Aasfksdlogvnsersfkdm,viedhgvfghjn. What? Have you never heard of forehead-communication (also known as slamming your forehead on the dashboard)? This interview is great. I don't know whether I'd want to be Harry, Niall or in the middle of them in this situation. Oh god imagine having a NARRY hUG. That would be wonderful. Oh dear, now I'm going to be dreaming about that. Also, in this interview, Louis says: "If in doubt, the answer is always Niall". What GREAT wisdom Louis. Another GREAT thing is that the iTunes Festival starts tomorrow! And they've always got great line up, though I did prefer the last years. Because well-- One Direction performed then, and Niall looked so bloody great in his maroon colored grandpa jumper. He basically looks great in anything maroon colored item, such as the jumper he is wearing in this interview. But yes, iTunes Festival! Gabrielle Aplin, Bastille, The Lumineers, John Legend, Tom Odell-- they're all playing there and loads more. I'm so excited I've actually written the dates and times in my planner. Oh, I finally sat down to delete some pictures in my "summer 2013" folder, and I managed to halve them. But it's still 739 pictures. But hey, I've made an "autumn 2013" folder, and I'm starting from scratch. Hopefully I'm not taking as much pictures now, or I'll explode my hard disk. Anyway, I'm going to continue sobbing quietly at these gif's, and do some more school work.
lørdag 31. august 2013
the sun don't shine without you
Bahh, my nose is running and I cough a bit. It's not horrible, but not enjoyable either. Anyway, the first picture is from a book called "I Need You More Than I Love You and I Love You to Bits" by Gunnar Ardelius. I want to read it so bad, because christ-- what a well-formulated sentence! Second and third picture: holy shit, Tyler Oakley interviewed the lads in One Direction, and he gave them flower crowns. It's called bringing Tumblr to life. Only kidding, but there were a time on Tumblr when all the pictures on my dashboard was of One Direction with flower crowns photoshopped on. And then slowly but surely it happened in real life, and it was the weirdest thing. But how lovely aren't they in their pretty flower crowns? Imagine all of them walking around in white cotton shorts in a meadow of flowers. Such a lovely picture. Also, this interview is one of the best I've seen-- I think Tyler should have had more time for the interview, because he actually asked good questions, whereas every other reporter asks the same questions. Here's a link to the interview, because it's (in Tyler's words) flawless. Also, I've only ever briefly heard Sonnentanz when listening to the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw, but I don't always pay attention to the music, so when Tanya Burr recommended the acoustic version yesterday, it basically was the first time I've heard it. And it's so nice and chill- love it. I'm currently listening to Caroline Flack and Matt Richardson on The Breakfast Show with Grimmy, and I love Caroline and Nick's laughs. It's infectious. Makes me laugh all the time. Also, Cazza and Grimmy are great together. Last night didn't turn out the way I wanted, but things never do. Life is unpredictable. I've only lived twenty years on this planet, but I've experienced so much and met so many people that I know that now. I know that I might not get home tomorrow because I might have gotten hit by a bus. And that's a thing you've got to accept in this life. There's literally a bit over two weeks until I have a test in "math", and I'm so nervous. I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail it, but I can't give up before I've started. That's our generation, isn't it? We give up before we've started something.
fredag 30. august 2013
never had much faith in love or miracles
I'm having a bad day today. I jerked awake at 3:00 am in intense pain from my right shin. I didn't sleep well after that, but I was completely fine afterwards. When my alarm went off, I wasn't ready to wake up. And the weather was gloomy. And the leaves on the tree outside my window is turning even more yellow. Also had my first difficult patient today, but it was bound to happen, and I'm happy to have experienced it. Anyway, my point is that I think I started the day off badly, but it's been good throughout the day. I forget that "praksis" is actually quite tiring, because I actually have fun when I'm "working". But once I get home, I feel how tired my body and mind is. Especially today-- I'm rather exhausted, I think I'm building up a little cold and I would love to go to bed right now. But I've got school work. I've just got myself a cup of blueberry tea and an avocado, and I'm listening to Grimmy (BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw) so hopefully I'll feel better in a bit. Oh, and I found a solution to my problems regarding spoilers of This Is Us on Tumblr. I've just unfollowed about eight people, so I can still go on Tumblr. Yay, I'm a solution finder. Anyway, yes, my school work. And then I'm going to sleep.
torsdag 29. august 2013
If I could heal your wounds with words of love
I had possibly the weirdest dream last night. For some reason J.D. and I were going down a mountain with these humongous exercise balls. We were basically walking along with what I think were our colleagues? I don't remember exactly who they were, but I knew them in my dream. And then suddenly J.D. and I find a black bag in the ditch of the trail. Inside it was a whole bunch of bags with white content-- J.D. tasted a bit of it and confirmed that it was cocaine. And all of the sudden J.D. is whispering to me that we should smuggle it down the mountain and sell it to earn money. I don't remember the exact reason, but he needed the money for something important. I refused to do it, but we started arguing. And that's when I woke up, realised it was a dream, and said "what the fuck?". Anyway, these days it feels like the days pass by like seconds. I think John Green sums it up pretty good, but "What a slut time is. She screws everybody" (The Fault In Our Stars, p. 112). The next three weeks I'm basically staying glued to my bedroom. Or school. And it's hard because "praksis" is actually quite tiring, albeit it's so much fun and exciting. It's the most unpredictable job I've ever been in, and I've seen so many interesting things-- and this is only my fourth day. But I need to do school work now, and I think I'm going to devote my weekend to school work. I need to get in some kind of routine. On another note, I'm going to watch This Is Us in the cinema next Friday with my belieber friend, Kiwi, Marble, Sugar and her younger sister. I've also ordered their book that's got the same name as the stadium tour next year -- Where We Are. Anyway, I've got to go. Tschüss.
