinions, and I've not even been on a concert yet. All I have to judge from are videos. Also, before I start this long rant, I'd like to congratulate Johan Olsson (Swedish cross country skier) for an amazing race today. I know there's supposed to be rivalry between Norway and Sweden, but I often find myself cheering on the Swedish skiers too. Also, the Swedes are actually very lovely. And as Petter Northug said, Olsson deserved to win! And there's nothing better than Alright, back to One Direction. There will be links to both videos and gif's in this post. So, I guess, if you are to click any of the links, I'd maybe mute the sound. Or, if you enjoy fangirls screaming their mouth off, it's your decision really. Also, I enjoy all the performances really. These are just a few that stands out in the crowd to me.
Little Things. I reckon it'll be beautiful looking at the arena when this song is performed. My favorite part about this performance is Niall's solo, because I am a Niall-girl. And it's like the suspense is building up throughout the whole song, and then the screams are all over the place the moment he starts singing "you'll never love yourself ..". But then it's the bromances too. I love the duets between Liam and Zayn, and between Niall and Harry. Especially when Harry decides to blow Niall a kiss. Also, most people know the lyrics to this song, so everyone sings along. Although, I'll admit that it would be amazing if everyone shut up. Like, if One Direction decided to do an "Ed Sheeran". Like, shush everyone in the audience, and not play unless everyone shuts up. That would be amazing.
Last First Kiss. The reason I love this performance is basically the last bit. Not that I don't like the song or anything. It's just the last part when they do this harmony, and then Zayn does the last bit in falsetto. It's just very nice. I'm very fond of harmonies - it's just lovely to listen to, isn't it? They don't do this harmony in the original song, so I was a bit taken aback when I first heard them performing it. This is a time I'd really appreciate it if everyone would shut their mouths and just listen to the lovely harmonies.
Moments. There are quite similar reasons for why I love this performance too. It is the harmonies. But it's also how they get the audience to sing along. And in this particular video I've linked to, I think Harry sings the song really lovely at 4:16-4:22. I just keep replaying it. Also, this is maybe my favorite Zayn-song? (this or More Than This). I love his solo in this song, because he sounds amazing. Amazayn. Oh yeah, I did it. Also, this song brings back many memories from the last tour. I think this song is in my top 4 favorite performances actually. I just really like harmonies (is it not obvious already?).
Rock Me. Alright, so major disappointment first. It's not Niall that sings "I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care" when they perform. Which is a bit weird, because when I listen to the song, I'm pretty sure it is him. Course there are harmonies too, but yeah. It is Niall singing that part. I think they just changed it up a bit, so the rest of the band had something to sing too. But I love how pumped Harry gets. Also, it's hard not to like the performance when Niall is standing in his light washed jeans and a tank top that barely covers anything and his guitar. I may or may not have a wish for Niall to become a really great guitar player so he can do guitar solos with his eyes closed. Preferably in tank tops. I just really like the song, and the feeling it gives.
Over Again. This is actually a bit of a surprise for me, because I'm not too fond of the song. It's just that I find it too "Ed Sheeran", and not particularly "One Direction". It's also one of the most surprising songs on the album too - because their british (in Niall's case: irish) accents comes through. Also, Harry sings quite fast, which is weird because he talks quite slowly. Louis sings even faster. So I was surprised that they even chose this song to perform, because it's not an easy one. But they do it so incredibly close to the original, and I just like it.
Loved You First. I love this performance mostly because I love the beat. It's just a very nice song that makes me want to dance a bit. Also, in the link to this song, you'll see Liam and Niall dancing. I also love this performance because of Niall's bridge, and how he stands behind Liam just before he's about to sing. (e's such a performer). Sometimes they joke around and do like Liam: pull Niall's top off. Minor flashback here: I'm pretty sure it was Liam (and Zayn) that pulled Harry's shirt off during his WMYB solo last tour. I- what, Liam, have you become a professional "undresser"? Next time you should undress yourself.
