søndag 2. mars 2014

I've fallen for your eyes but they don't know me yet

There are five pillows in my bed. Just thought you should know that. I don't actually use all of them, and there's usually only four. One of the things I look forward to after "praksis" is not feeling like I ought to wear make up every day. It almost feels like a unspoken rule; that you have to look well kept. Because appearance actually does mean things-- it indicates your ability to take care of yourself, and is therefore an indication of whether you are good at taking care of other people. There is of course no truth in this thread of thought. You can look like shit and still be the best nurse, or whatever you are. Although, the nurse that takes care of themselves can be better at taking care of a patient than the other nurse who doesn't look like they've washed their face for ages, and have a bad breath. It's human to draw these conclusions, but it doesn't mean we're not wrong about them. Anyway, I can't wait to not wear make up every day, because my skin is suffering, and I think my spots are beginning to look like a constellation of stars now. I think I mentioned #Scandimania on this blog earlier? Anyway, it was a three-episode documentary on some British channel (Marble would probably say of course in response to me watching British television) about the Scandinavian countries. And the last one was about Norway, which I watched yesterday. I was actually quite surprised, because I had imagined that they would just glorify Norway and the nature, and not show the real picture. But I think they did quite a good job, though it's limited what you can display in such a short time (45 minutes, maybe not that short, but it's too short to tell a country's history and whatnot). I'll probably end up watching the two first episodes too, because I actually do enjoy Scandinavia quite a lot. Wow, just heard a Dutch commercial on Youtube, and it was so confusing, trying to understand the language. I was not very productive yesterday, as expected. And I do fear I'll have a repeat today. I've already read two fan fictions this morning, if not more. I can't even keep count of them, can I? (I'm in the midst of reading one now, ha). I drank the last tea bag of the apple, cinnamon and raisin tea by Twinings this morning. So I'll have to drag myself to the shop and buy some more tomorrow. That and some chap stick. Goodness, when was the last time I went to the mall? Probably when I went with Kiwi and Marble, actually. One of the things I spent time on yesterday, was to reread some of my exams and papers. It's just that once I am done with a paper, I just shut out all the memories of it. And therefore I tend to not remember anything about them. Like when Sally asked me what I'd written about on my most recent exam. What's strange about this habit, is that when I do reread the papers, there is very little recollection of actually writing it. And it feels like reading someone else's papers. Very strange. Oh goodness, yesterday Sugar sent a bunch of snaps of chocolat-y things her sister had made. Or, well, I am jumping to the conclusion that it is her sister who made them (cake pops). I ate very little chocolate yesterday, but I wouldn't have minded a few of those. Maybe my obsession with chocolate have gone from pure chocolate to things that tastes like chocolate. Wow, the yearning for some Oreo cake is big right now. Maybe I'll make some, actually. I have a late shift tomorrow at "praksis", and my final assessment is on Wednesday. So I might be a bit absent on this blog. Anyway, have a nice Sunday. I'm going to clean my bedroom, and hopefully do something more than read fan fictions all day. 

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