onsdag 28. august 2013
You know how I found that thing about Harry eating an orange in the middle of Drake's performance at the VMA's really funny? Well, now I saw this interview, and I'm literally Zayn's reaction. Why on earth eat an orange he found in a box, not to mention that he found it in a lift. He's so odd. Also, I read a little text about the orange incident from another interview. "I offered a piece to Rihanna. I was very conscious while I was peeling it. I thought I was going to spray her in the back of the head. But it was okay". So I might have had a long evening shift at my "praksis" today, and it is possible that I'm quite tired, but that made me laugh so hard. Course you offer a piece of your orange to Rihanna, and then feel afraid to peel it in case it'll spray her in the back of the head. You're so weird, Harry. I love you.
tirsdag 27. august 2013
you're a good girl and you know it
The MTV VMA's was on the telly last night, so my sister and I decided to watch it. And seriously, I don't understand why they didn't have a host? Except for the performances, the show was terribly boring. Also, I tried listening for when One Direction gets booed? But I couldn't hear anything. The most hilarious moment was when my dad came home and sat down to watch it with us, and then the camera pan over to Harry Styles whilst Drake is performing. And my dad went "who is that guy sitting there eating?", and obviously I get very excited when I get the chance to speak about One Direction. So I said "oh, you mean the guy that's bopping his head along to the music whilst he's eating an orange?". My dad went: "Yes?", and I answered calmly "oh, that's just Harry Styles, dad". After watching the show, I ran upstairs to watch the livestream from the New York premiere of This Is Us. When the lads arrived in their cars, the camera was filming them, but it wasn't zoomed in, so the "hosts" of the livestream were like "is that them?". Harry and Lou Teasdale (their hairdresser) were outside the car, and I was like chanting "yes, it's them! can't you see them?". Because obviously the "hosts" could hear me from where I was sat in my bedroom at 1:00 am. There were rather interesting interviews, and they were on the black carpet for ages before they actually went inside, so I reckon there will be tons of interviews coming out. From what I've seen in the interviews and whatnot, it almost feels like I've seen everything in the movie now. Like there will be no surprise left, and that saddens me a bit. But I've chosen to watch the interviews on my own accord, so what can you do? Bah it feels like ages until I can finally watch the film. On a happier note, The Fault In Our Stars is going to be a movie, and they just started filming it yesterday. I'm excited to see how the film turns out, as John Green is quite involved in the process of the film making. I'm just afraid I'll be disappointed, but that's quite inevitable-- because what I imagine in my head, will never be the exact same as someone will imagine. Anyway, I'm sort of really nervous today, because it's my first "proper" day in "praksis", and since I'm following my nursing supervisor's shift, I have the evening shift today. But that's not what I'm nervous about-- I'm nervous about meeting my nursing supervisor for the first time, I'm nervous about what to expect, because I've not got a clue of what I'm supposed to do. And J.D. wont be there either-- he had the morning shift. It would be fine if there were any other students there, but it's literally just me and J.D., but since we've got different nursing supervisors this time, we'll probably never see each other. Okay, slight exaggeration, but still. I know I'm being overly nervous, because in the end I'm not going to die. And I know that once I'm there, and I've met my supervisor, the nerves will probably fade away. It's just the not knowing what to expect that scares me. Hold On, We're Going Home by Drake is still my favorite jam at the moment (also Liam Payne's. *giggles*). It's just so chill and calming? Anyway, I've got to get going. I've not even had breakfast yet, and I've been awake since 10:00 am. See you tomorrow lovely people.
