mandag 11. november 2013

everyone knows it's meant to be, falling in love, just you and me

I've come to realise that I am a quite organised person. It's not a big shock or anything, but it's still a bit amusing to me that I didn't realise until recently. I write lists, because I'm very forgetful, plus there is something so satisfying about being able to cross out things you've done. It's like a proof of your productivity, I guess. And who doesn't enjoy being productive? My drawers are sorted into different categories, and ha, my make-up drawer in the hall is actually sorted by where the make-up goes on my face. I just really enjoy being organised, I guess. And I told Marble the other day that I keep things like a travel toothbrush, make-up remover, and likewise in a purse in case I'm not sure whether I am sleeping over at a person's house or not. Or when someone calls me up and asks me to come over asap, it's really nice to have everything sorted already. Anyway, I've sort of ignored the fact that Jonas Brothers have "split up", because well, I don't really want to believe it. And then, if it was anyone else, like One Direction, I would have been much more upset, because Jonas Brothers are in fact brothers, which means they'll always somehow be together. The thing I'm most upset about is that I never got the chance to see them in concert, and that burns a bit. But hey, maybe Nick will come out with a new album with the Administration and go on tour. I will definitely be down for that. Right now I'm reminiscing by listening to their music, but apart from Jonas Brothers, the music that is currently dominating in my ear buds right now, is the album Reprave by Volcano Choir. Which, it should, seeing as the concert is in eight days. I'm so excited, it's a bit ridiculous. It's ridiculous because I just got introduced to them by Kiwi, and wehey, now we're going to see them live. But it's not like I've never heard of Justin Vernon, so it's not completely foreign to me. I've just been reading up on some curriculum for the paper I will start writing this week. Also, I think I might try to finish watching "Prosjekt Perfekt" today, because it was highly interesting (also, the one who's edited and put in the music is really cool, because the music is really cool). But right now I might grab myself some lunch. Have a nice and productive Monday, also, my horoscope has given some great advice today: "Instead of worrying about what you are unable to do, be grateful for what you can accomplish". Also, everyone should pray for all the bad things that are happening in the world right now, and be thankful for even being alive. When I think of the Philippines, I think of global warming and extreme weather. And it makes me wonder if Norway's extreme weather will be extreme cold, and if in the coming years, we will have more and more extreme winters, and if people will die of it. 

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