fredag 7. juni 2013

We lie beneath the stars at night, our hands gripping each other tight. You keep my secrets hope to die. Promises, swear them to the sky

I've sort of already just adapted to summer vacation, forgotten about school and other important things. And I kind of remembered all of that that today when I woke up- like a reality check. Also, I no longer know how to write a birthday card- no, that's a lie. It's been this for a long time now. I think I should just do as regular people do; buy a card and write "happy birthday". Easy breezy. Oh well, I started my day with trying to finish my birthday card to Sugar, who turned 20 today! Happy birthday lovely. Well, wow, this suits really well; Oblivion by Bastille just began playing in my earbuds, and they sing "are you going to age with grace". After finishing drawing the card, which is another problem in itself, because I lack creativity- I basically just laid in the grass. Walking in the grass bare feet is a really unappreciated feeling. After lying there for awhile, I decided to get something to lie on and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I've been meaning to re-read this book for awhile, just because it's basically amazing. Sometimes I read books or fan fictions, and they write breathtaking and/or funny sentences that makes me grin. I'm what? 50 pages in the book, and I'm already snorting with laughter and breathless already. Here's one of my favorites:
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Augustus half smiled. "Because you're beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence".
I really love The Fault In Our Stars, and I really recommend it to everyone. Like- I think it's one of those books you can recommend to everyone. After reading a bit of TFIOS (name is so bloody long), I went for a run- which, wasn't exactly very good. A tip to my future self: listen to your gut. Also, don't go running in the burning sun. Tomorrow I'm going out to celebrate Sugar turning 20, and I'm going to wear heels and possibly break my legs. Sounds fun, yeah? Haha. Also, about the Our Moment perfume by One Direction; somebody made a masterpost on Tumblr named: Best reactions to the release of “Our Moment". It is hilarious, and one of the reasons why I love the One Direction fandom-- we've got such great banter. Alright, I sort of am not finished with the birthday card, so I have to resume to the work!

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