mandag 26. august 2013
everything means nothing if I ain't got you
Ahjerikgegslsdkebjs-- precious baby feet. David actually took that picture of his feet himself (with me holding the camera, but still). Obviously I'm trying to mend him into me. I'm currently jamming along to If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys, because it's one of my all-time favorite songs to sing along to. I've just watched a few videos from VMA's, and although I've never been that big of a fan of Justin Timberlake, I reckon it would be amazing to be in attendance in the show yesterday. I'm very excited about the "bye, bye, bye"-dance. It's the best thing ever. One of these days I'll force Kiwi to do a proper show for us with a mix of dance moves from all boy bands ever. The VMA's brought along a lot of drama, didn't it? I'm all about peace and love, so I'm most excited about the picture of Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and Harry Styles. It would be nice with some peace and reconciliation with the 1D and Swift fandom. Also, for the drama to blow over. But this situation has shown us that Harry is so incredibly mature about bloody everything. Here's a post I read on Tumblr that pretty much sums it up: "harry doesn’t get enough credit for his maturity like even when he gets put into really uncomfortable situations or people say downright nasty things to or about him he’s never malicious or rude and he doesn’t retaliate and he just handles it so well and between the media and the fans and people who just dont like him it happens so often and he has just never been mean in spite of it all". And it's so true, so he should get standing ovation for just that. Also, all these rumors about Taylor mouthing "shut the fuck up" and her "throwing shade" on Harry in her acceptance speech is bollocks. Basically, it might have looked like she mouthed "shut the fuck up", but unless anyone has an evidence, it's false. Also, I Knew You Were Trouble was written before Taylor and Harry even got together, so the rumor about the speech being about Harry is also false. I'm not trying to defend Taylor in the sense that she has a tendency to be immature and blatantly saying "oh this song was based on a relationship of mine that didn't go well" (in less nicer words). But she doesn't deserve hate. No one does, and it angers me so much when the media tries to un-humanize celebrities and basically bullying them. Anyway, I'm also very excited about Niall and Ellie Goulding interacting with each other. Although, they were just seen together, with no hint of being an item. I just think they have cute Twitter banter, and would look cute together. Also, I'm very glad about Macklemore winning so many awards-- they've definitely deserved it. Ohh- I just remembered something that happened yesterday when Sugar and I was sat at the restaurant. We saw someone running away from their receipt. I can't believe I've actually seen something like that happen, and what an awful thing to do. I hope they get bad karma, because that wasn't nice. Anyway, I might go outside because it's sunny, and I want to enjoy it as long as it's going to last. I'll probably blog some more later. But for now- bye!
søndag 25. august 2013
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere. Nothing scares me anymore
The last days have been loads of fun. Went out clubbing yesterday, and it was very fun-- met quite a few questionable people (including touching a man's enormous biceps, getting someone to demonstrate how to stand on a penny board, speaking with a 40-year old man, befriending a lone girl on a bench, etc). Funnily, we also met a Norwegian blogger, whom Sugar and I have meet before. This is the second time we've met her out on the town. And almost a year apart. My favorite thing about clubbing has probably always been losing myself in a dancing crowd. But that's only possible if I actually like the music. If they would have played Cedric Gervais' remix of Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey, I'd be ecstatic. I reckon I could get properly lost in that song. But I did get to dance last night, and as long as Marble comes along out on the town, I know I've got someone who'll happily dance with me. I spent quite a bit time worrying about revealing my arse, due to me wearing a dress. I'm much more of a shorts-person. And Converse-- always Converse. I think we might have fallen asleep between 04:30-05:00 am. I woke up five hours later, mainly because of the light and warmth. But also because I always wake up early when I sleep in new places. I don't think we properly had breakfast until 11:00 am. Kiwi felt poorly, bless her. Story short-- Sugar and I were the last to leave Kiwi's humble abode with a sleeping Kiwi, after having written in her "647 things to write about"-book. And after leaving post-it notes with random writings everywhere. Sugar and I went to a little restaurant and had a raspberry sorbet each. I suppose we had a bit of quality time, or as I said "a date". After that we went to catch the train home. When I got home I cleaned my bedroom, then grabbed something to eat, and then I left to meet Oyster at the cinema. We caught up, whilst gobbling some ice cream. And then we went to watch Kick Ass 2. Oyster did warn me that it was very violent. But I thought she was exaggerating, but she really wasn't. Drive with Ryan Gosling will probably always (or for a very long time) be the most violent movie I've ever seen, but Kick Ass 2 takes the second place. Thing is, though-- I really did like it, because the humor was just up my street. Quirky and very clever. Christ, I found the Union J part H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S. I wish I'd seen the first Kick Ass again before I went to see this, but it was great nevertheless. The only thing is that it felt like five films in one? There were just so many things happening at once. One second I was shedding a few tears, and then literally six seconds later, I'm back to laughing. Ohh, we also spotted the This Is Us posters at the cinema. Oyster and I tried to discreetly take selfies of ourselves. Oh dear, One Direction's official Instagram just posted a picture of all the lads with flower crowns. I'll never get over One Direction featuring flower crowns-- I find it one of the prettiest combos ever. Also, Hazza, Nialler and Leeyyyum (Christ, I'm never going to use these nicknames again) were at a John Mayer concert! That's like-- I don't have words. Anyway, I'm so knackered and I'm getting up bright and early tomorrow because it's my first day of "praksis". Alright, bon nuit mi amigos.
lørdag 24. august 2013
it's hard to do these things alone, just hold on we're going home
So-- I sort of blacked out today.