Teenage Dirtbag. Last but not least. Defnitely not least, because this might be my favorite performance of all above. I just love how all the lads seem to let go. Even Zayn. And that's a thing I've noticed thus far in this tour. I don't think Zayn is entirely letting go of himself just yet? It's still early stages of the tour, where they usually try to do everything like planned. But the lads have already started changing lyrics, having playfights, etc. I don't know, maybe I've not observed him entirely (which makes sense, because I'm a Niall girl and mostly only have eyes for him). Also, I love Liam's falsetto. In this particular video I've linked to, he sings "come with me Nialler, don't say maybe. I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby, like you". Yeah, me too Liam. Me too. And then it's just Niall with his guitar and that damn tank top. And I just feel like he should definitely be in a rock band with Harry (I'm saying Harry, because Harry really seems to be letting go of himself during this song). Also there's bonus points for this performance because I really love the song. Makes me happy and smiley.
lørdag 2. mars 2013
you'll be in my heart
Sometimes I want to do things. And then I just do. Yesterday I felt like listening to Disney music, so I listened to soundtracks from Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, Mulan, and Cinderella. I also felt like curling my hair at 2:00 am. So I did. Today I felt like reorganizing my CD collection in an alphabetical order (yes, I've become Ross Geller). I did also feel like taking a walk today, but one look outside, and I thought I'd better not. It's not that the weather was horrible, it was the freaking wind. I also want to find a new place for my books. I like the look of them in the windowsills, but the sun tends to discolour them. Thing is though, I don't think I mind - I like my books to look a bit worn. Like they belong to someone, are loved and doesn't feel completely new. Actually, I wish I had my own library. I was reading a fan fiction the other day, and now I've established that I definitely want to own a secondhand bookstore, and have my flat above the shop. There was this lovely sentence from this fan fiction: "[...] he could run away whenever he wanted, and all he had to do was open a book". Although I guess I'd be stuck in a bookstore daydreaming about other wishes. I watched Marit Bjørgen win the 30km race in cross country skiing today. And it was actually a very exciting and a unpredictable race right until the end. And that's quite rare. Tomorrow I'm watching the 50km race with the men. I'm looking forward to it, because I have a feeling it'll be quite unpredictable. My mum thinks cross country skiing is horrible, but she usually lets me watch it anyway. Except when it's both cross country skiing and handball on the telly, and I hog the telly all day, every day. I miss Aalesund. It's been five months since the last time I was there. I might go for Easter, though. I really hope so, because I miss the montanas and the dogs. Also, I miss having all my family gathered together. I also sorts of miss my soon to be brother-in-law's family, which is weird. Because I shouldn't feel like they are my extended family?? Anyway, I'm going to watch Snow White and The Huntsman tonight. Just because I want, and can.
fredag 1. mars 2013
lose myself in time just thinking of your face
I miss summer. Which is a bit ironic, seeing as I'm listening to Ave Maria. So yes, maybe I miss Christmas too. Not so much the coldness, though. I miss wearing shorts. And not having to wear a jacket. And just hanging out in parks with friends - which is one of my fondest memories from last year. I did get up from bed earlier than expected today - probably because of the sunlight shining through the curtains. Also, I've decided to read The Cather In The Rye. Just not today, because I decided I didn't want to. And well, instead I read a 50k fan fiction whilst watching the world championship in cross country skiing. And yay, the Norwegian men won! I've not always been this invested in cross country skiing. No -- it wasn't until the last world championship that was hosted in Norway (in 2011), that I started watching it. And I have fond memories from when I was in school, and we'd beg our teachers to let us watch. And when they didn't allow us, we subtly tried to watch it on our computer screens. I'm going to finish my log today (heh, a bit delayed), because I was literally nodding off yesterday whilst editing the last parts of my paper. And then I went to bed, finally able to close my eyes. But then I remembered I'd forgotten to put in something very essential to my paper. So I ended up throwing my duvet off and turning on the computer again. On another note - my sister bought me some avocado, because I was craving it. That and chocolate, but I can't eat chocolate until tomorrow, so avocado it is. Also, I've come to the conclusion that apart from all the Narry and bromances in general, my favorite parts of the TMH tour is when Niall is doing these random dances (links people - and yay, finally found a gif of the Nouis dancing). Also, I think I might do a "favorite performances" blogpost from the tour thus far. Because there are lots of songs I'm a bit surprised by. Surprised of how much I enjoy them, that is. Adios, though. I'm jumping in the shower now. (The title of this blogpost is actually lyrics. Not just something I wrote about Niall Horan, although it sometimes occurs. 'S just a bit funny, because it sounds like the words of a fangirl, but are lyrics from an Adele song).
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