onsdag 28. mai 2014

it's too cold outside for angels to fly

Hiyaaa! One of the most surprising things at my sisters wedding back in April, was that they kept playing Of The Night by Bastille. It was surprising, because I love that song. Yesterday was spent listening to Coldplay's Ghost Stories whilst drawing. I've got mixed feelings about the end result, but I can't be bothered to try to improve it. The thing about drawing people, is that you have to be patient. Try to stay away from your eraser, and don't draw with hard strokes. Draw an outline of a face, and if you draw a line that looks a bit wonky, it'll help you draw a better line. I woke up between 8-9:00 am this morning, but I stayed in bed to read some fan fiction. Ah, it's one of the perks of having vacation already. My dad and I went to the grocery store, and I picked up some tea-- which I had once we got home. Because I craved some chocolate biscuits, I went to the mall, and bought myself some (treat yo self). I also went to pick up Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. After I read Eleanor & Park, I figured I should look into other books by Rowell. After a bit of research, I came across Fangirl. I thought the title and subject "Fangirl" was very suiting for me. My goodness, once I start reading, I don't seem to stop. On Monday? Or some day, I finished another book that's ace. I recommended it to Ale when I spoke to her yesterday. I want to reread it and just relive it again. You know what? I love Emoji's. I wish I could use them on my computer. It's a good thing you can actually see them on Twitter now. I am currently listening to Grimmy from this morning's show. He did Call or Delete with Sam Smith, so I am looking forward to listen to it, because I've heard it's funny. They're both so pretty and lovely. I follow Dan from Bastille on Twitter, and I love it, because he's always promoting music. Like, 40% is maybe from his own stuff. And then the rest is other artists and his favourite songs. It just makes me really happy, and makes me wish more musicians were like him. It's such a crap society we live in where everything is competition. Musicians should support each other and celebrate music. Likewise should women support each other and not spew hate to each other. Well, that escalated quickly. Anyway, have a lovely evening xx. Enjoy yourself.  

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