It all started like this: I woke up at 11:30 am after having being awake at 07:30 am reading a fan fiction because I couldn't sleep. And for your information, I went to bed at 03:45 am, so I wasn't that happy about being awake that early. Hence why I slept to 11:30 am after reading that fan fiction. I got out of bed and started packing for my sleep over at Kiwi's today. And then I went down to the basement to find a bigger bag to fit my stuff in. After a bit of searching, I realised I wouldn't find any. So I went back upstairs to my bedroom to continue the packing. And then I heard my mum shouting "windows! come downstairs!". And my name, of course. My parents were gone when I woke up, so I assumed they had gone to the grocery store, but it turns out they'd gone to collect our new windows. So my sister and I went downstairs to help my parents carry the windows. The windows were attached to some bits and bobs that my dad had to remove, and then my mum, dad and I carried them. My younger sister was inside checking up on her garlic breads. Then the unfortunate thing happened-- because my dad had removed the bits and bobs (when I say bits and bobs I actually mean screws and planks), the windows almost fell over. There were about four windows left on the trailer, and I scrambled to try holding them up on my side. My mum were at the other side, holding up the windows. It's not like they were light-- no, they were rather heavy. And of course I managed to get my hand stuck between two of the windows. And thing is that I didn't really realise until my dad tried to get my hand out, and it didn't feel that painful at all. But once I got my hand out, it was rather pale and pretty lifeless. I shook it around for a bit, trying to get some blood in it. But it was fine, and I continued my task of preventing the windows to fall over. My parents shouted at my younger sister to come help, because, well, we were a bit panicked. I started feeling a bit woozy, but I carried on, as I always do. But then it felt a bit like I couldn't stand up, and like I had to puke. My parents asked if I was okay, and I brushed it off as usual. And that's when it happened. I was stood by the side of the trailer, my hands on the windows, and I just had to shut my eyes, because I felt so dizzy, and like I'd fall over any minute. Seconds later I was gone-- can't remember what happened. Next thing I knew, my mum was holding me up, whilst my dad had run off to get me a chair to lie down in. My younger sister who was supporting the windows by herself greeted me "welcome back to the real world". My mum was like "we've got to drive her to the emergency room". At this point, I was really confused, and both my sight and hearing were fuzzy. My sister told me that I looked pale, and I thought "oh god, why?". I know my mum spends a lot time worrying over her children, and ever since I had that lump in my chest -- which mind you, is a quite a frequent incident among women -- my mum has deemed me to be the "sick child" among my siblings. According to my mum, I have little blood, and suffer from malnutrition. And when I had a little black out today, she treated me like I was dying. I tried going back to help carrying windows, but I was strictly told to go lie down and drink some water. So that's what I did, whilst watching Olly Murs on MTV Live (something). I'm going to take a shower now, and get ready. I don't even know when I'm going to Kiwi? We've not planned a time. Oh yes, now we've just decided when to take the train. I guess I'll speak with you tomorrow!
fredag 23. august 2013
I got my eyes on you. You're everything that I see. I want your heart, love and emotion endlessly
I literally just went "oh, it's Friday". Anyway, here's my new cup I bought when I was in Aalesund. It's by House Doctor-- and I just loved the simplicity and the phrase "you are my cup of tea". I had to explain my eldest sister what it meant. I bought it from this little charming boutique that sold a mix of clothes and home decor. It's so odd what I choose to become attached to. I'm currently listening to the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show with Grimmy, because he had an interview with One Direction. But also because I love Nick, and he's got a really good music taste-- hence him being a radio host. Which, yeah, defnitely go give Summertime Sadness (remix) by Lana Del Rey & Cedric Gervais a listen! It's sick. I'm also liking Hold On, We're Going Home by Drake because of Grimmy. Also, you know my love for Grimmy's voice. Christ, his laughter is just so good. Second best after Niall, who genuinely laughs "ha-ha"'s. I woke up at 10:30 am today, feeling rather well rested and joyous because of the lovely weather. I had a proper breakfast with my cup of Twinings Green Tea & Forest Fruits. It's my current favorite tea, as I don't like tea's that are too strong. After finishing my breakfast I went to return my work uniform and had a nice chat with my boss, before I went to take the bus home again. I just missed my bus because I explained some directions (giggle, annoyingly I've picked up on the habit of thinking of One Direction each time I hear the word "direction") to an old lady. But I went on another bus that basically brings me close to home anyway. When I got home, I went ahead and did some math in the sun. As I said, I love math once I understand it. It went a lot better today than yesterday. And the day before that. I guess it's because for once I was well rested, and I had read quite a bit. There's just one of the math questions I've not been able to answer. My brain almost had a short circuit because of it. I was so close to just crying. Sucks for me, because I have to continue do this math for a month minimum. Anyway, I just have to type the answers in on my computer, and then I'm finito. I was actually done quite a few hours ago, but I've been procrastinating as always. I didn't go to watch Kick Ass 2 because of it. Might go on Sunday? Have to speak with Oyster first. Anyway, we're going out tomorrow, and a bunch of us are sleeping over at Kiwi's. I'm quite exited to see how we're all going to fit. Also, it'll be good to relax? Have some fun? -- before I start "praksis". Not that I'm going to get all enclosed and not do anything fun, but I reckon I'll be a bit more knackered. Marble asked if I were to wear heels tomorrow. And you know how I'm with heels- I'd rather not wear them. When I attended the 85th birthdayparty of Grepper's grandmother, I asked my sister if I couldn't just wear my Converse along my dress. She gave me a NO. And I guess it was the right choice, but nevertheless- I'd rather wear my Converse. Oh my god In Da Club by 50 Cent just came on the Nixtape. This actually reminds me of my childhood-- this and Sean Paul. Speaking of songs, I was just going through random songs on Youtube yesterday, and I stumbled upon Almost Is Never Enough by Ariana Grande ft. Nathan Sykes. I'm pleasantly surprised by Nathan's voice. He's really really good! But wow, Ariana Grande really does sound like Mariah Carey. Listening to it made me have a little Mariah Carey listening-party. One Direction did the Today Show today, and once again Harry or Niall exclaimed that Niall was pregnant. Both times they've done it, is because they try to change the subject about Zayn and Perrie's engagement. I have so much love for One Direction's friendship and support of each other. And it's no surprise that Zayn is a very private person, despite being a member of the biggest boy band these days. It actually feels uncomfortable for me to watch interviews where the questions aimed to Zayn seems a bit intrusive. So I'm glad Niall and Harry changed the subject. I think I'm more fan of their friendship than their music? Ha-ha. Oh my god, when I was watching the telly over at Grepper and my eldest sister's house, there was this commercial. And I thought the singer of the song in the background sounded really familiar. So I asked Grepper and my sister to listen closely. "Isn't that the girl from Idol?". Grepper answered that he didn't really watch Idol. My sister shrugged, and said she wasn't sure-- despite watching Idol each bloody episode. I just watched the commercial again today, when I was eating-- and I searched up the commercial on Google (what would you do without Google?) and bloody hell. I'm so good. Honestly. I was of course completely right. Anyway, I'm going to grab something to munch on, as I've not had something to eat. And then I must finish my paper.
