tirsdag 26. november 2013

I will carry you over fire and water for your love

No but seriously-- I had the greatest time visiting Ale in Bergen. It didn't actually occur to me that I was going home until I was walking down to the platform to wait for the train home. As if I'd not just been on a plane. I was a bit (very) sad yesterday, because it's so bloody cold here, and it's not Bergen. And though I only was there for four days (three nights), it felt like I had been there for ages. I'm usually really happy to be home after having travelled somewhere too, but this time it felt a bit odd to find my bed waiting for me (not literally, although, you probably understood that). But yes, I had a blast in Bergen, and it's probably one of the reasons why I'm so exhausted now. I miss it dearly. Also, I miss Ale. Of the people I know, Ale and my belieber friend gives the best hugs. I like hugs. It didn't occur to me until today, when I was half asleep during a lecture-- that I've not actually slept for six full hours in four days. And the longest I've slept for a week was eight hours on Monday. The past week it's mostly been just below six hours sleep each day. And I am fully capable to live on little sleep, but not for so long. I'm pretty sure that's the reason for my tiredness both yesterday and today (I had tears in my eyes during the last hour of my lecture, so my sight was really blurry, and I couldn't even see the power point). After my lecture, I tried starting on a new paper-- err, I sort of skipped something mandatory yesterday due to my tiredness, and therefore I need to write a paper that my teacher is expecting on Thursday. I'm not too stressed about it, though I probably should. Anyway, I didn't actually start on it today because I was overtired, and really restless and giddy. I get really giddy when I'm overtired. I have a tendency to find most things really funny. A bit like being drunk really. Anyway, Kiwi started taking pictures, and I started trying to discover new music. And my belieber friend was sitting just behind me with her own study group. I had a lot of fun actually-- I can't even remember most of the things I found funny, all I remember is that I was laughing a lot. When Sugar and my belieber friend were done working on the paper they're currently working on, we headed to Wayne's Coffee, where we sat for hours upon hours. The kilo-gang was all in the same place again, which is always good. Sugar left a little before, but the rest of us stayed until 7:30 pm, I think? Or even later? I'm not quite sure. It was nice, and I was still overtired and found things really funny. Plus my hearing is horrible because I keep misunderstanding everything. I don't mind though. It sort of makes things funny. Okay, now I need to finish another paper due on Thursday, albeit it's a lot less complicated than the other one, so it should be good. I really badly want to watch the 1D day, but I don't have time to spend seven hours watching the live stream. So I'll have to wait for Friday at least. Maybe the weekend. I don't know, but I really want to watch it. Oh, also, Midnight Memories is better now that I've heard it all in one go. There's a lot of songs I really like, and so many I can't wait to listen to live. Can you believe that? I am going to see them again? That's amazing, is what it is. Okay, now I really have to do that paper, because the tiredness is slowly washing over me again, and I'd like to sleep soon. 

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