lørdag 3. mai 2014

We could keep trying but things will never change. So I don't look back. Still I'm dying with every step I take, but I don't look back

Is it Thursday yet? #TBT to Halloween when I took pictures of Kiwi sneaking up on people, and when that one guy caught us doing it. I'm just deleting pictures on my phone, and oh my god, it's like a hilarious walk down memory lane. It's especially amusing to look at the pictures I've not taken myself. Most pictures on my phone though, is like a post it note of things I need to remember. Reminders of songs, bus tables, etcetera. I've got this mark just beneath my knee, which I originally thought was just from pressing my leg against my table. But when I woke up today, it was still there. I've also got a faded bruise on my other knee, so the mysteries of marks and bruises continue. God, in the span of less than 24 hours I've read two completely different, yet amazing fan fictions. One about the post apocalypse, which was a topic I was going to avoid reading about after my nightmare yesterday. But it was by one of my favourite writers, so I couldn't help myself. This was actually worse than the previous I read (a lot more gore, and talk about cannibalism). And it had me so tense until the last word, because I kept waiting for someone to get attacked, for someone to die. In the end none of them had died, but the ending made it sound like there was no uncertainty that people were going to die. The other fan fiction I read, was just now. And it was just a great story about enduring heartbreak, recovering, and rediscovering yourself. Great characterization, great vocabulary, great everything. One of the things with fan fiction, is that you don't make the characters yourself, really. You base the character on a fictional character that already exists, or a real person. And then you have to make sure you manage to incorporate their personality in what you write. It does take proper research, or have someone who knows the character better than you to look through what you've written. So it is a bit more work in merging something that's yours (the plot of the story) to what's not yours (the character). That is unlike someone who writes their own characters, and are able to do whatever they want with them. That being said, I should say that how you interpret a person/character is completely subjective. So someone might write a fiction about Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) which you might not think incorporates his personality right, whereas others might think it's spot on. So, writing a proper fan fiction is not easy, and many are off target. But sometimes I get to read pieces like the one I just read, and it's such a great pleasure. Today I woke up earlier than I wanted (again), but I forced myself to fall asleep again (twice actually), before my sister came knocking on my door to tell me it was breakfast. I have actually spent some time reading curriculum, and it's been strangely nice. It feels a bit like reading for an exam, except the stress of having an exam is absent. I might continue the reading, and I might indulge in some chocolate. I've been listening to my 25 most played songs, and some of them reminds me of my previous "praksis"-es. I've got a habit of playing a song over and over once I get obsessed. Which is why I can listen to Hold On, We're Going Home by Drake and think sitting at the bus home after a day of my "praksis" back in August-October, or Too Much by Sampha that reminds me of mornings on the bus to my "praksis" in January-March. Or Another Love by Tom Odell which reminds me of walking from the bus stop in the cold to my first "praksis". It's a strange thing, but it always puts a smile on my face. Have a nice Saturday evening. 

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