torsdag 22. august 2013
time is borrowed loose change that's already been spent
Whoever decided that it would be good putting Niall and Harry together for promo interviews for This Is Us (pronounced dees iz ouzz by Harry) are geniuses. The top comment on the video is: "August 21 was a big day. Zayn and Perrie's engagement announcement and Niall's is with Harry's child...wow talk about a 1D announcement...lol". And then there's another comment saying "How high are they?". Since all my favorite Youtubers had the opportunity to attend the This Is Us premiere, I've been watching several vlogs-- and I think I've seen Harry's speech before the film about five times. I even know his lines now. Anyway, I was properly knackered today, and the thought of staying in bed was far more enticing than attending school. But it was an important day, I suppose. So I went ahead and dragged myself out of bed and got ready for school. I think I stayed at school from 8:00 am to 07:00 pm. Give me a bed and I could probably live in my school. I gave another shot at finishing my paper that's a mix of math and questions about medicament's. Math and I are still having a row, albeit it's not quite so tense between us now. Before doing school work, though, I went through Tumblr, and all the blogs I usually read as I've not read any of them for over a week. And of course I did a fair share of Youtube watching. I've not got school tomorrow, and I'm glad, because I'd no doubt probably stay behind at school if I had any lectures tomorrow. But I think I need some sleep. And I need to be outside, not cooped up in a little room inside my school. I need to enjoy this weather before it's gone for months upon months. It's odd, because the temperature inside my school tends to be very cold. However, the weather outside is lovely. So whenever I am to get dressed in the mornings, I have to find a way to dress in something that'll both keep me warm, yet cool (as in chilled, not as in "I'm so bloody cool, everyone else are stupid"). But yes, I must enjoy the weather as long as it will last. And enjoy not having to wear jeans. I've not bared my legs for ages (it seems like it), because I've been in Aalesund where it was mostly cold all the time, and then it's been far too cold in the mornings here. I just cannot go ahead and wear shorts at 07:00 am waiting for the bus whilst freezing my kit off. Even if whenever I walk out of the school, it feels like I should be wearing a dress/shorts/jumpsuit. If I think I can manage to finish my paper due on Monday, I might go watch Kick Ass 2 tomorrow. It's a full moon outside, and the sky looks lovely. Still, I would probably much rather enjoy being on the mountain, staring at the sunset in awe. I wonder if the weather will allow me to climb the mountains in October when I go back there? Hopeful, but always expecting the worst. I think I might watch something sad because I long for a good cry. My head is dizzy with exhaustion. Yet, I am going to continue working on my paper. I am sure I'll feel good about it once it's finished. Sweet dreams lovelies xx.
