torsdag 7. november 2013

a million choices, though little on their own, became the heirloom of the heaviness we've known

It snowed today! I ran downstairs to tell my dad, and he was like yeah, saw it. And I was like but oh my god, it's so exciting! To celebrate, I've now made a new folder for my pictures, called "winter 2013". Very creative. I think I woke up quite late today, which was nice. And then I had the house for myself, and made myself some nice breakfast, brought it out in the living room-- and then I was just getting some juice from the kitchen. And here's the thing, I was listening to music with earbuds in, and so when my dad opened the kitchen door simultaneously as I was walking out the door, I was so startled. Which resulted in me jumping, which caused my juice to overflow the glass and all over me and the floor. Just my luck, in other words. I'm really easy to startle, think I'm just naturally jump-y. Anyway, got to my school at 2:00 pm to meet Kiwi and Sugar. We were there for almost two hours before we went to the cafe across the street from our school to meet up with my belieber friend. It was really nice to hang with everyone again. And just chat, and being ridiculous and laugh, and just being together. It's a bit sappy, but the kilo-gang is an assortment of some of my favourite people, so you know, always good to spend time with them. Also, after spending so much time with the same people in a group, it will form some kind of group dynamic. Which makes it apparent when someone's gone. It's really odd is what it is. Kiwi and my belieber friend did jokingly (?) say that they think I live a double life. Also, it appears that no one believes me when I say that I don't think about getting a boyfriend 24/7. I'm not quite sure what vibes I am giving, if that's what they are thinking. But then I don't really know how their minds are. Anyway, I managed to finish two birthday cards yesterday, which I'm really proud of, because I felt really productive yesterday. I've just not actually written both of the cards yet. I'm going to write the card for Lynx, because her birthday is in a few days. Tomorrow I'm most probably going to have a girls night in with Marble and Kiwi. And then the day after I think we're going to attend a little concert. Basically, I think it's going to be a good few days. I think it's important, you know, to fill your days with the people that makes you happy. It's not always I have this much spare time, most of the time I'm studying, so when I do have spare time, I try to make the best out of it. Try to do all the things I think of doing when I don't have the time. Also, I'm going to leave you with a quote which I think is correct and lovely. I know I've felt the same way thousands of times. But you have to start somewhere. 
"Nobody ever feels 100% ready when an opportunity arises. Because most great opportunities in life force us to grow emotionally and intellectually. They force us to stretch ourselves and our comfort zones, which means we won’t feel totally comfortable at first. And when we don’t feel comfortable, we don’t feel ready."

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