onsdag 21. august 2013
It must be so hard, in the mess you're always cleaning up, to believe in the ghost of unbroken love. But I promise you, the truth is that you're loved, so loved
Have you heard? Zayn and Perrie got engaged on Sunday. I think most people think they are naive, and too young. I'm not so sure about all of that. I think the society makes all these rules without actually thinking of it-- and they get plastered into people's brains. Just like saying, oh, 20 years is too young for someone to get engaged. And if more people thinks so, then obviously, that's something that will be a norm in our society. I think we do this with everything. For example; if you don't go travel, you won't have experienced enough, and therefore you will not be happy. We look down on stay-at-home mums and dads, because there's apparently so much else to experience in this life. And yes, it's true-- there's so much to experience. However, that does not mean that everyone needs to experience everything in order to feel happy. Kiwi spoke about this today, and it just reminded me of a trail of thoughts I've been pondering over. Anyway, I think Zayn and Perrie makes a great couple, and I've got nothing against their young age. I just believe that we give up too quickly. 50% of all marriages ends up in divorce-- and most of the time it's without actually doing any work to keep your marriage up. It appears that I've learnt a few bits from reading the Tony Parsons books, haven't I? Haha. One of my favorite quotes from Man and Wife is "Unlike me, my mother didn't believe that happiness was always somewhere else". I think that's so lovely, because everyone tends to think that happiness is somewhere else. That if you could just be done with your education, everything will be so much better and you'll be so much happier. That if you could just win the lottery, you could be happy. But we forget that there will always be new worries. New wishes and whatnot. It's a complicated life. Oh dear, just logged into my bank, and almost had a heart attack because of the amount of money in there. And then I realised it was the money from my school loan that's supposed to be in my saving account. I've now fixed it, and have a lot less money. I'm having mixed feelings about autumn. The leaves on the tree outside my bedroom window is starting to turn yellow. And it's simultaneously the most sad and relieving thing in the world. Autumn means it's soon Christmas, which means I'll be done with my only exam this year. However, Summer always seems to pass by so quickly, and it will be sad to see all the green go away. My mood is very dependent on the weather-- a little bit of sun makes me really happy. Sometimes pouring rain also have the same effect. But I'm not good when it's just rain and overcast. I'm on a roll of listening to Sleeping At Last, and christ, it's genuinely just poetry with melodies. It's so good, and so calming. Admittedly, the songs are all similar, which is a downside to their development as artists, but I couldn't give a bollock, because I love this calm sound. Ed Sheeran has been working hard and making loads of music, and I love his + album. But now I'm so worried he's changed his music style so much, I won't love the new album as much. Anyway, I stayed behind at school again. This time with my belieber friend, and I finally got the hang of connecting my PC to the TV, and voila- Youtube on the TV screen. I made my belieber friend listen to a few songs and watch a few videos. Like the "lift prank" by Sam Pepper and Jacksgap. I'm not quite sure if I've showed it to Kiwi, but I know Sugar thought it was hilarious. I also had several duets with my belieber friend today. That's what happens when math and I have a row. I've not had math since I was eighteen, and I've always had a hate/love relationship with it. I love it when I understand, and hate it when I don't understand. If I don't pass on this test (I've got three shots), I can't actually continue my education. It's the scariest thought ever, because what would I do then? I'm really missing my nephew, David, right now. The thing about him, is that he'll rarely give you a cuddle when you ask for it. He does it when he wants to, and it's not that often. Not necessarily because he doesn't want to cuddle you, but because he's so busy playing with whatever toy he's got in his hands. But when he does cuddle you and gives you kisses, it's the best thing in the world. It makes you feel so important. It really does. I mean, if he chooses to give you cuddles over playing with his new toy car, then yeah, that's a really nice feeling. I won't see him for about two months-- just after I'm done with my "praksis" actually. I think one of these days I might go back to live in Aalesund. Not for long, but for awhile. Alright, I've got school tomorrow, and then Friday off. But I've got a paper-- well, is it really a paper when it's just loads of math questions and questions about medicament's? And I'm maybe going out on Saturday? We'll see how far I've gotten with the paper. Alright, I'm actually going to read fan fictions now, because I didn't actually do it yesterday. Bon nuit pretty people xx.
tirsdag 20. august 2013
You carved our initials into these family trees. But when the branches are bare and broken, love is so hard to reach
Beware- One Direction rant. [ :((((((((((((( ]. Sometimes (all the time actually) there's so much new stuff that happens within One Direction, and it's so much to take in, so I end with tears welling up in my eyes. And I'm like "why the fuck are you crying?" to myself. Today was the premiere of This Is Us. Well, it might still be going. I watched most of the premiere at school-- because I stayed back at school until 7:00 pm. What the fuck Liam? I'm not really a Liam girl, but christ, he looked absolutely smashing tonight. I also loved Niall's outfit, because I love the Nike Blazers and his college jacket. And bloody hell, I get emotional seeing One Direction with their families and girlfriends. And then there's the fact that the whole Youtube crew I watch were on the premiere as well. It's just so much to take in. Sometimes I catch myself smiling when I watch videos of One Direction. Sometimes it's really wide, other times it small-- nevertheless I'm always smiling, which I've found is the weirdest thing. Because I'm not doing it on purpose, and doesn't it hurt to be smiling for that long? I've just been watching promo interviews for the film, and here's the thing yeah? They were talking about life after One Direction, and they summed it up that they all just wanted kids. And Niall jokingly said "yeah we're all gonna have kids at the same time". And I'm just like "yessss, please do". And in this other interview Niall get's annoyed with Harry? It actually looks like he's getting properly annoyed, but it's cut off, and I reckon it was just banter. But that's maybe the first time I've seen Niall mad, and I just cannot take him seriously. I actually burst out laughing. I'm going to stop watching these interviews, because it feels like they're revealing the whole movie. But look, Narry had a hug after being away from each other a week. My aching heart. I had a chat with Kiwi and Marble about One Direction today, and about on of their performances. When you find your first proper idol, you idolize this person (or people) so much, that in your opinion, they can't do no wrong. I'm not like that with One Direction-- and I think it's wrong for people to be so blinded by their idol, that they justify everything they do. I love One Direction, but they can do shitty performances from time to time. And they don't have the best music lyrically. Recently they won all the categories they were nominated in Teen Choice Awards. To be fair, I couldn't give a crap about these fan voting awards. To me it literally means nothing, other than that they have a really strong fan base. And that's the same with every other big artists. Sometimes artists win awards they don't even deserve. It might seem harsh, but it's the truth. Anyway, enough with the One Direction rant-- today was my first day back at school, and I almost thought I'd be sitting alone in the lecture. But Kiwi came to my rescue at the last moment. I also caught up with J.D. and christ, I'm actually having "praksis" with him again. It actually makes me wonder if it is coincidental or not. I'm lucky enough that I know two people from my new study group. It appears that we are divided into new classes and study groups each year, which means you have to start from scratch. After cutting the lecture short, Kiwi and I went to find a room to study in. I finished reading Man and Wife. It was lovely, albeit it felt a bit repeating, but yet new? It's hard to describe. I'm not quite sure if I'm going to start read Men From Boys just yet. But if I know myself correctly, I probably will. It's going to be a very busy semester, and I'm already starting counting down to Christmas (four months). Although I had not looked forward to school, it's nice to having a structure to your days. And although it sounds odd, it's nice to have school work-- because you feel really accomplished once you've done it. I say this now, but I'll probably regret it when I'm stressing to get a paper done. I'm going to go ahead and read a fan fiction, because I've genuinely not read one in ages. Also, I'm going to listen to Sleeping At Last, because they're so good lyrically. I didn't even realise I've actually heard them before Kiwi introduced me to them. I mean-- Turning Page was my jam for a whole winter. It's the sweetest song ever. And so nice.
mandag 19. august 2013
we'll be raising our hands, shining up to the sky 'cause we got the fire
Before I went home yesterday, I decided to go to the beach. I've actually not been there since before David was born. And whilst I was walking towards the beach, it was actually raining a bit. Hence my wellies. I was a bit worried it would start pouring down, because I did not bring my umbrella. It did rain quite a bit, but since I somehow have the weathergods on my side, the sky started clearing up. And out came the sun. For a minute or two I actually wanted to go swimming. But the logic in me decided I would simply not have the time to go for a swim. But christ, isn't it just beautiful? I think I walked around on the beach for 45 minutes, just listening to Bon Iver, Sleeping At Last and The Paperkites. Just drinking in the nature again. I was awoken at 8:30 am by David's screams yesterday. And half an hour later my sister came inside my bedroom with him in toll. She went to bed again, seeing as she was probably a bit hungover from Saturday's fun. David and I sat in bed watching a bit of Youtube. I'm trying to influence him to like Youtube, and so far he seems very positive. After a bit I thought it was too chilly in the guestroom for him, so I went to change his diaper and clothing. And then we ate breakfast at 10:00 am, and he ate about three slices of bread and drank about 300 ml with milk. Haha, very accurate details-- that's the thing about being a nursing student. When I'm babysitting David, I always make a mental note of how much he eat and drinks, as well as how much he poops and pees. I honestly don't see the problem with changing diapers on babies. In my opinion it's nothing against changing old people's diapers. Anyway, since I've been trying to make David like Youtube, we've been watching a few things on Youtube via the telly. To my and my younger sister's surprise, he actually really enjoys The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction. We've watched both episodes quite a few times now. His favorite is a song about animals that makes him start dancing-- if you can call stomping around and waving his arms around dancing. He also likes a song about brushing your teeth. I've listened to these songs so many times, I've started humming them myself. I told Grepper and my eldest sister that I was a bit worried I'd start humming them whilst sitting at a lecture. I did in fact start humming the "brushing teeth" song last night when I was brushing my own teeth. Anyway, at 11:00 am Grepper and my sister woke up and started getting ready to go for brunch at the same place as last night, seeing as there were so many leftovers. I ate my fair share of pasta as usual, and then I ate cake. After chatting around with Grepper's family, I went to help with the washing in the kitchen. Might as well make myself to use. After a bit, Grepper came to say that they were going to the fire station because (oh get ready) the husband of one of Grepper's sisters works as a fire man. And David loves cars and whatnot. So we basically got a tour of the fire station and the fire trucks. It was rather awesome. When we got home my sister said: "you've actually gotten to see a lot on this trip, haven't you?". And I thought yes-- I've been in the city to see the tourist-y things, I've been to beautiful Alnes, I've climbed the mountains, I've seen the beach, etc. It's odd coming home to sun, and the late summer, when it was already autumn in Aalesund. It's like I don't quite know what to wear. I skipped today's lecture, because I got home so late last night, and I didn't have enough time to shower and unpack my luggage and still be in bed at a reasonable time so I'd get enough sleep for the lecture. It appears that I've got "praksis" already next Monday. It's basically the time a person in education is out in the profession or work before the person is finished with the education. That's a really shitty explaination-- but it's when I go to "work" at a place where nurses works in order to gain experience and learn. Luckily I was assigned a place very close to my home, but I wish it wasn't this soon. I'd quite like to get to know my new classmates and everything. But I guess you can't always have everything you want, and sometimes things work out much better than you expect. So I'll just be positive. I've dedicated this day for errands, but I hate doing errands, and I've already had to postpone one of the things I need to do. But alright, I've got to go now.
lørdag 17. august 2013
sing me to sleep, I don't want to wake up on my own anymore
asleep by the smiths,
torsdag 15. august 2013
I'm 5'9 but I'm feeling like I'm real big on top of the clouds on the buildings
It's late and I should probably go to bed because I need to get up early tomorrow. But I want to make sure I do everything I want to do during this little holiday I have. For those who doesn't care about One Direction, you can stop reading now. I've sort of been neglecting my One Direction obsession the last days, but yesterday (I think it was yesterday? meaning Tuesday) I missed Niall's live twitcam. But I watched it probably 30 minutes after it had ended. And it's not like you actually miss anything. Niall's twitcams usually consists of him watching his telly, him snacking, him and his phone, etc. I think it lasted for about 15 minutes, but that was mostly because of technical issues. First the fandom "broke" the Twitcam homepage, and then when he finally got on, there were loads of people who apparently couldn't see him. So it was basically 15 minutes of him going "I don't know if you can see me? There's someone who's saying it's freezing". Nevertheless, I still watch these twitcams, because I find him so endearing. Also, he did a little "tour" of his living room. He's got a big picture of him and the lads on the wall, along with loads of awards. Honestly, Niall loves One Direction probably more than any of the other members. And he's literally One Directions biggest fan. Bahh, he's just so precious. Look at this gif(!). Does it not remind you of a movie where there's two people obnoxiously in love and they can't help not grinning at each other at all times? And the girl is filming Nialler in the pool because they've been enjoying the warm weather, and she wants to document the nice day. And she's like "is it cold?", and he's like "no, come see yourself!". I can totally imagine it. I don't know-- I just really love this gif. One Direction is off from the tour, and they'll continue in Australia in September? All I know is that it'll be after both Liam and Niall's birthdays. A picture of Niall's arse with James Corden's face tattooed on has been around the internet. Also, there's Harry kissing James Corden. I wonder what Louis did. James Corden has a new television show, which is the reason for these very odd things. There's also new individual promo videos for the Our Moment perfume with the lads-- they last about 4 seconds each. The Niall Horan/Ellie Goulding friendship? is still going strong. Niall was over at Marvin (formerly JLS) and Rochelle Humes (The Saturdays) on Tuesday and according to Rochelle's Instagram, he was fed with baby milk. I've not gone through Tumblr for days, so now I have loads to catch up on. Oh happy days.
onsdag 14. august 2013
I'm a lucky man, maybe I should play the lotto
lucky man by hoodie allen,
søndag 11. august 2013
wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older
It's a bit later than I had estimated to post this blogpost, but that's mostly because we've been watching Oblivion with Tom Cruise. Admittedly I thought it said "Tom Hanks", not Tom Cruise. You see-- I'm not so very fond of Tom Cruise, because I think he's a very static actor. To me he plays very similar roles with similar traits, and it's always action, isn't it? The movie was fine though, it was a very interesting plot, and I do love things that are about oblivion, because it's such an interesting subject. My sister and I landed on the airport at 10:30 am, and we were picked up shortly after, before we went to Alnes. And we even had a little (well, actually quite big) BBQ despite the rain. I think when you live in a place where it's mostly shitty weather all year around, a little rain equals nothing. Anyway, it was a really idyllic place, and we got to see surfers in action. And I'm really fond of the ocean anyways, and the sound of crashing waves. It's just really nice and peaceful. I was actually busy looking at my camera for a bit, that I didn't see a really big wave, causing the water to almost drench my shoes. But I looked up in the last minute, so that was very fortunate for me. I've mostly spent the rest of the day trying on dresses for my eldest sisters wedding next year. And I know I'm a bit thin-- but it's like every dress is too big on me. These were dresses of my eldest sister. And despite the fact that she is the eldest, she is also the smallest in height. I also went to the mall a few weeks ago and tried on two gorgeous dresses for the wedding. But shock-- they were too big. After that I spent hours going through wedding magazines, because there's still a lot of planning to do. If you didn't already know, I quite enjoy taking pictures. It's one of my favorite hobbies. But I'm far from being good-- I'm what you can call a "noob". Newbie, or what you want to call it. But my sister asked if I didn't want to take a few pictures on the wedding day. And it's not like I didn't see it coming. She was like "my friend (she said her name, because I know this person) is actually making the wedding cake!" and I answered "oh cool, have you decided the design of the wedding cake already?". She proceeded to say: "Oh no, not yet. Anyway, I thought if you'd want to contribute a bit too, you could maybe take a few pictures for us?". For a second there I thought she wanted me to bake something too. I didn't say no to her, I just said that a wedding photographer is probably one of the most important things in a wedding. She agreed, and told me they had a photographer for the "serious" pictures, but that she wanted me to take a few pictures from when she is getting ready, and sort of "behind the scenes" pictures. I told her I'd think about it. But this does give me a valid excuse for investing in a camera. I've made myself a playlist on Youtube called "Good vibe", because the songs make me really happy and giddy. It consist of Burn by Ellie Goulding, Love Me Again by John Newman, Wake Me Up by Avicii, Feel The Love by Hoodie Allen, and Lucky Man by Hoodie Allen. I'm the only person awake in this house, as my sister and Grepper (I'm still going to make that blogpost for all the people I mention on this blog, soz for now). Scott (my eldest sisters dog) is curled up in the middle of the blanket on the sofa. Egon (also my eldest sisters other dog) however, is standing by the door. I think he might want to go out? I don't quite know yet, but I'm going to bed now. Don't think I can actually finish watching this Gordon Ramsay episode, because the chef is making me so aggravated. Bon nuit.
wake me up by avicii
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